Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

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Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Prisoner627 » 10 Sep 2018, 14:13

Your Byond ID: Transcended_Mind

Character Name: Han Ford

Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban (Alien)

Admin who banned you (if known): Mizari

Total Ban Duration: Unsure, how long are usual job bans?

Remaining Duration: Same as above

What other servers do you play on? Just CM-SS13, played on a friends server once before though.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? None, I don't play on other servers.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Suicide Larva, Bomb rushing?? (I don't know what this is, I'm pretty new)

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): /

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
I was just banned before from Xenos team for apparently "Suicide Larva'ing" and "Bomb Rushing an Alamo full of marines" (I need someone to explain to me what this is)
I've read the rules and know about suicide larva'ing, but in my first few days of playing (bearing in mind it was the first time I had ever played SS13, nevermind just CM) I spawned in as a larva. I didn't have any idea about how the game worked in terms of the shuttle taking off as I do now, but spawned as a larva inside the shuttle and went outside as it was launching, i didn't actually realise it was launching so ended up accidentally dying, I told the admin and he said I can just be warned.
Now this is the second time I know I suicided which was also accidental, however Mizari said I have been warned three times (I'm not sure if I have died more than twice as a larva and didn't know I had been warned again since my first accidental death, but even so, I was probably (and still am) just learning the ropes still.) including his warning, this suicide consisted of me playing LV (I think) and spawning at the top left of the map at our hive, where i see the queen and other aliens speaking about the metal hive at LZ1 (which i found by following queen locator) so, learning from my first mistake as larva, i knew i had to get on the shuttle before it launched so i didn't suicide. I made my way to the shuttle via queen locator and exited the building i was in , only to be focused on by a sentry outside attached to the shuttle which was being attacked by the aliens and there was a queen, ravager, and few other aliens inbetween me and the gun. I'm assuming the sentry WASN'T focusing me and I was hit by stray rounds, as I was behind many bigger aliens, but I was still killed as I tried to run back towards the building. It wasn't intentional, I just assumed the queen was on the shuttle and I rushed to get to her because I didn't want to accidentally die again. I've been told I was also bomb rushing, which I don't actually know what that is, so I'm assuming it's just suicide rushing the shuttle (why would i even do that??)
I don't know what happened the other time when I died as larva (if I did) because I don't remember dying as one or seeing an admin telling me I had done something wrong. I'm hoping this isn't as serious as it sounds because I'm not a troll and don't think i deserve a job ban for being new and learning and then accidentally dying for trying to fix the mistakes i had previously made whilst playing larva. (Just to note, both times I was a young larva and was not able to evolve.
Thanks to anyone who has acknowledged this appeal.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by awan » 10 Sep 2018, 17:26

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Tharinoma » 10 Sep 2018, 17:43

Logs show a mod PMed less than a minute after you died near the alamo yet you didn't respond... why?
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Prisoner627 » 11 Sep 2018, 02:42

When was this pm?? On sep 10th? If so I went to go and see how sentrys worked on the wiki, as well as how to become a responder, cause that really bugged me because of how I died and made me worried because I knew I had just messed up again. I was confused because I was shot whilst behind the queen and another xenomorphs actually attacking the gun which is why I went on the wiki primarily. So I didn’t come back for another 5 minutes and when I did, that’s when I received the job Ban because I tried to rejoin as xeno and it said I was banned. Now I do remember asking someone about sneaking onto the Alamo as larva but don’t remember actually doing it because they said it was a bad idea. Is there anyway you can check if I did die or not?? I’m not sure.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Ordukai » 12 Sep 2018, 02:19

Here are the logs pertaining to the situation
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Your story in your appeal (though a bit hard to read) seems plausible, and reasonable enough. Even though they all relate to being a xeno and all involve the Alamo, I personally think these three situations (Sneaking on, stepping off, and running on) are different enough that they can be explained away as a newbie player attempting to learn the ropes and failing occasionally. If you had been present for the PMs, or if a staff member had caught your follow-up ahelp in time, I think you may not have ended up with a jobban.

