Entora's Ban Appeal

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Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by Entora » 29 Apr 2015, 16:37

Beyond ID: Entora

Admin who banned you: Apop

Initial Duration: 1440

Duration Remaining: 1440

Reason for Ban: "giving self all access"

Your Appeal, including evidence (Please create an Imgur album if you have multiple screenshots): Isn't against the rules, change them if you don't like them. It's not difficult. You also blocked me over byond for literally no reason.

Unknown is rubbing off on you, jesus.

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Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by UnknownMurder » 29 Apr 2015, 16:47

Just Dropping off a Say and Questions and main point questions for you given by Apophis.
  • Why did you mutiny?
  • Why did you steal the Commander's ID?
  • Just because it wasn't in the rules, do you think you should do it?

Common Sense.
You continued to argue with Apophis and huge Caps. Mdom and Felkvir was there to see it.

I have no big part with this feud, and you involved me somehow because of your grudges. Reminder: All your notes and ban history has been erased during the branch off with NE (New Eden).

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Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by Entora » 29 Apr 2015, 16:49

I wasn't even mutiny'ing, I was just pissed at this one guy who was pretending to be an LO
Didn't steal Commander's ID, gave myself all access to go have fun.
And honestly I do involve you because it's my opinion that you've literally been the most unpleasant staff member since you were a moderator, and I have 0 clue how you got promoted to head admin.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 29 Apr 2015, 17:12

That's not the reason he received a ban. Here's the REAL reason:

(Reason: Arguing with admins, refusing to let it go and take complaint to forums, spamming Ahelp)

You gave yourself all access to "go have fun". Your ID, was reset to standard, and you flipped your shit completely, spamming at me SEVERAL TIMES in all caps messages, including an extended byond message conversation, where you continued to spam at me in all caps.

If you believe, that we are mistreating you so badly, feel free to not return to the server.

Anyway, here are the logs of the conversations:

