Ban Appeal

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Byond: Musely

Ban Appeal

Post by Musely » 26 Jul 2018, 19:27

Your Byond ID: Musely

Character Name: Rex Texas

Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Job bannu from MP/CMP

Admin who banned you (if known): Emeraldblood

Total Ban Duration: Perma

Remaining Duration: N/A

What other servers do you play on? None.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? Nope.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): An accumulation of notes over a short period of time.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

Well I think things have cooled down a little bit since last week. I understand why the decision was made, though obviously I disagree with how things played out. I do think my job ban deserves some reconsideration however. From what mistakes I have made, I have learned from.



Banned |Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG | Tue, June 27th of 2017 Banned |Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG | Wed, July 5th of 2017 Arrested some person and didnt state their law break, warned for breaking MP protocols | Sat, July 8th of 2017 - this | Sat, July 8th of 2017 Warned for the name George Best (Football) | Wed, October 4th of 2017 Warned for sending marines down without a briefing as the XO. | Wed, October 25th of 2017 Warned for not following proper arresting procedures as MP. | Tue, March 6th of 2018 Warned for not investigating law breaks as a MP | Thu, April 12th of 2018 Warned about 18+ literature and questionable content in dchat. | Mon, May 28th of 2018 Spamming his whistle during SD for a good 5 minutes straight until marines began to try disarm him. He was warned for this. He also tried to shoot marines with a lethal for beating him after said whistle spam. | Fri, June 15th of 2018 Warned for not following arrest procedure, threw a flash bang into the Alamo when it landed because "I thought there were wanted marines onboard" | Sat, July 14th of 2018 Watch for intentional dickish behavior. Was reported to intentionally go MP and try to incite people into attacking him so he can arrest marines. | Tue, July 17th of 2018 Brigged an SO for 35 minutes for giving away command headsets to select marines with aCO permission, completely unnecessary and served no other cause other than to piss people off and generate salt, HEAVILY suggest a jobban on next MP offence. | Fri, July 20th of 2018


The July 14th/17th and 20th notes are the ones that I received in short succession that resulted in my job ban, most of which I believe were made by a single staff member as I had to interact with him a lot over that period through bwoinks.

The July 14th note was a flashbang in the DS incident, which I admitted was the wrong course of action to take in that situation.

The July 17th one was, in my view, pure opinion from one staff member based on the ahelps of players who dislike my character and style of play and were angry at being arrested. The amount of times, for example, a marine has said "fuck off" to my character, been arrested and then ahelped the incident would almost be funny if it didn't cause so much hassle with bwoinks.

The July 20th note was addressed in the player report against me but my post was deleted. In brief, a certain staff member had a fundamental disagreement on how I applied marine law in a given situation. I don't think they had the full facts, nor the right interpretation, because I was still following marine law even if they disagreed about some of the nuance. Even if you discount that, marine law stopped applying to MPs 2 days before this note was made, so that would make the note null and void really.

It hardly seems fair to ban me at the conclusion of a player report that bore my name but for which I actually bore no responsibility (the shotgun ban round) and using the accumulation of notes as the reason. It's been about a week now and I've had fun roleplaying other positions but am ready to have MP available as an option to me again.

I don't mind toning it down a bit (which I did anyway with minimum times for crimes where possible), but I fully intend to keep roleplaying the core of my character. It'd be like dewhitelisting Bill Carson and then forcing him to change the way he plays to pacify people who don't like his playstyle before giving him back CO.

Give me my baton, right honourable staff members. I've didn't break any rules or marine law, despite being able to technically break the latter according to the rules. Bear in mind that I've been playing for over a year now and since January my activity has grown until in the past handful of months I've maybe played for 20-30 hours a week, doing a 1-3 rounds a day. In that context, the amount of notes I've gotten seems reasonable as everyone makes mistakes.

I'm not a dick, I just roleplay one. As you might have noticed this past week, that's landed me in the brig plenty on some exaggerated or made up charges because Rex rubbed some characters the wrong way. I haven't ahelped or complained to a single person, because I understand IC actions result in IC consequences and can differentiate between the character and the player. For all the soft-griefing I get, I never ahelp and challenge any staff to prove me wrong. Why? Because I'm not here to make things difficult for players. I'm here to roleplay someone who make things difficult for their characters if, for example, I play a lawman and they break the law.

