Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

Post by alakazor » 23 Aug 2018, 11:53

Your Byond ID: Alakazor

Character Name: Nikolay 'Hater' Krasnov

Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): timed ban

Admin who banned you (if known): kavlo

Total Ban Duration: 1440 minutes

Remaining Duration: 1430 minutes

What other servers do you play on?: noone I suppose

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?: soviet, tau ceti, no longer then a day, near 5-7 times in total for 3 years

Reason for ban: Reason: Rule 3. (Grief) - After a large brawl between two squads decided to take matter into their own hands and flamered an uninvolved nearby marine killing them. Previous notes show similar behaviour..

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): In short, I do not appeal bane itself (it's worthy, I think even soft), I appeal note for this ban and I suppose note from previous ban, which influenced this one. Only evidence I have is a game log I can;t attach for some reason (it's a standart HTML game log file).

Situation this round in short, as I remember, was like that - I saw a delta medic fighting out charli in briefing, I stood nearby and watch, then another deltas come and start to help beating charli marine, after what I and other charlis involves. It results in massive puchclub where delta and charli beat each other, then deltas start trying to drag charli marines in their prep. In result they succeed and drag one pale, swarming him inside and beating, he took a shotgun and shoot some of them, then when one delta open prep door I drag that marine (who was at this moment fallen, beated and shoted maybe to death, I do not know) out, and walked with doctor who drag his body away. Delta marines run after him and beate him when he was unconcious, I took my flamer and shoot across a corridor when it was empty trying to block it away, deltas accidently push (or maybe he step in flame himseld, I do not know) one bravo marine into flame and he start to burn. After that they start to swarm me, beating, and I a bit lost control. I start to shoot from a flamer to protect myself (I was heavyily injured at this moment and couldn;t run, and deltas will leave me to help extinguish flame on their friends, do not allowing them to die), after what they shot me with a buckshot and kill. Admin accused me of burning marines who were uninvolved on purpose - which is not true. I do not want to remove ban, but note I receive is totally not false.

Second do not have connection with that one, but it's also involve into false note maded by admin and which I want to clear out. This was near a month or less ago, I was a medic and saw 2 delta marines beating each other. I did not involve and watch, but then marine who win start to drag lost marine (who was in crit as I saw with my medHUD) into dorms, preventing me from helping. I thought that this marine want to keep lost one until he die and run out of ressurection time. MPs did not come after I call (that happens when I saw them at first still fighting, it was like 3 minutes), so I decide to help alone. I took my shotgun and decide to shot dragger in CHEST (this is important), critting him and letting me help a looser. That was totally safe plan that at maximum send winning asshole to long time operaton in medblock, I had all medical gear and was able to save him from anything. But for some reason I was aimed to HEAD (I do not remember why). And winner did not had helmet. SO I shoot his head off. After that I stand in no action (even after deltas nearly kill me for decapping his buddy) untl MPs and doctors arrive, and then was totally justified banned. I do not remember the note admin wrote in ban reason, but it was something like "decide to help a friendly fist fight by a shotgun, resulting in decapitation"

Again, I do not rise against ban itself, I rise against notes, which carry false information about incidents I was involved, picturing me like some stupid griefer who kill marines on Almayer for fun.

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Byond: Alakazor

Re: Ban appeal

Post by alakazor » 23 Aug 2018, 12:20

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Hivemind replics cutted off.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 23 Aug 2018, 12:25

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by alakazor » 23 Aug 2018, 12:26

Log from capturing killed charli marine in delta prep (Nerith Avdeeva) to my death. You can see deltas cutting her with knifes before she start to shoot.
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Last edited by alakazor on 23 Aug 2018, 13:53, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by alakazor » 23 Aug 2018, 12:41

Thanks for notes (always want to know, lazy to ask)
Little explanations to some of them.
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Re: Ban appeal

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 23 Aug 2018, 12:46

So just to confirm you are not appealing the ban, but the note about the situation? We don't reverse notes if you're not contesting the ban.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by alakazor » 23 Aug 2018, 12:48

Is it possible to add a note that explaining previous notes? And how to correctly organize it?

I mean this is stupid situation - I can;t appeal bad (in my opinion) note that do not even fully describe situation, but in fact lying about it (I remind, I did not burn any uninvolved marines on purpose, and did not burn anyone for fun), without appealing ban that in fact justified, because according to gamerules using weapon in my situatuon is at least escalating.

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Sir Lordington
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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Sir Lordington » 23 Aug 2018, 16:45

I've checked the logs. You escalated fistfights to firearms both times. Notes and punishment are warranted. Stop getting into fights and pulling out weapons.

Resolved - Denied
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
