"Ban Evasion" Appeal..

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"Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 03:14

Your Byond ID:
Tyberious (I guess my brother tried doing one with SpaceManTyler, who knows bloody why he called it that)
Character Name:
Tyler or Tyberious Something
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban):
"Ban Evasion" Week ban. Someone filing for a permaban for some reason...
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
7 Days (Potential, Overdramatic "perma-ban")
Remaining Duration:
7 Days
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Apparently I was trying to "ban evade"
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I'm not the only person to use My computer or play this game on this computer, So don't punish me for not hoving over the shoulder of whoever was playing and not coaching him on what he should and shouldn't do, that's no fun for anyone. I can't get him to get his own account apparently because you will just ban them both and only make claims of BaN eVaSiOn. And don't you dare say "well he should get his own computer". Really tho you guys need to chill, I was playing normally, trying to learn something new and become a doctor, being respectful and then BAM, BAN out of nowhere. My Brother also doesn't like using his own name on the internet, hence him using mine, He is kinda paranoid and not very tec savvy. I mean I don't have a reasonable way to prove it, I guess take my word for it? or don't, I dunno, Unless you got any ideas that could protect his privacy.
Last edited by Tyberious on 16 Sep 2018, 03:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 03:33

Could just put me on probation, If this account breaks another rule (other than the VPN one, I sometimes forget to turn that off when playing this game)within A month (much longer than I have been playing this game for), then Perma-ban. Thats fair right? I mean you guys are being a bit extreme here.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 03:56

Tyberious notes:
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No notes on SpaceManTyler
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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 03:59

Alright, what I'm going to do is point you in the direction of our rules page, specifically the one relating to multiple Ckeys being used in one house/IP:

Rule 9. No Ban Evading / Multi-Keying - Logging in with different accounts at different times, logging in with another account because you died (or were banned), or logging into two separate accounts at the same time. If you have multiple accounts tied to CM-SS13, please ahelp regarding them. Players caught breaking this rule may receive permabans from the server.

You should have Ahelped about your brother having a separate Ckey that would be used on the server so we can note them down and not ban you over it.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 05:07

Ok, I will talk to him about it and get him to reread the rules (thinking he just skimmed through them). He created the account without my knowledge and didn't tell me about it till later. :/ He wanted to play the game after I was off and doing something else and I guess saw I was banned for the 3 hours. Like I said earlier he isn't very tech savvy and just thought he could just create another account and play, like in other games, blissfully unaware of things like Ckeys and IP logging. So I could either just delete his account, and we go back to using 1 account (like we were before) or get his account ahelped, whichever you prefer.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 05:49

Right, well, I can't make that decision, I'm not in a position to do so. One of the head staff will make a decision on the matter.

My advice would be to have two separate accounts so that we can know which one of you is playing. Make sure if this doesn't go to perma and is lifted that you inform staff when you get on about your shared IP with the other Ckey. We'll add notes to each account so that you don't get pinned for multikeying.

Additionally, you might want to sit down with him and make sure that he understands and follows server rules, if his account get banned for breaking rules yours will also be banned for the same duration because of how the ban system works.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 16:29

So what's the point in having two if both get banned if one of us makes a mistake? might as well just have one..

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 16:32

Because ban appeals may be easier to get through if the notes are on separate accounts. We can log playtime separately and in the chance he gets a computer or laptop of his own you can both play at the same time.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 16:36

yeah, that sounds reasonable. So If I get him to create his own account on here, get his Byond account ahelped, we could potentially get this ban off?

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 16:39

Potentially, it'll be up to the Headstaff though so you'll have to sit tight until one of them can get around to looking at this.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 16 Sep 2018, 16:42

Ok, We'll start on that, where would he post his ahelped for his account?

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by MysteryGrunt95 » 16 Sep 2018, 16:50


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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Sep 2018, 16:56

Alright, well, we have the two forumn accounts, as said, this is going to need to be looked at by the headstaff whenever they are able to get around to it. Sit tight and hopefully this gets resolved as soon as possible.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Grimcad » 17 Sep 2018, 09:14

I just don't buy the "my brother did it" excuse at all. Too much just doesn't add up and looks too suspicious.

First of all, your excuse of "trying to learn something new and become a doctor, being respectful and then BAM, BAN out of nowhere." Is untrue. As you were not a doctor at the time you were banned you were a larva, who was opening the doors of secure nests to let out escaping marines. And we had a conversation about it, that's why you were given a three hour ban initially. Then, about 30 minutes later after all of the login attempts from you from different IPs, I gave you a 7 day ban for multikeying and ban evasion.

Secondly you do not "occasionally forget to turn off your VPN." You have played on it exclusively, only trying what I assume is your actual IP address after you were banned.

Thirdly you tried the account SpaceManTyler, which attempted to long on to the server for the first time ever three minutes after you were banned. And you tried to get on with the Key on both your VPN and your actual IP address. It is very suspicious.

Fourthly you attempted to log on and evade on the 15th and 16th with yet another VPN (which you were successful in doing before the automated system caught the numbers), before cycling back and attempting to log on using some of your older VPNs.

It appears I was slightly incorrect. It was not the automated system that caught you and applied the ban the second time. Its seems that for whatever reasons my 7 day/ perma did not apply correctly to your account. The second ban (where you were indeed a doctor) was a moderator reapplying it to your account.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 17 Sep 2018, 17:51

Not talking about the larval thing, I completely understand that and I know I was out of line. At the time I didn't clue in that the marine could escape and run out of the doors I was opening, I was just fucking with doors and being annoying. Because I was annoyed that the metagaming incident was not handled at all. I'm talking about when the second ban was applied when I was the doctor.

The only time I turn off my VPN is when I'm playing SS13, then sometimes forget to turn it back on. So yes, I do forget to turn it off because I sometimes forget its even on and running. It's a background application.

I hoped off, My brother hoped on. He was waiting for the computer. Ask him what he was doing. I don't hover over his shoulder when he is playing a game.

Same VPN. its NordVPN so you can look up how that works if you want. I had no idea about the "Ban Evasion" Ban on the 15th and 16th, so don't say I was trying to ban evade when I had no idea. I thought my 3-hour ban was up and just started playing normally.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Tyberious » 17 Sep 2018, 18:27

Can we just forget this whole stupid incident happened? Mistakes were made, we can acknowledge that. We would really like to play the game because my bro and I really like it, it's really fun. So can we make a deal? Like if one of us get banned for whatever reason within a month to just double the length or something? That seems reasonable. I'm willing to compromise.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Emeraldblood » 17 Sep 2018, 19:00

Be respectful at ALL TIMES. You may be angry about your ban, but you need to remain CALM AND COMPOSED.
The attitude in your appeal is condescending, and also, SpaceManTyler was created on the exact day you got banned/tried to ban evade. We don't accept "my sibling..." excuses and all the flags point to this as a ban evade. You got banned, attempted to log on your normal account both without and then with a VPN, back-to-back. So then you would have had to get off and your not tech-savvy brother would have had to turn off the VPN (or maybe you did), make a new Byond account, then try to log onto the server all in the span of ~3.5 minutes. After that, your not tech-savvy brother then have to turn the VPN back on and try to log into the server again. Your story holds very little water and if we live in a world where that's true and your brother has framed you, well that's between you two.

Resolved - Denied; All signs point to multikey. You can appeal again in one month from now.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.

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Re: "Ban Evasion" Appeal..

Post by Emeraldblood » 19 Sep 2018, 19:25

Update: Sending me shitty excuses/threats in forum PMs will result in your perma being made unliftable and being banned from the forums. Don't be like this guy.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