Code: Select all

(3:31:37 pm) Apophis775: You are welcome back, after you've calmed down, and if you will obey the rules. Just because it's an LO specific rule, doesn't mean you cant just assign all-access as a PJ marine at start.
(3:32:02 pm) Apophis775: It's called "Competency", and is marine rule 3.
(3:32:45 pm) Entora: Honest to fucking god apop
(3:33:00 pm) Entora: The rules were supposed to be atleast slightly more relaxed than from NE
(3:33:03 pm) Entora: But holy shit, I guess not
(3:33:11 pm) Entora: It's a fucking lie as long as you and Unknown run the show
(3:33:16 pm) Entora: And how is such a sperg even an admin?
(3:33:17 pm) Entora: No offense
(3:33:20 pm) Apophis775: It's way relaxed
(3:33:24 pm) Entora: But he's literally the most uncompetent n-
(3:33:30 pm) Apophis775: We are more focused on the players and enjoyment
(3:33:31 pm) Apophis775: BUT
(3:33:29 pm) Entora: IT'S NOT FUCKING RELAXED AT ALL
(3:33:39 pm) Apophis775: No server, will let you run around, with commander access ID
(3:33:44 pm) Apophis775: I received AHELP COMPLAINTS that you made one.
(3:33:45 pm) Entora: Apop,
(3:33:47 pm) Entora: APOP
(3:33:49 pm) Entora: LISTEN HERE
(3:33:53 pm) Apophis775: THere are 2 things for rules:
(3:33:57 pm) Apophis775: Rules as Written
(3:33:59 pm) Apophis775: Rules as Intended
(3:33:57 pm) Entora: Why doesn't someone deal with it IC'ly
(3:34:01 pm) Entora: WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE
(3:34:03 pm) Entora: JUST DO IT IC'LY
(3:34:06 pm) Entora: HONEST TO FUCKING GOD
(3:34:08 pm) Entora: NO NEED FOR OOC BARRIERS
(3:34:14 pm) Apophis775: Rules as Intended, would be, "If it's illegal for someone, it's illegal for others"
(3:34:25 pm) Apophis775: You weren't going to be lynched
(3:34:30 pm) Apophis775: And stop yelling at me in caps
(3:34:32 pm) Apophis775: It's not helping your case.
(3:34:43 pm) Entora: Funny enough, I fucking disarmed an LO who gave herself MP and I got executed.
(3:34:47 pm) Entora: BUT I GUESS THAT'S ALLOWED
(3:34:53 pm) Apophis775: Actually
(3:34:54 pm) Entora: I also got 20 minutes in a jail cell prior to that
(3:34:55 pm) Entora: BUT I GUESS
(3:34:59 pm) Apophis775: We were looking into that.
(3:34:57 pm) Entora: I FUCKING GUESS
(3:35:02 pm) Entora: I CAN NOT EVEN EDIT MY OWN ID
(3:35:19 pm) Apophis775: And the MP recevied a warning, but you were no longer in your body, when we tried to revive/contact you after it was resolved.
(3:35:20 pm) Apophis775: No
(3:35:23 pm) Apophis775: you can NOT edit your own ID
(3:35:25 pm) Apophis775: that's the LOs job
(3:35:29 pm) Apophis775: and the LO who left the Id in there
(3:35:31 pm) Apophis775: is also getting a ban.
(3:35:35 pm) Entora: lmao
(3:35:38 pm) Apophis775: All i was doing to you
(3:35:41 pm) Apophis775: was changing you access
(3:35:40 pm) Entora: you do realize
(3:35:44 pm) Entora: that i would've even get banned
(3:35:48 pm) Apophis775: You were the one, who flipped ship.
(3:35:45 pm) Entora: FROM PARADISE
(3:35:47 pm) Entora: FOR DOING THIS
(3:35:49 pm) Entora: NOT EVEN PARADISE
(3:35:59 pm) Entora: NOT EVEN THE NAZI'S OF SS13
(3:36:02 pm) Apophis775: We aren't paradise
(3:36:02 pm) Entora: WOULD FUCKING BAN ME FOR THIS
(3:36:07 pm) Apophis775: Again, stop using caps at me.
(3:36:10 pm) Entora: Clearly you're worse then
(3:36:13 pm) Entora: Because jesus christ
(3:36:19 pm) Apophis775: well, if you think were so bad
(3:36:23 pm) Apophis775: then feel free to not come back
You have blocked Entora from chat.

Again, to clarify: The ban was ***NOT*** for the ID issue, it was for his response over ahelp, with his constant stream of swears and caps, despite my attempts to calm him down. As seen below (above, was the byond conversation)

