Character Name:Claudius Garneys
Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Loco52
Total Ban Duration: 1440 minutes
Remaining Duration: 1440 minutes (as the time Im making this)
What other servers do you play on? Just CM
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? Only CM
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Decapped a doctor for sedating him twice, improper escalation
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Now how this whole mess started when I was playing as MT. I was cleaning around and I walked into the kitchen and I saw Mochi literally making a mess of the kitchen (burned mess everywhere blood seeping from the floor, trash everywhere) so I try to go clean it, he screams "OUT" and "SHOO" then I say "Im cleaning this nasty shit up" and so I start picking up the gunk and he punches me right in the chest, so naturally I try to punch him back, when he picks up his revolver so I quickly pick up a knife and I start slashing. Then after that mess me and Mochi calm down for around 3 minutes, and Keagan Richter starts throwing beakers at me. I realize he's throwing them and I say "You throw that one more time and I will hit you with my crowbar" or something along those lines, he waits 3 seconds and he chucks ANOTHER beaker at me. So naturally I chase him down with my crowbar and I hit him in the gob with it and he pulls out an auto-injector, knocks me unconcious, hits my chest with my crowbar, then drags my body near the medbay and threatens to OD me. So a medical researcher SEES that Im knocked on the floor so I scream for help so he hyposprays the doctor and they drag me up to research and they give me a anti-toxin or some shit so I wake up, so I naturally I rush down to Keagan and I say "HEY YOU PRICK IM GONNA SHOOT YOU FOR THAT" because you know HE FUCKIN THREW BEAKERS AT ME, HIT ME IN THE CHEST WITH A CROWBAR, THEN THREATENED TO OD ME! So Im standing outside his surgery room when he rushes out and drugs me AGAIN and this time he says he's gonna OD me AGAIN! So I say Im literally going to kill you so I shot him in his greasy face for throwing three beakers at me (which I responded with hitting him with my crowbar) then he drugs me, smashes my chest in with my own crowbar, then says he's going to OD me. So I get back up rush down to confront him again and he drugs me a second time and threatens to OD me AGAIN! Which if yall dont think thats valid enough reason to kill someone for threatening to kill you.
Heres an imgur of him saying he's going to overdose me (This was the second time I couldnt get the previous logs from when were first started fighting because the chat scrolled too far up but if an admin can get it please do)