Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Lucas Poe
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Byond: Holyknight55

Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by Lucas Poe » 05 Nov 2017, 09:27

Your Byond ID: Holyknight55

Character Name: Lucas 'Pappy' Poe

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed, 4320 Minutes

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh

Total Ban Duration: 4320 minutes

Remaining Duration: 2.4 Days

What other servers do you play on? None

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? None

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Player once again decided to argue with staff over his actions ingame. Spoke OOCly about admin abuse (when there was none) using IC means. Then spent the next 10 minutes arguing about it and in general being toxic. Do not return with this attitude again, if the player does argue with staff ever again. Request a perma ban..

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): viewtopic.php?f=76&t=15369

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Dear staff, the first thing I would like to request is that a moderator or admin who is not the person who banned me be the one to make the decision based on my appeal.

So let's start - Earlier in the day yesterday, I killed myself to avoid being wrongfully arrested, only to be told that my actions did not meet RP standards because, "sane people don't kill themselves." Based on a blatant neglect of reality, I continued to have discourse with the moderator mainly of whether or not this statement is something a sane person would say. This would be the reference in my ban to arguing with staff, "again."

The Feweh confrontation - at ~6:00 p.m. yesterday, I was playing as an alien during what was truly one of the most EPIC comebacks I have ever seen. Xenos were at ~15 sisters when I became a young spitter, and we defended Lambda with our hearts and souls from a Marine assault from both ends of Lambda to recover to the last time I had looked, 32 sisters! We successfully pushed back the Marines, and we all noticed that all of the marines fled and ran back to the Almayer before we even assaulted the FOB. Over the next few minutes, I was spitting on flares all along the path to the FOB, and ~security I started to hear gunfire again, so I moved down the security hallway to see if I could get an estimate on how many marines they dropped on a suicide mission for us to infect >=D. The next thing I heard was:"You are hit by the A19 high velocity bullet in the chest! You are hit by the A19 high velocity bullet in the right arm! You are hit by the supersonic sniper bullet in the chest!" and at this time I died. 3 bullets was all it took to kill me, and the sniper finished me shooting into the security hallway with an anti-tank bullet. I was immediately in a state of shock... PMCs were now on the planet, defending the FOB for the USCM. Over the next 5 minutes while dead, various things happened, including my mind working overtime to figure out what in the hell was going on.
These are my thoughts during this time:
PMCs are an emergency response team, and as anyone who plays the game knows, there is only about a 20% chance that calling an ERT will result in both a friendly and equipped response team. At this point, the commander of the ship risked a death squad, UPP, or the USSR dudes taking over his ship and executing him with no RP evidence that the Almayer was in danger. So my question in my mind was why this type of RP violation allowed. I mean the FIRST RULE for humans is, 'You are a "reasonable person"' and no reasonable commander risks the annihilation of their ship when their ship is not in danger at all. Xenos had not even freaking broken through the FOB at this point! So after conversation with others in Death Chat, I discovered that this was basically just admins doing whatever they want in a situation. Please keep these 2 things in mind: As a Xeno, I have never complained about PMCs being overpowered, and that was not my complaint here, my complaint was that RP standards were blatantly violated. And also, when admins have broken RP standards in the past for a good reason (just I think Friday, Admins basically cheated for marines by calling nukes on Xenos so that they could start an event that was supposed to start 20 minutes before). But in this situation, the admins were just violating the standards of roleplaying because they felt like it. So while dead, I said, 'DEAD: Mature Sentinel (369) says, "We should have a vote on whether or not admins should be punished for breaking RP, since the rest of us get punished by admins for stupid fucking shit."' Which was met in response by Feweh with him muting deadchat, and stating, 'DEAD: ADMIN(Feweh) says, "we should have a vote on if you should shut the hell up or not", DEAD: ADMIN(Feweh) says, "and my vote is the only one that counts", DEAD: ADMIN(Feweh) says, "sorry, have to quell a potential democracy initiative there."'

Then, a few seconds later, I was a larva inside of a marine. One of the last few remaining infected marines. So the first thing I did was check the hive's status. The Queen we followed was killed, and our numbers were squashed to TWELVE sisters. We lost over 20 sisters, and still did not puncture the FOB that was being defended by FIVE PMCs. So at this time, I proceeded to break the Role-playing standards, which I felt were clearly already violated. I proceeded to tell my sisters to stop fighting PMCs, the exact quotes were, "Hivemind, Mature Larva (244) hisses, 'Admins are memeing guys, we should all fall back and make this round as long as humanly possible', Hivemind, Young Sentinel (244) hisses, 'No seriously just retreat, you don't understand. Calling ERT before the ship is in danger is again RP, only admins can do it. So what do you think the admins will do if we kill these ERT?', Hivemind, Young Sentinel (244) hisses, 'They already broke RP law, there is no valid reason to continue RP. and also, DS 2 just dropped'" Immediately after my last statement, Feweh froze my character in a rested state and the conversation with him is as follows:
Manager PM from Feweh: Are you done salting?
Manager PM from Feweh: Why are you speaking OOCly in IC?
PM to Feweh: Are you done cheating just because your name has admin beside it?
PM to Feweh: You already made RP invalid by breaking the rules.
Manager PM from Feweh: The PMC are litterally there for RP reasons
PM to Feweh: ERTs cannot be called until the ship is in danger.
Manager PM from Feweh: How long have you been playing CM for.
PM to Feweh: Do I need to link the rules to an admin?
PM to Feweh: Don't make me do it...
Manager PM from Feweh: Youre going to link me the rules, that i myself helped create.
Manager PM from Feweh: IS that correct?
Manager PM from Feweh: Yes, send me those rules. go
Manager PM from Feweh: So, im waiting.
Manager PM from Feweh: You've got 60 seconds to respond before you're banned, lets hurry up.
Manager PM from Feweh: You're supposed to be posting rules to me, where is it.
PM to Feweh: --- (The rules of Role-playing)
Manager PM from Feweh: Alright, well thats not it. So lets move forward.
Manager PM from Feweh: Let me make something super clear to you.
Manager PM from Feweh: This is the second time you've argued with a staff member TODAY
PM to Feweh: And the first time was bullshit aswell
Manager PM from Feweh: Your attitude and behavior, isn't tolerated here. If you want to play on CM again, come back with a better one.
Manager PM from Feweh: This isn't a debate, ill tell you when to respond.
PM to Feweh: When you act like that, it doesn't help.
Manager PM from Feweh: Youre going to receive a ban for the following reasons. 1. OOC in IC and 2. Arguing with staff and 3. Toxic Behaviour
Manager PM from Feweh: When you get unbanned, none of this is going to happen again. Is that clear?
Manager PM from Feweh: I'm awaiting a yes or no response from you.
PM to Feweh: YES SIR
PM to Feweh: *SALUTE
Manager PM from Feweh: Wonderful, read the rules while you're banned and come back a new person.

