ERP ban
- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
ERP ban
Your Byond ID: QuackingFlack
Character Name: Sam Rockwell
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Pending Perma
Admin who banned you (if known): GoliathTheDespoiler
Total Ban Duration: 10000 minutes (Pending perma)
Remaining Duration: perma
What other servers do you play on? Aurora
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? No, never. (Edit on 3/10/2018 - Apparently I'm banned on Yog, details in my new post.)
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): You have been banned by goliaththedespoiler.
Reason: ERP in admin PMs, pending perma..
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 10080 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): (Logs)
Below you will see that I was in no way attempting to illicit a sexual response from anyone, and was merely joking. I have no idea how this can be seen as an attempt to initiate a sexual role-play with anyone. I had no intention of doing such and I think a permaban is a little ridiculous. Penises do not fly. Exploding penises are not sexually arousing to anyone. They are in fact quite lethal.
PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): Did landing explosions get buffed when I was gone?
Moderator PM from Cry of Wolves: yup. everyone on the vessel gets knocked down.
PM to Cry of Wolves: You should add flying penises that automatically seek out marines and rape them then explode in their ass too to keep with the trend
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: What
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: I'm just drinking and bitching about Marine nerfs
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: Uhuh. Well don't do it in admin PMs please.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: Srry I'll preserve the safe space (As in I'll stop)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: You can talk about balance on the forums or salt in dchat my dude
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: It's fine (As in I'll just fuck off it's not important)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: That disgusting shit you told cry isn't alright.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: xD Says Goliath The Despoiler (Already have said I won't do it anymore. Making reference to fact his name seems to refer to barbarian rapist marauders and he of all people shouldn't be offended by a joke about flying penises.)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: Right, so you'll be recieving a ban for ERP with a pending perma. If you'd like to appeal it you can do so on the forums.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: Wait huh? Iz perma? I was ... Erotically roleplaying with the admin?
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: You sent lewd shit to a mod, that still classifies as 18+ content made to illicit a sexual response, which is against the rules
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: I had no intention of illiciting a sexual response I assure you.
Character Name: Sam Rockwell
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Pending Perma
Admin who banned you (if known): GoliathTheDespoiler
Total Ban Duration: 10000 minutes (Pending perma)
Remaining Duration: perma
What other servers do you play on? Aurora
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? No, never. (Edit on 3/10/2018 - Apparently I'm banned on Yog, details in my new post.)
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): You have been banned by goliaththedespoiler.
Reason: ERP in admin PMs, pending perma..
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 10080 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): (Logs)
Below you will see that I was in no way attempting to illicit a sexual response from anyone, and was merely joking. I have no idea how this can be seen as an attempt to initiate a sexual role-play with anyone. I had no intention of doing such and I think a permaban is a little ridiculous. Penises do not fly. Exploding penises are not sexually arousing to anyone. They are in fact quite lethal.
PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): Did landing explosions get buffed when I was gone?
Moderator PM from Cry of Wolves: yup. everyone on the vessel gets knocked down.
PM to Cry of Wolves: You should add flying penises that automatically seek out marines and rape them then explode in their ass too to keep with the trend
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: What
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: I'm just drinking and bitching about Marine nerfs
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: Uhuh. Well don't do it in admin PMs please.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: Srry I'll preserve the safe space (As in I'll stop)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: You can talk about balance on the forums or salt in dchat my dude
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: It's fine (As in I'll just fuck off it's not important)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: That disgusting shit you told cry isn't alright.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: xD Says Goliath The Despoiler (Already have said I won't do it anymore. Making reference to fact his name seems to refer to barbarian rapist marauders and he of all people shouldn't be offended by a joke about flying penises.)
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: Right, so you'll be recieving a ban for ERP with a pending perma. If you'd like to appeal it you can do so on the forums.
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: Wait huh? Iz perma? I was ... Erotically roleplaying with the admin?