Final observation as far as I can see it. I was banned for not following arrest procedure twice, not investigating a crime, once, and setting someones timer higher than a staff member would have liked. If that's enough for a job ban, we'd have very few MPs. I try to roleplay my character as best I can, but sometimes the player slips up on the procedural aspects because I haven't taken a second glance at the wiki page when I should have. Very few and far between instances though, I'd argue.
Last edited by Musely on 26 Jul 2018, 21:29, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by solidfury7 » 26 Jul 2018, 21:08

I'm here to post as a character witness, seeing as I've had you in my department a lot during the last few months, and dealt with you since the ban.

Now, lets go over your notes.

Warned for not following proper arresting procedures as MP. | Tue, March 6th of 2018

- Seems like a minor thing, especially with the new changes, I think everyone has slipped up here, I know I have more than a few times.

Warned for not investigating law breaks as a MP | Thu, April 12th of 2018

- This one is a little plain so I cant comment on this.

Warned for not following arrest procedure, threw a flash bang into the Alamo when it landed because "I thought there were wanted marines onboard" | Sat, July 14th of 2018 -

- Evidently a terrible choice to make.

Brigged an SO for 35 minutes for giving away command headsets to select marines with aCO permission, completely unnecessary and served no other cause other than to piss people off and generate salt, HEAVILY suggest a jobban on next MP offence. | Fri, July 20th of 2018 -

- I remember discussing this with the staff online when it happened. I agree that your detainment and charge definitely went overboard (If the SO DIDNT get permission, the charge would have been legitimate)

First of all, you were a pretty sloppy and inexperienced MP when you first started (Just like 70% of MP departments always, ammiright?) But I gotta say, you did shape up to be rather adept at Marine Law by the time you started popping up on everyone's radar. As much as it pains William Crimson, you were a pretty competent officer, other than the fact you like insulting prisoners, which Crimson hated with a passion which made me want to detain you too.

Secondly, Your character often rubs my character the wrong way and I do believe your character is very standoffish (This is me politely saying, a cunt), however, I am very much so about punishing people for roleplaying characters (As long as the roleplay is well done) in interesting ways. I do think the comparision to yourself, Carson and Jack Knight are perfect examples.

I personally think that this ban was placed a little too keenly on you, however I do think you should tone down the behaviour a little until you get it down to the knack, the MP role is INCREDIBLY tricky, even more so right now, because we're more or less experimenting with a new system which is yielding some interesting situations where nobody has thought of or explored.

I did have more to say but I'm exhausted and its 2:10 am.

+1 the appeal
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Byond: taketheshot56

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by taketheshot56 » 26 Jul 2018, 21:33

Im doing a character witness here. Ive seen you as MP loads of times, for me you always stayed within the law and followed rules, it just seems you got the short end of an even shorter stick in this situation and took the ban. You arent a bad MP you just need to keep within the lines at times +1
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Byond: Just L

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Lorem123 » 26 Jul 2018, 21:43

I've been on the receiving end of Rex's nonsense far too often. Meta-targeting me for several rounds in a row, giving ridiculous brig times, refusing to follow marine law procedure, trying to rules lawyer as much as possible, and just generally being a griefer.
He goes out of his way to try and ruin the round for as many people as possible, and clearly has no desire to play the game itself. This should remain a permanent job ban for the overall health of the server.
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Byond: freemysoul

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by freemysoul » 27 Jul 2018, 04:19

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to not support this, in my opinion, It's too soon to even think about appealing it, I'd say take a month off MPing and try and stop RPing a dick it seems to be going too far now.

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Imperator_Titan » 27 Jul 2018, 04:48

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Troika » 27 Jul 2018, 06:29

This guy is never not doing some kind of dumb trolling BS and imo should be given a long vacation from the server in general instead of just MP. -1 obviously.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by RobBrown4PM » 27 Jul 2018, 10:03

I think you're a good enough guy, however your RPing is not even close to being satisfactory. In fact, how you 'RP' is a detriment as it often get's you in trouble. I know you know you can do better, so do so.
Mains: Roberto 'Taco' Moreno
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Byond: Drkln

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by HBlokkum » 27 Jul 2018, 22:48

I will add to this appeal in the manner of William "DoomGuy" Crimson

Hawke "Hotwheels" Blokkum drifts in on a wheelchair *skrrrrrrt*

The few interactions Hawke has had with you involved in his opinion unnecessary arrests, and Hawke believes you may get enjoyment out of taking people out of the round which is not a good thing at all.

If you are truly sorry for your actions and this ban gets lifted, Hawke hopes you will issue more NJPs in the future and not issue ridiculous brig times for petty crimes.


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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Emeraldblood » 21 Aug 2018, 12:24

Resolved - Denied; ban was just placed and it's for multiple ERP/18+ warnings.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
