Character Name:Daniel Deadman Roberts
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban):Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known):I dont know
Total Ban Duration:Perma
Remaining Duration:Forever

What other servers do you play on? quite a few mostly paradise
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? I have been on yogstation a few years ago but not recently
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned by host: S12SEP17 - Griefing, note history, disrrespect ,brazilian
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):i apllied for one a year or two ago but i forgot my password to that account
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):Its been just about a year i know i was an asshole to admins and i know i have no excuse for it i'm just hoping i can maybe get the ban cut down to a set time so i can maybe someday soon play again. i miss the server its the most played on the whole site lol i just hope i can play again and i do apologixe for my actions.