Moderator PM from GoliathTheDespoiler: You sent lewd shit to a mod, that still classifies as 18+ content made to illicit a sexual response, which is against the rules
PM to GoliathTheDespoiler: I had no intention of illiciting a sexual response I assure you.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:55, edited 4 times in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
I acknowledge I was being highly autistic (Drunk. Come on Feweh you know my pain.) but calling this ERP is ... That's not what was happening. This shouldn't be perma.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:55, edited 2 times in total.

- Skysoldier
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Re: ERP ban for thing that wasn't ERP?
Silver_ace_card - No notes
ERP rule isn't actually just about ERP, it's ERP/18+ content.
► Show Spoiler
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ERP rule isn't actually just about ERP, it's ERP/18+ content.
Etka Re'vier - the guy who is reluctant to do anything.
Etka N'thal'eyal - Smith preddo on a journey training.
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You only live once, think about what you are doing, what you can do, what you will do. Don't make mistakes or regret your decisions, you will only ever make them once every time until it's over.
Etka N'thal'eyal - Smith preddo on a journey training.
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- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Yeah that's me. Yes I lost the accounts, or I would have simply wiped Cauth/Sauth and got a new IP from my ISP. I can still do that, and I'm not, because I actually do follow the rules.
The rule clearly states that it's 18+ content that's "Intended to illicit a sexual response" and does not apply to explicit/18+ jokes. I wasn't even thinking of anything even remotely erotic when I made the post, I was thinking "This will probably make the person I am talking to laugh and call me salty" and clearly that didn't happen.
Someone could have told me to STFU as Goliath did, and then when I replied that I would stop (as I did) either left it at that or temp-banned me for the joke being too rude. Either way I was not trying to get them to say something sexual back to me in any way shape or form.
If the rule is intended to mean "You may not make explicit jokes or you will be banned" it should really be written that way and shouldn't clearly say explicit jokes are allowed. If that's how it's intended you have to admit, it's REALLY easy to misunderstand "Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response " especially when the rule then goes on to say "This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." How can I literally role-play pinching a girl's nipple but I can't make an OOC joke about flying exploding dicks? Pinching a girl's nipple in a movie would be rated R, making a joke about exploding dicks would be PG13 by the rating standards in the USA.
The rule clearly states that it's 18+ content that's "Intended to illicit a sexual response" and does not apply to explicit/18+ jokes. I wasn't even thinking of anything even remotely erotic when I made the post, I was thinking "This will probably make the person I am talking to laugh and call me salty" and clearly that didn't happen.
Someone could have told me to STFU as Goliath did, and then when I replied that I would stop (as I did) either left it at that or temp-banned me for the joke being too rude. Either way I was not trying to get them to say something sexual back to me in any way shape or form.
If the rule is intended to mean "You may not make explicit jokes or you will be banned" it should really be written that way and shouldn't clearly say explicit jokes are allowed. If that's how it's intended you have to admit, it's REALLY easy to misunderstand "Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response " especially when the rule then goes on to say "This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." How can I literally role-play pinching a girl's nipple but I can't make an OOC joke about flying exploding dicks? Pinching a girl's nipple in a movie would be rated R, making a joke about exploding dicks would be PG13 by the rating standards in the USA.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:55, edited 1 time in total.

- apophis775
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
I don't see anything here about allowing explicit jokes, and this is the exact ERP, EC, and 18+ content rules we have.No Erotic Role Play (ERP), No Erotric Content, and no 18+ sexual content - ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY! ERP, or Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s). It may involve two or more people or be done in front of spectators. This includes reading stories about ERP but not participating directly (WGW), or posting links to adult websites and images. Both consensual and non-consensual ERP will be met with a PERMABAN. This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." However, these actions can be handled IC as Neglect of Duty or Sexual Assault per Marine Law. Bottom line: If you're not sure if it's ERP or not, or you don't want to be permabanned, just don't do it.
