MP Jobban

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MP Jobban

Post by Enigmachine » 10 Nov 2018, 13:58

Your Byond ID: Enigmachine

Character Name: Titus Voltheron

Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): MP Jobban

Admin who banned you (if known): RobBrown4PM if I understood correctly.

Total Ban Duration: Since October 7th to today, November 11th.

Remaining Duration: Permanent.

What other servers do you play on?
I used to play on Goon 2 but haven't visited there since I got into CM about 2 months ago.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): It was about an hour into an uneventful round and I was socializing with some female PC's in R&R as the CMP. This went on for a couple of minutes until an MT, Ryan 'Firebug' Steelberg, wordlessly ran into the kitchen area where Sarah 'Menace' Dennis and Lauren von Fusegana were cooking food. While Sarah was tabbed out looking up baycode cooking (her player told me that this is what she was doing) Steelberg tried to strip her clothes off. This went on for a while with Lauren pushing him away and eventually Sarah returning and trying to pull away, plus myself saying to quit. Finally I'd had enough and threw Steelberg out of R&R. There wasn't an arrest, it was effectively the strongest possible warning.

Now I want to say that in the past this kind of behavior had always been dealt with as silly hooliganism by myself and MP's around me with no OOC repercussions. There had even been an instance where Marcellus Mason (Chaznoodles) had tried to strip the clothes off a female CMP that I served under. She was adamant about charging him with SA for several minutes before out of the blue calling it hooliganism with a minimum sentence. The suddenness of it made me think she got bwoinked and told that such wasn't SA.

Now back to the event that got me banned; Steelberg ran straight back into R&R, without saying anything except to complain about me, and began trying to strip Dennis' clothes off again. I decided that he'd done it now and it was time for a proper arrest, so I went for a stun right off the bat because IC he had his hands on Dennis. I named his charge as hooliganism and gave him an NJP of being left in a locker on the lower deck.

Fast forward a few minutes and RobBrown4PM bwoinked me and said I'd done a bad NJP and ignored a case of SA, the latter itself being a major rule break because it's ignoring a major crime. When I tried to tell him that I didn't understand how SA could come up to begin with without also being a Rule 1 violation, and therefore becoming an OOC issue, he implied that I was trying to trick him. At that point I got dejected and gave up talking to him beyond saying "I understand" and got the MP/CMP jobban because I'd had earlier notes. Later Sir Lordington was kind enough to answer questions I had relating to what had happened.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I understand perfectly well what I did wrong and won't repeat them or like violations if put on probation.

NJP's: Running laps with an MP, cleaning a room, or doing pushups is literally all I'll do. If I ever am going to try anything besides that I will ahelp it before even attempting it.

Sexual Assault: It took me a while to figure out how to think of how to handle this, but I came up with this litmus test; if someone does something that isn't a rule 1 violation but gives me or other PC's a weird, uncomfortable and grossed out feeling, ahelp and ask if it could be a case of SA.

I also just in general will ahelp much more liberally about strange and unfamiliar situations that arise as an MP.
Titus Voltheron

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 10 Nov 2018, 14:20

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Well seeing as its been 30 days and you realize where you went wrong, I'm ok with an unban from MP with you able to appeal the CMP ban down the road if you don't have any issues as an MP if unbanned


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Re: MP Jobban

Post by 420MYK » 10 Nov 2018, 16:11

FINALLY. Ive been waiting for titus's appeal. Dudes a good MP/WO(one of the best IMO), he screwed up is all. Heavy unreserved +1 from me. For both MP and WO being lifted, But i know ya probably need you're probation period so good luck with that. (Titus is who made me give some MPs a chance rather than just straight hating all MPs if a dude can get me to not hate an easily abused role that should speak plenty on them.)

Good luck again my space nazi friend
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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Sulaboy » 10 Nov 2018, 16:45

I've seen quite a bit of Titus in rounds while moderating, and I'm sure that he never had malicious intent while getting these notes. I'm for this being lifted. +1
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Re: MP Jobban

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 11 Nov 2018, 00:36

So from what i've read here and taking into account what other people here have to say about you, you seem to have improved. Lots of good feedback, just make sure you have read Marine Law and follow it to the letter. Anyways, i'll support this

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Frans_Feiffer » 11 Nov 2018, 01:25

Not much else for me to do, but echo the voices of those above me. You seem to have learnt your lesson and I'm sure you never had any malicious intent. That being said though, make sure to follow Marine Law to the T and act reasonably. If something sounds iffy to you, or you're a bit confused about something regarding Marine Law, don't feel afraid to ahelp and ask.

Regardless though, +1 from me. Not a bad person, just made an oopsie, and has since come to realize and acknowledge it.
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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Lumdor » 11 Nov 2018, 04:21

I'm alright with a +1 to you being unbanned from your MP.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.

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Byond: Enigmachine

Re: MP Jobban

Post by Enigmachine » 11 Nov 2018, 09:46

Go figure, MYK, you were right; I'm not as hated as I thought I was.

@Frans Yes I most definitely will be ahelping. In the past I'd had a lot of anxiety about sending 'too many' and getting in trouble that way, and that ended up being a problem in and of itself.

Thanks for the support everyone, if I get on probation then I'll do my best to police the anime girls!
Titus Voltheron

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Patrick81291 » 11 Nov 2018, 16:42

Character Witness
I met Titus in October, I can certainly say hes one of the best CMP's. It's rare to find someone these days who's learned the role and is still willing to do it. I look forward to working with him again and I hope the other CMP's can learn from him.
I believe this was just an honest mistake.

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Enigmachine » 11 Nov 2018, 18:46

Patrick81291 wrote:
11 Nov 2018, 16:42
Character Witness
I met Titus in October, I can certainly say hes one of the best CMP's. It's rare to find someone these days who's learned the role and is still willing to do it. I look forward to working with him again and I hope the other CMP's can learn from him.
I believe this was just an honest mistake.
I mean I only took up the lead CMP beret after I was present for this. I just didn't want a whole round to get fucked up like that if I could stop it.

"I believe this was just an honest mistake."
Pretty much. If I'd felt confident in saying that what the MT, Steelberg, did was SA then I'd have started proceedings to have him firing-squadded. I should've ahelped anyway, though, because it all did make me feel uncomfortable as can be and the same can be said for the girl PC's around me. So if God-forbid something like that ever happens again I'll be pressing F1 before naming and carrying out a charge.
Titus Voltheron

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by Ordukai » 12 Nov 2018, 01:37

For the record, it was Dorkkeli who spoke to you, not Rob.

I don't see anything in the logs that sounds like Dorkkeli "implied that you were trying to trick him". Also, be careful how you word your ahelps, since if you do it too much it might sound like you're just gunning for an SA charge so you can get to execute people, which would give off the wrong impression. I also noticed you shout "WHO WANTS THE CHANCE TO ABUSE THE MT WHO TRIED TO STRIP DENNIS?" which I'm sure is out of context, but is somewhat concerning anyways.

All that being said, you seem sincere in your recognition of your mistakes and your desire to do better, so I think it should be fine to lift MP and give you a shot at appealing CMP at least a month later.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: MP Jobban

Post by freemysoul » 12 Nov 2018, 07:58

MP job ban lifted, You may appeal the CMP job ban lifted in a month's time: 10th December 2018, Maintain good behaviour in the MP role and without breaking any major rules and we'll see.

Resolved and Appealed.