Code: Select all

[15:21:24]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): You have a commander ID?
 [15:21:28]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): and
 [15:21:35]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): it's not /his/ id
[15:21:35]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Your not the commander...
 [15:21:41]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): it's not his id
 [15:21:47]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): And having ID with additional access, is against the actual server rules
 [15:21:51]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): since when
 [15:22:03]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): wtf
 [15:22:12]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Since, maybe Janurary?
 [15:22:14]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): you- you what
 [15:22:19]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): apop, wtf
[15:22:20]SAY: fanaticalbeliever/Fanatical believer : We'll take what we can get.
[15:22:22]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Do NOT give out custom IDs - Stick to the pre-assigned IDs and don't give additional unnecessary access. (Exception: Sulaco Janitor as a demotion)
 [15:22:29]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): r u pranking me??
 [15:22:49]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): i am not an lo
 [15:23:04]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): wtf
 [15:23:06]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Who gave it to you?  Also, bring your Id back to the LO area, so it can be fixed.
 [15:23:15]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): HOLY SHIT APOP NOBODY GAVE IT TO ME
 [15:23:25]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): How did you get commander access ID then?
 [15:23:28]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): I FUCKING STOLE IT?
[15:23:38]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): ...
 [15:23:42]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Why?
 [15:23:46]ADMIN: @Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin) jumped to Entora/(Tomika White)
 [15:24:08]SAY: Apophis775/Apophis775 : Don't move.
 [15:24:12]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): b e c a us e i n e e d e d a n i d a n d s o m e o n e c o n f i s c a t e d mine
 [15:24:14]SAY: entora/Entora : For what
 [15:24:20]SAY: entora/Entora : What the fuck
 [15:24:20]ADMIN: PM: Xin_Uchiha/(Derrick Tenshu)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): what happen was
 [15:24:23]SAY: entora/Entora : What did I even do
 [15:24:25]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): And you didn't call for help over the radio?
 [15:24:36]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): IT WAS A FUCKING MP WHO CONFISCATED IT
 [15:24:37]SAY: Apophis775/Apophis775 : I was told
 [15:24:38]ADMIN: PM: Xin_Uchiha/(Derrick Tenshu)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): I want trying to put bomb in my armor not plant it 
 [15:24:39]SAY: entora/Entora : What are you doing
 [15:24:40]SAY: Apophis775/Apophis775 : You have an illegal ID
 [15:24:42]OOC: (LOCAL) Tomika White/Entora : metagame
 [15:24:43]OOC: (LOCAL) Tomika White/Entora : stop
 [15:24:54]OOC: (LOCAL) Tomika White/Entora : METAGAME
 [15:25:03]ATTACK: Tomika White (entora) disarmed Ender Wiggin (Apophis775)
 [15:25:07]ATTACK: Tomika White (entora) shot Ender Wiggin (Apophis775) with a the electrode (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=141;Y=133;Z=6'>JMP</a>)
 [15:25:11]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): that would be me as commander
 [15:25:19]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): yeah i noticed, metagame as fuck, ban yourself
 [15:25:22]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): You stole an all-access ID
 [15:25:24]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): literally worse than unkown
 [15:25:30]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): IF YOU NOTICE, IT READS "MARINE"
 [15:25:31]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): I was trying to handle this icly
 [15:25:36]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Instead of banning you from the server
 [15:25:42]ATTACK: Ender Wiggin (Apophis775) shot Tomika White (entora) with a the electrode (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=142;Y=136;Z=6'>JMP</a>)
 [15:25:46]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Well I'm sorry, I thought CM was going to be fucking better
 [15:25:55]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): You stole an all-access ID
[15:25:55]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): BUT INSTEAD, YOU LITERALLY DEVOLVE INTO UNKNOWNGAMER
 [15:26:01]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): WHICH ISN'T AGAINST THE RULES MY FRIEND
 [15:26:04]ADMIN: PM: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves)->Entora/(Tomika White): Excuse me?
 [15:26:17]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): So tell me, when i check prints on this illegal ID
 [15:26:25]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): It will have someone elses, or just yours?
 [15:26:27]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): It will be me who gave it to my fucking self
 [15:26:31]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): all-access is illegal
 [15:26:34]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): No it's not
 [15:26:41]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Add it to your rules then what the fuck?
[15:26:50]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): IT IS IN THE RULES UNDER LO.
 [15:26:56]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Noone but an LO should be assigning IDs
 [15:26:57]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): WHICH IS FOR LOGISTICS OFFICERS
 [15:27:03]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): OH MY FUCKING GOD 
 [15:27:10]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): You need to calm down.
 [15:27:18]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): And stop spamming me with caps.
 [15:27:41]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Well honestly I can't even tell if you're apop because I honestly thought he was better than this fucking behavior, jesus christ
 [15:27:55]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): And i thought you were better tahn breaking rules
 [15:28:02]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): How the fuck am I breaking the rules
 [15:28:08]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): You're fucking delusional.
 [15:28:09]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): all-access ID
 [15:28:21]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): IT'S NOT AGAINST THE FUCKING RULES, PUT IT IN THE RIGHT SECTION OR FUCK OFF
 [15:28:39]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): AND SO IF I DECIDE TO MUTINY, I CAN'T CHANGE MY ID AT ALL BECAUSE IT'S AGAINST THE RULES?
[15:28:40]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Ok, You need to take this complaint to the forums now.
 [15:29:05]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): If you mutiny, you can change your Id, not as a PJ marine joining.
 [15:29:10]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Why not
 [15:29:16]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Why the fuck not
[15:29:23]ADMIN: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves) : Does Entora even have a reason to mutiny?
[15:29:23]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): Because it's unfair.  do you know ANYTHING about the military?
 [15:29:28]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): "unfair"
 [15:29:36]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): do you have a reason to plan a mutiny?
 [15:29:37]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): WELL I'M SORRY IF THE FUCKING MPS AND LOS DON'T REPORT ME
 [15:29:46]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Why the fuck don't you change your rules if you don't like it buddy
 [15:29:54]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Unwritten rules do nobody a service
 [15:29:56]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): You
 [15:30:01]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): This is not an unwritten rule
 [15:30:12]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): It's an LO rule. your shouldn't be assigning IDs at all.
 [15:30:22]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Oh, sorry Apop! IT'S UNDER LO'S, BUT IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER BECAUSE I'M NOT AN LO
 [15:30:34]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin)->Entora/(Tomika White): That's it.  Take your complaint to the forums.
[15:30:36]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Honestly, you've devolved into a creature that is lesser than even Unknowngamer, the worst admin on the server.
 [15:30:42]GAME: SQL ERROR during player polling. Failed to connect.
[15:30:42]ADMIN: PM: Entora/(Tomika White)->Apophis775/(Ender Wiggin): Actually, you're probably related.
 [15:30:55]ADMIN: Apophis775 has banned entora.
Reason: Arguing with admins, refusing to let it go and take complaint to forums, spamming Ahelp
This will be removed in 1440 minutes.
[15:30:55]ACCESS: Logout: Entora/(Tomika White)

