Byond ID:SlehMerbo
Character name:Sly Marbo
Admin who banned you:coronel jones
Initial duration:24 hours
Duration remaining:4 hours
Reason for ban:Being named Sly Marbo
Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots):
Sly Marbo is an obscure name that's not based off of any book or movie and I've been using this name for over a year now with no issues until this recent month.
Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
- Wolffkran
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Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
Last edited by Wolffkran on 16 Sep 2015, 12:50, edited 1 time in total.
- Sargeantmuffinman
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
I don't like cute things.
Good hunting.
I don't like cute things.
Good hunting.
- Mycroft Macarthur
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
to be fair that is pretty obscure, i mean sure all the 40k fans amongst us have probably perused those boards at least once but even THAT is like, a tiny portion of the 40k fandom, which is itself a small portion of sci fi fandom as a whole.
im not sure coroneljones even knew ABOUT the 4chan wiki until i posted him a direct link to the hormissar gaunt page, and even then the character is basically a fanfic, not from the official lore save for a mention in one book that i'd never even heard of till reading that page a second time, how many people actually even read 40k books? do all of CM even know what 40k IS?
we may be taking it abit too far at this point, i know we dont want to see any famous characters from fiction or real life showing up but im not sure sly marbo even counts as famous, i did a direct google image search for him and it didn't even take an entire row of pictures to start seeing stuff that wasn't him (duke nukem is right there in the second row), sure itd be one thing if he was using obviously famous ass characters like Gabriel Angelos (Dawn of War Series), Horus (The Horus Heresy, one of the original Primarchs), Kaldor Draigo (even more famous thanks to his appearance in flashgitz) or other well known Canon 40k characters, but i doubt that we can really count the 4chan boards as Games Workshop Canon (otherwise the angry marines codex would totes have been an official release)
im not sure coroneljones even knew ABOUT the 4chan wiki until i posted him a direct link to the hormissar gaunt page, and even then the character is basically a fanfic, not from the official lore save for a mention in one book that i'd never even heard of till reading that page a second time, how many people actually even read 40k books? do all of CM even know what 40k IS?
we may be taking it abit too far at this point, i know we dont want to see any famous characters from fiction or real life showing up but im not sure sly marbo even counts as famous, i did a direct google image search for him and it didn't even take an entire row of pictures to start seeing stuff that wasn't him (duke nukem is right there in the second row), sure itd be one thing if he was using obviously famous ass characters like Gabriel Angelos (Dawn of War Series), Horus (The Horus Heresy, one of the original Primarchs), Kaldor Draigo (even more famous thanks to his appearance in flashgitz) or other well known Canon 40k characters, but i doubt that we can really count the 4chan boards as Games Workshop Canon (otherwise the angry marines codex would totes have been an official release)

- Feweh
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
Never heard of Sly Marbo before and wouldnt of linked it to anything.
- coroneljones
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
It wasnt just being named sly marbo once,i told him about the rule,some other people also noted that they knew who sly marbo was...
I have warned him MULTIPLE TIMES to change the name,Including a few months back,he just ignored it..even changed his Ckey to "slehmerbo" later,he was warned multiple times to change it,even before the round started,he simply ignored it
Also according to the Lexicanum he appears in Two Codexes,the catachan,second edition i belive..and this one ... h_Edition)
I have warned him MULTIPLE TIMES to change the name,Including a few months back,he just ignored it..even changed his Ckey to "slehmerbo" later,he was warned multiple times to change it,even before the round started,he simply ignored it
Also according to the Lexicanum he appears in Two Codexes,the catachan,second edition i belive..and this one ... h_Edition)
Last edited by coroneljones on 16 Sep 2015, 13:51, edited 1 time in total.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

- Tetsip
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
While obscure it seems that enough of the community recognized the reference to the point it was an immersion breaker. If what Coronel says is accurate, and I've never really known him to lie, than it sounds like he gave you every single opportunity and more to change your name before finally deciding to take action. Serve your time like the rest of us have to when we make mistakes.
-1 to the appeal. While an obscure reference it is recognizable to this particular niche.
Additionally, according to Coronel, he had been dealing with this person for at least a month regarding the same name.
-1 to the appeal. While an obscure reference it is recognizable to this particular niche.
Additionally, according to Coronel, he had been dealing with this person for at least a month regarding the same name.
- SASoperative
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
Denied. I asked you to change your name and it says quiet clearly in the rules failure to change it will result in a ban
- apophis775
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Re: Ban Appeal - Sly Marbo
CJ is pretty much, the fairest admin of them all, if you got him to give you a ban, it was most likely deserved.