I do support these jobbans being lifted, but try to be more careful as a larva in the future.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Prisoner627 » 12 Sep 2018, 03:21

Thanks, I’m glad you understand the situation. I didn’t see the PMs from Mizari otherwise I would’ve responded but I’m still pretty new - I go to check the wiki or sometimes I just don’t realise if someone’s speaking to me because of how fast the chat moves and how I’m more concentrated on the actual game. If I would’ve saw then obviously I wouldn’t of ignored him because it would’ve potentially stopped me getting into this big mess. Maybe it was just my fault that I went to look at the wiki just after I died and I should’ve been paying attention.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Mizari » 12 Sep 2018, 06:51

Ok so I'm sorry for my delay in answering this. Fair enough you are a new player but as you can see from ALL of your notes which are all recent, 3 counts including my issuing of a job-ban of you suiciding as a larva and you were warned twice about it so doing actions a 3rd time knowing you've been warned twice recently about it, is an issue for me.

I literally don't agree with your story one bit, the Queen was right beside you at the time so how you thought she was on the Alamo is beyond me. You ran straight past her towards the sentry and HORDE of shooting marines, got shot a few times and stepped back one tile, then got blasted by sentry destroying you. I then immediately sent you a PM once I had found who was playing the larva and I have to say, you get a sound notification whilst playing if a Moderator/Admin PM's you, three PM's in the space of 3-4 minutes...You then got another PM notifying you of being banned from the Xeno Role after another 3 or so minutes. I'm not fully convinced you fully understand our rules as of yet so please, convince me you've learned from your mistake.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Prisoner627 » 12 Sep 2018, 12:17

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what you saw was as I arrived, assuming from what you're saying, you didn't see what happened beforehand. I spawned in the north west area of the map in the alien hive, and because of my past experiences with the Alamo lifting off once the aliens were on it, I tried to rush towards the queen locator once hearing the queen speaking about taking the Alamo, which has it's LZ near the south east (Meaning I had to run across the map, I didn't spawn right behind the queen or just sit behind her for no reason). which led me to assume that they had taken it and were going to launch, that's when I got to the exit to the building, seeing the queen and other xenomorphs attacking the shuttle as I am running towards them, then the sentry gun come onto my screen, not being able to react, I try to turn to run towards the cargo crates just south of where I was, but, as you can see in the logs, I was shot three times in the space of a second by the sentry, as a larva, which suggests that even though I tried to react, there wasn't any possible way for me to avoid dying. Of course, It's my fault for getting ahead of myself and rushing towards the Alamo assuming it was taken, but I don't think I deserve to be permanently banned from the entire faction because I made a mistake whilst trying to not repeat what happened the last time I died, however I'm not saying I don't deserve to be punished for these mistakes. The fact that the second time I died as larva, when I walked off the shuttle, I ahelped and told them admin I did it, this implies that although I did commit suicide, I didn't do it intentionally, I just didn't know the shuttle was launching, suggesting that I'm just new, not a troll or someone purposely dying.

I play with my sound off, that's why I didn't respond - I didn't know you messaged me. For that matter, I don't know when I'm notified by others when they privately message me. (This is because of my discord pinging from announcements that irritates me)

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Tharinoma » 12 Sep 2018, 13:00

You convinced me this was a legit mistake, I'm fine with an unban.
Playing with your sound off is on you though.
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Mizari » 13 Sep 2018, 09:13

I'll give you another shot but you really have to be more careful because if it happens again you could struggle to get unbanned.


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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Prisoner627 » 13 Sep 2018, 12:33

Alright, thanks for understanding.

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Re: Ban Appeal Transcended_Mind

Post by Sir Lordington » 13 Sep 2018, 13:07

Looks like an honest mistake, so we'll give you another opportunity. Be more careful as a larva in the future.

Resolved- Queen and Xeno bans lifted.
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