We also have this:
That covers attempts to "twist the rules around" there. Bottom line is that, if someone determines something to be too sexually explicit for the server, it gets an ERP ban. I'm going to need to think about this specific one a bit before we make and decisions.Rule 0.1 Rules function AS INTENDED. Just because you bend the wording of a rule into a pretzel and don't break the specific RAW (Rule As Written) does not mean you didn't break the RAI (Rule As Intended). Rules can be subject to interpretation and if a staff member that is a Mod or above believes you broke a rule as it is INTENDED to function, you can expect the same consequences. The decision of the staff at the time is LAW. If you have an issue with it, appeal the ban or create a discussion topic in general.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- Emeraldblood
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
While I don't think it was full ERP, what you said was still stupid as hell. PM or not, rules still apply. Don't know if a full perma is in order, but the 7-day is deserved at nothing else.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Aw come on, I've got like 300 hours on your server and never intended it like that. I'm not trying to twist the rules that's really how I understood them. I wouldn't have this many hours and this many black marks on my record without a ban if I didn't know how to follow the rules, contribute to the overall fun of everyone else on the server, and not (usually) be a dick.apophis775 wrote: ↑03 Feb 2018, 22:24I don't see anything here about allowing explicit jokes, and this is the exact ERP, EC, and 18+ content rules we have.
We also have this:
That covers attempts to "twist the rules around" there. Bottom line is that, if someone determines something to be too sexually explicit for the server, it gets an ERP ban. I'm going to need to think about this specific one a bit before we make and decisions.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 2 times in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
I clearly deserved the 7-day ban for being a cunt, but I see no purpose a perma serves. I'm obviously not going to do it again now that I know it's non-kosher. Unless you all just found the joke SO IMMEASURABLY OFFENSIVE as to make it impossible to share any time with me ever again whatsoever.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑03 Feb 2018, 22:32While I don't think it was full ERP, what you said was still stupid as hell. PM or not, rules still apply. Don't know if a full perma is in order, but the 7-day is deserved at nothing else.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- Nicboone
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
Hey, I was a witness here-
I think that a perma would be justified- but that even then he didnt seem to understand what he had done wrong. I wouldnt be opposed to giving him another shot if he can avoid dropping rape jokes in the future.
I think that a perma would be justified- but that even then he didnt seem to understand what he had done wrong. I wouldnt be opposed to giving him another shot if he can avoid dropping rape jokes in the future.
Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
I assure you I will not do so in the future. If I understood the consequences of my actions (And this is not a matter of neglecting to read the rules, I have actually read them several times) I would not have done them.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- solidfury7
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
I think a seven day ban is certainly justified.
However regarding a permenant ban, it's obvious that the comment wasn't malicious or intended to break the rules.
I think it'd just be overkill, especially given the context and the fact it was isolated to admin pms.
However regarding a permenant ban, it's obvious that the comment wasn't malicious or intended to break the rules.
I think it'd just be overkill, especially given the context and the fact it was isolated to admin pms.
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
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- apophis775
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
I'll figure this out, when I process the Permabans tomorrow.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Am I good since you processed them yesterday and my ban still claims to be expiatory?
Do I get karma points for being CMP and repeatedly not ruining peoples rounds by perma-brigging them for obvious mistakes when having the ability to do so while laughing like a 17th century garment factory owner?
What about having almost every mod/admin on this page supporting the continuation of the 7-day ban and not extension to perma?
Playing on the server for well over a year (Maybe two at this point) while essentially constantly drunk and not having fucked up badly enough to get banned before now?
Promising not to do it again and literally presenting no possible continuing obstacle to the enjoyment of others?
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- slc97
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
Since no one else is gonna be the blunt one here, I'll go ahead and do that.
You don't get karma points for acting how you're expected to.
The amount of time you've played on the server has zero bearing on ban decisions just like donors don't get special treatment during bans since they gave us money. If anything, I personally believe longer players should be held to a higher standard of expectations.
