Character Name: Evan DeWynter
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed/Job ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Grimcad
Total Ban Duration: 1440 /24 hrs, Job ban forever?
Remaining Duration: 1420
What other servers do you play on?
None, just CM.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
I don't play at other servers.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
You have been banned by grimcad.
Reason: Griefer. Drugged and then Stuffed the WO into the incinerator. Claims he had "RP" reasons to do so Cause the WO was a jerk to him. He was stopped by another player. Claims he didnt really want to kill him. .
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Hi there. I am already aware of my ban duration will end before even this topic has come to an end. 3rd of June, around 7 PM in GMT+3, i had an issue with the WO Jack Knight.
Everything started when i called him for a colonist. The colonist's ID wasn't done, and he was just sitting in the medical. I told WO to that colonist's checked, and he is fine. Good to proceed, i said. Jack Knight told " None of my business" and ran away.
Secondly, after making the first "Alien embryo surgery" i wanted to inform the WO about the situation, to let them know that these creatures can come out of the marines, and they can burst anywhere. I wanted to show the alien embryo i removed from the marine which was in upper medbay. WO said "None of by business" and ran away to his own business again.
Thirdly, WO came to medical office to cryo someone. We opened the door for him, then closed it after him. And made a joke about "Trespassing" Then i walked inside him with Help Intent on a couple off times. He threatened me to he's going to arrest me if i keep walking in and out him. That was the last of the Evan's patience.

After that, he started to go to his own business, and i followed him. I was looking for an opportunity to find him alone and inject him with soporific. At this point, my character wanted to scare the CMP off with all costs. And he was aware he would end up in prison after doing it.
Finally me and WO was alone in the medbay, while other doctors were busy with patients. I injected WO with 20 units of soporific while he was busy with crew monitor. I walked away and waited for him to black out, and he did. I fastly dropped my roller bed, and put him on it. And dragged him to uppermed. At this point he said that i was taking him to upper med, i answered "Calm down".

I fastly moved to creamator. I put him inside the creamator. He said "Creamator!" while i wrote "HEHEHEH." Then i started to type while he was in the creamator, while i wrote "Scared ass-" a doctor just jumped in and started to push me. I fastly ended my typing with a miss spell, which ended up me writing "Scared asshoel." The doctor put him out of the creamatorium, and tried to wake him up while i was typing "I am not gonna burn him, worry not"

Here what i am trying to say is i had around 5 to 10 seconds while he was in the creamator, i had opportunity to kill him. But i did not press to the button to creamate him. My intent wasn't to kill him, it was to scare him off. I had roleplaying causes to do such action, even the grimcad said "I would let it pass if you just threw a couple of punches to him" I decided not to just punch him, wanted to roleplay about the situation and make him scared of his life.Of course there wasn't any cause to kill him. Neither did i. I failed to explain the situation to Grimcad, because i had to keep up with the IC situation as well.
Without ruining anyone's "gameplay" or "griefing" them, i believe my charge was cruel. I want to be unbanned from medical roles.