Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
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Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
Your Byond ID: ErwinOrosco831
Character Name: N/A
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh
Total Ban Duration: Permanent.
Remaining Duration: Eternity.
What other servers do you play on?
I currently play on BayStation12.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
I have suffered some non punitive bans on the Baystation server; however, the majority of which have been successfully reversed upon appeal.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): E14MAY17 - Ban evasion, note history
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
I have been banned for a while now; however, I am changed man. I miss my days helping the crew on the server Colonial Marines, and it would truly be an honor if you let me join them again. Whether it be a marine on the battlefield, reviving them as a doctor, or repairing the ship as a mechanic, everything on this server is truly a pleasure, and dear to my heart. This is why, I, ErwinOrosco831, would love to be able to play on this server again. After my ban, I took time to reflect on exactly why I was banned. I was angry, but I understood that my actions degraded the integrity of the server. Looking back to 2016, when I perpetrated the actions that caused me to be banned, later in 2017, I am truly remorseful. I regret these actions wholeheartedly, and wish that I can once again become a productive and successful member of our most popular Space Station 13 spinoff. I know that my ban was justified, but I believe that I will be an active member of Colonial Marines, and will do my best to make it the best place that I can. I really regret everything that I did, and hope that I can make it better by becoming a productive member of the community, working towards bettering it for everyone. If you would just do be the honor of returning to the server, I will do everything in my power to make it a better place for everyone.
Character Name: N/A
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh
Total Ban Duration: Permanent.
Remaining Duration: Eternity.
What other servers do you play on?
I currently play on BayStation12.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
I have suffered some non punitive bans on the Baystation server; however, the majority of which have been successfully reversed upon appeal.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): E14MAY17 - Ban evasion, note history
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
I have been banned for a while now; however, I am changed man. I miss my days helping the crew on the server Colonial Marines, and it would truly be an honor if you let me join them again. Whether it be a marine on the battlefield, reviving them as a doctor, or repairing the ship as a mechanic, everything on this server is truly a pleasure, and dear to my heart. This is why, I, ErwinOrosco831, would love to be able to play on this server again. After my ban, I took time to reflect on exactly why I was banned. I was angry, but I understood that my actions degraded the integrity of the server. Looking back to 2016, when I perpetrated the actions that caused me to be banned, later in 2017, I am truly remorseful. I regret these actions wholeheartedly, and wish that I can once again become a productive and successful member of our most popular Space Station 13 spinoff. I know that my ban was justified, but I believe that I will be an active member of Colonial Marines, and will do my best to make it the best place that I can. I really regret everything that I did, and hope that I can make it better by becoming a productive member of the community, working towards bettering it for everyone. If you would just do be the honor of returning to the server, I will do everything in my power to make it a better place for everyone.
- Sir Lordington
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
That's quite the note history. What's ne nature of your bans on Baystation and when was the most recent one placed?
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I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
Well, my multi-keying history on Colonial Marines ended in late 2016. However, going into my bans on Baystation, the most recent ban was a job ban from command positions as a result of needed to improve my role-play and command cohesiveness before I can play them again. I intend to appeal this decision, as it seemed quite rash given that I feel a poll on my behavior on bay would be a quite average for a Baystation player. However, my previous bans have been reversed upon appeal on Baystation, the server I started playing on shortly after I ended my hiatus of not playing Space Station 13.
- Sir Lordington
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I had a chat with Bay staff and they are not impressed with your behaviour. Keep playing there, improve your behaviour, and get them to put in a good word for you and I'll change my opinion. Until then I am not in favour of this being lifted.
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I understand that you may feel that way, but baystation is a vastly different server. I am not banned there, and do not expect to. I may not have a flawless record, but I am most certainly not deserving of a permanent ban on colonial marines. I would appreciate it if I could be given a probation, I can show you that I can be a productive member of this community.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I really do think that a probationary period can show that I can do well on Colonial Marines.
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
If you're not doing well on another server, I see no reason it'd be any different for you here. I'm definitely not supporting this for the time being, but Apop makes the final call for permabans., though I don't suspect he's going to be sold on your appeal.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
My reason for doing not excellent by baystation standards is solely another matter, and not the same environment as Colonial Marines. In fact, my appeal here, and Sir Lordington's reaching out to Baystation has resulted in my ban there, for multikeying there that too happened two years ago nearly. I find it preposterous that I should be punished for crimes that occurred two years ago, with a different set of circumstances surrounding my actions at that time.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I do not think that anyone can ever be expected to get better without someone going out on a limb for them, with someone giving them a chance. I only ask for a probationary period to show that I have the stones and ability to positively contribute to this server, and do feel that I can do so if given the chance to become better than I was all that time ago. Emerald, I beg of you to reconsider.
- apophis775
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
We are not a charity or a halfway house.
We do not have to give additional chances. I find it preposterous that shitters frequently come and complain about how they got banned and have to face the consequences on their actions. You knew when you pulled all that shit the possible consequences.
We do not have to give additional chances. I find it preposterous that shitters frequently come and complain about how they got banned and have to face the consequences on their actions. You knew when you pulled all that shit the possible consequences.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I never said I shouldn't be punished. I am just trying to show you that I can change. Anyone can change, and decide to be a better person.