To be completely frank with you, I don't like much of your tone in this appeal. Maybe it's just how I'm reading it, but your style of writing comes off as flippant, sarcastic and arrogant.
I'll go ahead and support this being a 7 day ban, personally I think it should be upgraded to a 10 day, without you getting permabanned. I'm also going to give you a piece of free advice. In the future, learn when it's time to just drink a big steamin cup of shut the fuck up, alright? You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
You'll know whether or not you're permabanned when Apop comes in here and says if you're permabanned or not.
You don't get karma points for acting how you're expected to.
The amount of time you've played on the server has zero bearing on ban decisions just like donors don't get special treatment during bans since they gave us money. If anything, I personally believe longer players should be held to a higher standard of expectations.
To be completely frank with you, I don't like much of your tone in this appeal. Maybe it's just how I'm reading it, but your style of writing comes off as flippant, sarcastic and arrogant.
I'll go ahead and support this being a 7 day ban, personally I think it should be upgraded to a 10 day, without you getting permabanned. I'm also going to give you a piece of free advice. In the future, learn when it's time to just drink a big steamin cup of shut the fuck up, alright? You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
You'll know whether or not you're permabanned when Apop comes in here and says if you're permabanned or not.
- Feweh
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
7day seems fair.
It was an off-hand crude comment isolated to one individual in PMs and the community wasnt exposed to anything.
Bad joke, dont do it again.
It was an off-hand crude comment isolated to one individual in PMs and the community wasnt exposed to anything.
Bad joke, dont do it again.
- Emeraldblood
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
While I'm not trying to gang up on you, and no one should be doing it, SLC brings a valid point. Your tone as the application has gone on hasn't been very favorable. You're not entitled to play on the server and not breaking other rules doesn't mean you can get away with breaking serious ones like this. I'm not trying to be mean, but we're strict on this rule for a good reason and if you start giving extra reasons to make an example that we do take this rule seriously, you're going to pull a perma on yourself. Saying sorry is all you need; if you start acting like you're above the rules it's not going to paint a good picture for you. That said, I'll stick with the 7-day ban I suggest from the start. Keep that in mind going forward.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Excellent. I assure you it won't.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
I think it's just how you're reading it. I actually can't tell what you're referring to, but I'm sorry if I said something that bothered you.slc97 wrote: ↑08 Feb 2018, 12:01Since no one else is gonna be the blunt one here, I'll go ahead and do that.
You don't get karma points for acting how you're expected to.
The amount of time you've played on the server has zero bearing on ban decisions just like donors don't get special treatment during bans since they gave us money. If anything, I personally believe longer players should be held to a higher standard of expectations.
To be completely frank with you, I don't like much of your tone in this appeal. Maybe it's just how I'm reading it, but your style of writing comes off as flippant, sarcastic and arrogant.
I'll go ahead and support this being a 7 day ban, personally I think it should be upgraded to a 10 day, without you getting permabanned. I'm also going to give you a piece of free advice. In the future, learn when it's time to just drink a big steamin cup of shut the fuck up, alright? You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
You'll know whether or not you're permabanned when Apop comes in here and says if you're permabanned or not.
I'll make sure to acquire a taste for those delicious bowls of STFU though.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 2 times in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Oh I didn't mean to act like I was above the rules. Sorry if it was perceived that way.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑08 Feb 2018, 13:28While I'm not trying to gang up on you, and no one should be doing it, SLC brings a valid point. Your tone as the application has gone on hasn't been very favorable. You're not entitled to play on the server and not breaking other rules doesn't mean you can get away with breaking serious ones like this. I'm not trying to be mean, but we're strict on this rule for a good reason and if you start giving extra reasons to make an example that we do take this rule seriously, you're going to pull a perma on yourself. Saying sorry is all you need; if you start acting like you're above the rules it's not going to paint a good picture for you. That said, I'll stick with the 7-day ban I suggest from the start. Keep that in mind going forward.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Quote pulled from other, closed thread
Does it help my case to re-state that I'm sorry for acting like a cock to Goliath, I never would have done that in the first place if I had any semblance of an idea it was considered ERP, and I promise not to ever drink so much on CM again and also grow up? If not what do I need to do to prove I won't harm peoples enjoyment of the server any further?