Finally, for the sake of transparancy, here are his current notes:

Code: Select all

Melted a scrubbers pipe for no reason and was than told not to do it. He/She than begins to argue with admins that is is not in the rules saying minor insults. by AchillesHeel (TrialModerator) on Sun, April 26th of 2015 

Reason: Arguing with admins, refusing to let it go and take complaint to forums, spamming Ahelp by Apophis775 (Host) on Wed, April 29th of 2015 Remove

Entora, shows a history of arguing with the admins, even when they are wrong.

There are 2 sides to the rules:

Rules as Written, Rules as Intended.

Rules as written, is that, the rules, as they are written, are followed.

Rules as intended, is that, there isn't a way to conceive every POSSIBLE situation, and thus, the rules should be taken to heart. Because it's illegal for an LO to assign an Id, doesn't mean, it's legal, for someone who is NOT an LO, to assign an ID with full access to themself. That would be, a carryover of the restriction. I hvae however, adjusted the rules slightly, as this situation couldhave been prevented in MPs/LOs hadn't left all-access cards in the machines in the first place.

However, the focus on this ban, is his disrespect to admins, and refusal to calm down and stop aruging.

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Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by Entora » 29 Apr 2015, 18:12

I'm not going to blindly respect some divine figure because they own a server. I argued with you because the rules stated otherwise than what you stated, which I have read, so logically one could be upset in such a situation. It could've been dealt with IC but you decided to deal with it over OOC.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 29 Apr 2015, 20:53

NO. You decided, to take it from IC to OOC, with your constant Ahelps. I set your ID properly and gave it bakc. You were banned, because you wouldn't let it go, and make a complaint here, despite me telling you to goto the forums, NUMEROUS times.

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Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by slayerplayer99 » 29 Apr 2015, 21:31

implied & expressed rules ...murica'

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Re: Entora's Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 30 Apr 2015, 00:05

And I wasn't saying you needed blindly respect me as a "godlike" figure, i only wanted the same respect that I was giving you back:

Not spamming you with caps,
Not swearing or insulting you or those you work with,
Responding in a calm manner.
