Character Name: Beno 723
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban):
You have been banned by imperatortitan.
Reason: Disobeyed the queen telling him to move multiple times while he was blocking her path and also generally created quite a ruckus because he wanted to make sure that the "door didn't close" while he was resting on it as a xenomorph. Needs to shapen up..
He said i get a jobban and a temporary 3h ban
Admin who banned you (if known):imperatortitan - Imperator_Titan
Total Ban Duration: 3h
Remaining Duration: 2h
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
I dont play anywhere else
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): none
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Appeal. I was resting in the cockpit door to prevent it closing. Folks kept pulling me off bec of baldness obviously. Only one Praetorian understood and even pushed me there again.
"LOOC: Mature Praetorian (978): Why xenos can't understand such easy things as that resting on the door is preventing it from closing"
"The Elite Empress points to the Elite Runner (732)
Mature Praetorian (978) hisses, "Drone"
Mature Praetorian (978) [Alamo] hisses, "Drone"
Mature Praetorian (978) hisses, "Fuck off"
Mature Praetorian (978) [Alamo] hisses, "Fuck off"
The Mature Ravager (633) has grabbed the Elite Runner (732) passively!
The Mature Ravager (633) grabs the Elite Runner (732)!
The right foot is struggling to withstand the acid!
Mature Runner (211) hisses, "Its being useful"
Mature Runner (211) [Alamo] hisses, "Its being useful"
Mature Praetorian (978) hisses, "It's holding door open"
Mature Praetorian (978) [Alamo] hisses, "It's holding door open"
Mature Runner (211) hisses, "For once"
Mature Runner (211) [Alamo] hisses, "For once"
Mature Drone (639) hisses, "Eat a dick u fat cunt"
Mature Runner (211) [Alamo] hisses, "Leave it there"
And just to take the wind out of your sails, the reverbarate and move from the queen was directly when we rushed all on the bird. It took her some time to get there after she OVI'd i tried get in the door and rest.
You have been banned by imperatortitan.
Reason: Disobeyed the queen telling him to move multiple times while he was blocking her path and also generally created quite a ruckus because he wanted to make sure that the "door didn't close" while he was resting on it as a xenomorph. Needs to shapen up..
So what is wrong here?
1st i was not blocking the way or path of the queen bec she was ovi'd in the cockpit. So its was not multiple its was not even a single time.
2nd i did not disobey because the queen never told me not to rest in the door or leave at all.
3rd because people dont know how to play beno and a help cry i get banned bec well they must be right bec they ahelped or what?
4th when she really wanted me to go, then she could told me after pointing at me like i quoted above. She did not bec she saw it was good.
5th i felt like being sweard at in looc "PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): LOOC: Elite Runner (375): "Eat a dick u fat cunt" A true paragon of roleplay i was trying to rest at birds door to keep open he pushing me away everyone try to explain he stupid"
nothing happens.

If there are any questions left iam willing to answer. But right now i feel like ive done nothing wrong and obviously that wont change. If you think i did so well then just delete me or permaban me i dont care i can spend my time elsewhere.
Bans take at minimum, 24 hours to be investigated and processed. Avoid appealing for a 24 hour or less ban.
Its not just about being job-unbanned its also about to show you how bad modding can be, and how you end up with stupid timebans for literally no reason or false reason like in this case.
Sad i had to register here because of this, and not of fun
Time 19:04 GMT+1 Happend around 18:30
Complete Log Screenshotted