- apophis775
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
Do you have any server that would state you have changed and are no longer a shitter?
Yes, we are different than bay, but we also have a lot of similar RP guidelines and requirements. If you can't follow theirs, we can't expect you'll follow ours.
Yes, we are different than bay, but we also have a lot of similar RP guidelines and requirements. If you can't follow theirs, we can't expect you'll follow ours.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I was not banned from Bay for my RP, I was banned because they discovered my multi-keying from two years ago as a result of appealing my ban on colonial marines. I never claimed to be the most stellar player in the world, but I know that I could be a productive member of the CM community, and hope to return to the Baystation community as well. I suppose a moderator on Halo Space Station Evovled, or projectunsc would be willing to that that I am not a shitter on their server, seeing as that was the only other server I played on during my time off of CM, and when I was not playing Baystation. I really need someone to take a chance on me, I am remorseful for my actions and hope to be able to change your view of me as a shitter.
- apophis775
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
My concern is that it's been a year, but you also were extremely poor as a player. And there's no gurantee or evidence that you've really changed.
So, what reason would you give for us to give you another chance? And try not to lean hard on "everyone deserves second chances, etc"
So, what reason would you give for us to give you another chance? And try not to lean hard on "everyone deserves second chances, etc"

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I understand that I was absolutely dreadful player, and while my actions since may not fill you with confidence, I am not asking you to just forget what I did, but I do think if given the opportunity to help educate other players about why I was banned, and why those actions are not acceptable we can reduce the number of players who violate the rules, the players who enjoy it but get caught up in their own ego and stupidity to understand that their actions will lead to them being unable to enjoy the great community that we have created here. I understand it can be hard to even consider giving me another go at it, but I guarantee that I will follow every rule to the letter. I truly regret that I was so stupid, as I come to look back, I should've followed the proper ban appeal process, instead of digging myself a bigger hole. I have not multi-keyed in two years, and while I understand that I was absolutely shitty player, I am looking to turn over a new leaf, to in the future being more involved in the community of which I will be a part, to work towards changing Colonial Marine for the better. I am remorseful for every single person that I have wronged in my shitty time on the server, and hope that I can in some way remedy this by coming back to work towards making the server a better place for everyone who enjoys it. If I was to simply it down to just a few words, I would have to say that we only regret something after it is nearly impossible to reverse what has occurred. I regret everything that happened in my time on the server, and I only hope that it is not yet impossible to reverse it all. I don't think you are Hitler, and understand that you are only doing what is best for the server you have slaved away to create, and when people like me degrade the integrity of the server it merely destroys some of your hard work. I am sorry. I only ask that you consider that if I really did not care about making things right, why would I spend so much time trying to come back? I am sure you, as anyone else knows that if I became a shitler again, I would be gone in a blink. I want to come back to rectify my mistakes, and work towards improving the server for others. I am asking for a leap of faith, but in this world faith is all we have.
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
We do neither ask you to be selfloathing nor we ask you to be sorry. All we need is a proof that you can be trusted. Either vouch from another server or some other proofs, meybe from other games or even real life (if it is from RL don't post it in the open)
Right now you basically begging for unban, but this is not why we have ban appeals. We seek solution and all we get is lines of unformatted text which basically boils down to "I'm terribly sorry, I won't do it again".
We need proof that you won't do it again. Play on new server for some time, where you hadn't tarnished your reputation. If all goes well there you will have a better chance.
Still it is all in hands of Apophis and maybe you might get lucky, or you find a good proof that you won't repeat what you did
Right now you basically begging for unban, but this is not why we have ban appeals. We seek solution and all we get is lines of unformatted text which basically boils down to "I'm terribly sorry, I won't do it again".
We need proof that you won't do it again. Play on new server for some time, where you hadn't tarnished your reputation. If all goes well there you will have a better chance.
Still it is all in hands of Apophis and maybe you might get lucky, or you find a good proof that you won't repeat what you did

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
- Cold Rain, Swirekster 2017, Twisted Insurrection OST
- apophis775
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
To be clear, like Neth said, we are not asking you to be self loathing or to be sorry.
I am looking for a promise that you will not do it again and that you learned from past mistakes.
I believe based on what you said that you don't intend to repeat the past mistakes. So if you give me the ckey for the account you want unbanned I'll remove the ban for that account only.
I am looking for a promise that you will not do it again and that you learned from past mistakes.
I believe based on what you said that you don't intend to repeat the past mistakes. So if you give me the ckey for the account you want unbanned I'll remove the ban for that account only.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
I promise that it will never happen again. The account that I use is Erwinorosco831. I intend to use that for the foreseeable future. Again, thank you. I look forward to my return to Colonial Marines.
- apophis775
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
Lifted, but you will be on probation for however long Emerald decides.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Erwinorosco831 - Permaban appeal
Your probation is going to be two months from this date. During this time, it's greatly expected of you to be following the server rules. Breaking rules you should know will result in time bans rather than warnings during this. If you do not know if something is or isn't against the rules, ahelp and a staff member will inform you. This isn't a "Three strike and you're out" type of deal, but if you continue to have problems like you've had in the past, you will get your perma reinstated.
Resolved - Under Probation until July 5th.
Updated: Probation Passed
Resolved - Under Probation until July 5th.
Updated: Probation Passed
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.