Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

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Byond: Denied_Existence

Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

Post by Denied_Existence » 17 Nov 2017, 20:37

Your Byond ID: Denied_Existence

Character Name: Stefan Kleist

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Command Staff Jobban

Admin who banned you (if known): Bibiex

Total Ban Duration: Jobban

Remaining Duration: Jobban

What other servers do you play on?

Used to play on goon, just this now really.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?


Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):

You have been jobbanned by bibiex from: Commander, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief MP.
The reason is: Trying "diplomacy" with the xenos thus delaying the round for over half an hour. Extremely low RP. Argued a lot before being banned.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):


Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

This jobban occured just a while prior to posting.

Originally I was simply going to present my point of view and why this seemed like a rather sudden and unreasonable ban reason, but after speaking with some more knowledgeable people on discord, I have a better understanding of Bibiex's point of view.

I only started playing CM 2 & 1/2 or so months ago, I had played SS13 for a long time prior and knew a lot about the systems involved, so I was quick to pick it up. I've mostly kept to marines but more and more often have been playing command staff, hoping to one day enjoy myself as the Commander role on occasion, so I know how bad this ban looks right now.

I must clarify something before I continue: I have NEVER played a research role, only doctor within medsci, and I've regularly seen people furious about marines interrupting researchers RPing with captive aliens, so I did not want to do that in this circumstance, but inevitably did due to seeing the banning as directing me towards that.

So, my perspective:

The marines had freshly evaced the planet and were healing and gearing up once again, I was mentally prepping for the inevitable dropship assault when the CL and Researcher of the round, Sydney Wood, started demanding I come to research. I assumed there was an alien, but I didn't know about the diplomacy until I got there. She handed me the 'Universal Recorder', and I had no idea how to use the thing for a while, but eventually figured it out. At the time, I DID NOT KNOW that the recorder have previously been removed for this exact reason, NOR that using it for xeno communication was a bug. (Discord chat later informed me of this. Thanks Digitalis and others!)

My character is a merciful person, as I try to be in real life, along with being interested in alien life. I attempted communication, but could tell this alien was probably trying to trick me, and all the while I was telling the researcher to prepare me combat medicine, with the plan to go down on DS2 and then have the entire platoon assault LZ2 from LZ1 to crush the aliens while I (probably) died to the queen. My complete newness to the research rp made me slow and caused me to tunnel-vision, missing a lot of communication with my LTs and marines, which a good XO shouldn't do, as well as delaying the round a fair bit (Though I believe it was only 15-20 minutes of my personal delay rather than the full half hour stated, and I was about to proceed with my plan when Bibiex deleted the recorder and contacted me).

Furthermore, I was not the only one delaying the round, just the one with the 'initiative' so to speak. The queen was the one wanting to diplomize in the first place, and the researchers + CL were pushing me to do so, I had every reason to think this was reasonable RP with what limited understanding I had.

The rather sudden deletion and (based on my lacking of knowledge that this thing had been severely frowned upon in the past, and wasn't even supposed to happen since the recorder thing is a bug), put me on the defensive and I began to argue a bit with the moderator, though I had no intention of refusing his request, so I apologize for jumping the gun there, so to speak. From my less knowledgeable perspective, I felt as though I were being unfairly punished for trying to do something cool (Going out in a platoon-wide blaze of glory or total victory) with the rp opportunity I had been granted.

I feel the ban itself may have been a bit harsh, a full explanation and a warning would have been sufficient, but this certainly serves as a wake-up call to become more knowledgeable about what in-world rp is not reasonable based upon defunct mechanics, and I will try hard to probe those lines from now on, and ask admins immediately in uncertain situations.

I hereby apologize to Bibiex for my defensiveness and ignorance of what I was doing wrong. I re-read the rules thoroughly to find what he had referred me to, but there was no specific mention of diplomacy with xenos, hence my added confusion in our argument, not knowing the recorder was not supposed to do that in the first place.

Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal. I like CM a lot, and though it currently has problems, I feel it is getting better every day. I have a lot of fun with people I am slowly getting to know better, and every round is usually at least a little interesting. I want to aid in providing a higher quality of RP, which can only be done through further help and knowledge.
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Byond: Bibiex

Re: Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

Post by Bibiex » 17 Nov 2017, 21:51

I don't think it's wise to try to negotiate with a giant killing machine that has been destroying the marines for the past hour...

Anyway, you opened the "diplomatic" channels at ~17:28 and ignored everything and everyone until you were banned around ~17:59. Your actions delayed the game for about half an hour, not only 15 minutes. (CST)

I understand that you had a plan BUT it's against our rules to be "friendly" towards Xenos for no good reason as you were being. It's a fact that the Xenos are antagonists. They exist as a threat to the marines, and they act accordingly by being an inhuman killing machine, which cannot be negotiated with.

The punishment wasn't harsh; you were denying that you broke the rules, arguing a lot. Not only this but you delayed the round to hold negotiations with the ANTAGONISTS of the game. Many players were affected by this.
Imagine the chaos that the server would be if this deserved only a warning...

You don't seem to be a bad player, personally, I would give you a second chance.
The funniest thing about this particular text is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it

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Byond: Denied_Existence

Re: Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

Post by Denied_Existence » 17 Nov 2017, 22:45

In the sense that CM is a game and aliens is a setting, yes they are an antagonist. Within character knowledge, this does not apply, because the characters know neither about the game we are currently playing, or that they exist within a horror setting. This particularly round in question we didn't have a long planetary fight against the xenos, so we never got to the whole 'Oh god, they killed all the colonists in cold blood!' or marines chestbursting on the Almayer stage.

Additionally, you say we shouldn't be doing diplomacy with antagonists, but this is a regular occurance vs the UPP/CLF events and even preds on occasion. That certainly has been an influence on my thoughts in that round. I won't be ever attempting diplomacy with aliens from now on, but I do want that to be considered.

As for the round time, I wasn't referring to the time I spent talking with you, yes I guess that would add up to 30 minutes in total likely, my time-scale memory is not too great sometimes.

Mabye the punishment isn't considered too harsh on CM, I am new after all. Goon tended to be a lot harsher, with job-bans regularly being permanent or nearly so; thankfully that never happened to me there.
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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

Post by Emeraldblood » 19 Nov 2017, 23:53

Only note:

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief MP - Trying "diplomacy" with the xenos thus delaying the round for over half an hour. Extremely low RP. Argued a lot before being banned. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, November 17th of 2017
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Denied_Existence Jobban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 20 Nov 2017, 17:47

Job-ban is far too recent and what you did was pretty shit.
This is ontop of arguing with the staff at the time too.

Appeal again in a month.