So to finish my appeal, I would like to state a few things:
1. I have never caused any trouble on CM before, and I certainly don't go looking for trouble.
2. "Rule 0. Admins (not Mentors or Mods) retain the authority to ignore the enforcement of specific rules at their discretion when they feel it is in the best interest of the current round, the server, or the player base at large. However, they are fully accountable for their actions when they exercise this privilege. Additionally, if an Admin says something is a rule or to do something a specific way and you disagree, FOLLOW WHAT THEY SAY AND MAKE A COMPLAINT ON THE FORUMS. If you don't want to make a complaint about it, make a discussion topic in general. Do not argue and disrupt the round. If you do argue excessively, you will receive a ban, or extension on your ban." I would like for this to also be my official complaint on the actions of an Admin.
3. While I do not deny using OOC in IC, nor that I, "Argued with staff," (although it was more of a back and forth, since my responses were encouraged by the Admin in question (i.e. - Manager PM from Feweh: Are you done salting? is the type of opener to a conversation that encourages the other person to get angry. He might as well have started the conversation with, "UMADBRO?")), I certainly do not feel as though my behavior was, "toxic," in any way, form, or fashion. The only thing that could be considered toxic to this specific admin is when I wanted to start a semi-democratic process to limit how much admins can violate the Role-playing rules, which either would have made the game more fun for the player-base, or been squashed in general by people who believe the Admins are always correct and perfect.
4. Feweh is not a God, he is an admin, and as such, he should be held to a higher standard than marines themselves are held to. An admin who sends players messages like, "Manager PM from Feweh: Are you done salting?," is an admin looking to create a confrontation with a player, and I say this with full integrity and complete honesty, if he had never sent me that message, this conversation would have gone MUCH differently. Admins and Moderators are the police of the CM server, and I understand that, in general, they are always right; however, as such, their jobs should be to resolve conflict, and not to escalate it with rude, and/or condescending comments.


Lucas 'Pappy' Poe, USCM

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Re: Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by slc97 » 05 Nov 2017, 10:11

Are you just pure straight fuckin stupid?

You received a lot of leniency yesterday. You had two notes for toxic behavior in a few hours. You're so goddamned toxic that you've only been around a little while and I already know your ckey. You were told it was your last warning, and Feweh gave you a 3 day ban. I would have given you 7.

Then, yesterday you go and make a shit appeal that gets denied, so today you go and make another appeal which is clearly against forum rules. Frankly, I'd be just fine if you were permabanned right now.

So let me reiterate. Are you fuckin stupid or do you just not care about our rules?

Lucas Poe
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Re: Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by Lucas Poe » 05 Nov 2017, 10:31

Another example of an admin who is not seeking to resolve conflict, but to escalate it.

"Are you just pure straight fuckin stupid?" - slc97

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Re: Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by slc97 » 05 Nov 2017, 11:01

You requested an admin or moderator that wasn't Feweh to weigh in, and here I am weighing in just like you asked. You don't get to keep asking for different people just cause you're not getting what you want.

Way I see it, either you've been hit in the head to many times to understand the rules, or you just don't give a shit about them. If you ever wanna play on CM again, you need to straighten the fuck up right now.

Lucas Poe
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Re: Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by Lucas Poe » 05 Nov 2017, 11:18

I am seeking an impartial review of my appeal. I am not seeking an administrator to insult and/or condescend me. Yet again, an admin escalating conflict by insulting my intelligence is NOT a proper review of my appeal. Why are you acting in such a way, calling me, "stupid," twice, saying I have been, "hit in the head too many times," and using condescending language like, "straighten the fuck up right now." Why is this the acceptable behavior of an administrator? You already hold all of the power over me, so why do you feel it is necessary to insult me directly as a human by using ad hominem? Are these the standards of an administrator? Because actions like these are what is truly toxic to a game, this is admins provoking people into anger and argument, only to use their own immense power to ban them. I will end my part in this conversation, and hope only that somebody in power can see how hard I am trying to get this resolved, instead of escalated.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal - 'Pappy'

Post by Feweh » 05 Nov 2017, 12:12

Xenos were given 10 Extra Larva to balance out the PMCs and Marines received a PMC Squad due to IC reasons.

This is information you are not privy to ingame. Or would know since you were simply a young sentinel.

Also, denied because you decided to reopen another appeal.