Oh okay I'm sorry. I didn't know if it was intentionally not closed or if it was forgotten because when I PM'd him Apophis said something about appeals not being handled in PMs but I'm extremely confused because I don't know who else to talk to and nobody will tell me what I need to do or who I need to talk to to be unbanned.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑08 Feb 2018, 13:28So your old appeal never got finalized in the first place. Unless Apop closes it and gives a final verdict, the case is still open. Locking this one and continue this on your original appeal (viewtopic.php?f=76&t=1616). Please continue to use your first appeal to talk about the ban unless it's locked.
Does it help my case to re-state that I'm sorry for acting like a cock to Goliath, I never would have done that in the first place if I had any semblance of an idea it was considered ERP, and I promise not to ever drink so much on CM again and also grow up? If not what do I need to do to prove I won't harm peoples enjoyment of the server any further?
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Original response to this post was stupid and whiny. The exact nature of my confusion was the line "This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." - I sincerely misunderstood this as allowing a more adult level of humor than is apparently acceptable. There was no confusion in my mind as to whether or not it was ERP (Meaning I was 100% convinced it was NOT ERP and that you would be of this opinion when you saw it) which is why I have been so arrogant until now. re-reading this entire thread I see now what the intent of the rule was and what I need to avoid doing in the future. Namely being a dick to anyone who tries to explain to me what I did wrong and refusing to accept responsibility for my actions.apophis775 wrote: ↑03 Feb 2018, 22:24I don't see anything here about allowing explicit jokes, and this is the exact ERP, EC, and 18+ content rules we have.
We also have this:
That covers attempts to "twist the rules around" there. Bottom line is that, if someone determines something to be too sexually explicit for the server, it gets an ERP ban. I'm going to need to think about this specific one a bit before we make and decisions.
Also I have recalled you mentioning this is a ban for multiple accounts. If you do choose to unban me, keith.files will also need to be unbanned. He is my roommate and we often play together. He had nothing to do with my stupidity and has been annoyed with me ever since. The other accounts are not important, although I have regained access to the most recent one of them since the time my OS was bricked.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.

- Emeraldblood
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Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
I'm still in favor of just a 7-day ban and leaving it at that, but Apop may have approved the perma and we're just waiting for him to say he has. At this point, we're just waiting for Apop to get around to this. He's pretty busy right now so expect that this could take a bit.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- QuackingFlack
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- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
Okay thank you very much. Is there any way you can update him on my improved attitude and the explanation as to why I did what I did? My RM yelled at me and made me aware of some things I wasn't realizing and I re-read the thread and I realized I was being a total idiot.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑11 Mar 2018, 20:11I'm still in favor of just a 7-day ban and leaving it at that, but Apop may have approved the perma and we're just waiting for him to say he has. At this point, we're just waiting for Apop to get around to this. He's pretty busy right now so expect that this could take a bit.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.

- Emeraldblood
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- Posts: 1671
- Joined: 19 Aug 2016, 21:04
- Location: USA, Florida
- Byond: Emerald Blood
Re: ERP ban for joke about flying exploding penises needing to be a Marine nerf.
We've got a lot of things going on, Apop most of all, you're just gonna have to wait because that's the best we can do right now.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- QuackingFlack
- Registered user
- Posts: 78
- Joined: 02 Feb 2018, 21:24
- Byond: QuackingFlack
Re: ERP ban
okay no problem. Thanks.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑12 Mar 2018, 21:15We've got a lot of things going on, Apop most of all, you're just gonna have to wait because that's the best we can do right now.
Last edited by QuackingFlack on 20 Mar 2018, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.