Megalopeos Ban Appeal
- Methalopeos
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Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Byond ID: Megalopeos (currently using AlJibr)
Character name: John "Generic" Johnson
Admin who banned you: Apophis775
Initial duration: 1 week
Duration remaining: Permanent
Reason for ban: Welcome to the perma-ban club.
Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): It has been over a month now and I believe that I am properly rehabilitated, I feel like I should be given a second chance to prove myself and to prove that I have become another person. I took a break from SS13 but now am ready to come back.
Character name: John "Generic" Johnson
Admin who banned you: Apophis775
Initial duration: 1 week
Duration remaining: Permanent
Reason for ban: Welcome to the perma-ban club.
Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): It has been over a month now and I believe that I am properly rehabilitated, I feel like I should be given a second chance to prove myself and to prove that I have become another person. I took a break from SS13 but now am ready to come back.
- Feweh
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
What were you banned for?
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
The ban was applied after I OOC'd in IC'd, but the permaban wasn't due to that in specific, it was due to the combination of stuff I did (shitting up the server), which I apologize for.
- Jack McIntyre
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
He was the trolling lord that was on the forums and was being a very toxic player in game. I can't forget that name, quite sure you were given other chances before this one. That being said I would like to ask how have you changed and how you are no longer going to repeat your previous actions?
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I changed because I was a very angry man before, but as I said I took a break from SS13, and now I believe I have calmed down. I am not going to repeat my previous actions because I have learned from my mistakes. It's not ok to shit up other people's games for your own fun.
- Feweh
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Attempted a mutiny without first contacting an Admin for approval. Died in the attempt, but still attempted. Warned. by on Sun, August 9th of 2015
Negative attitude towards server and staff, ban him if he is seen doing it again by on Sun, August 9th of 2015
Warned for the very last time about chucklefucking and breaking roleplay as a commander. Has been giving other players absolute grief and has proven to be incompetent on several occasions. Consider this his VERY LAST WARNING. Next offense is a job-ban from command, please follow up on this. by Sun, August 9th of 2015
If he continues to break the Naming conventions with historial names, ban he. on Tue, August 18th of 2015
Banned 24hr - Metagamed knowing aliens, spouted information and acted like a shitter. Just committed a series of chucklefuckery. Had the historical name, "Mohammad Farag" Sun, August 23rd of 2015
Warned he would be muted if continue to spam *roar ... Said nobody cared. Muted that round.. by on Sat, August 29th of 2015
Banned for 7 days for openly asking over the radio IC "Are there any other good Byond games" claimed, no rule against asking it in game until I said "Lets make a bet, if there's a rule that says no OOC in IC, you get a permaban, if there isn't, no ban). Eventualyl apolgozied and blamed his "brother". on Sun, September 13th of 2015
Perma on his next offense by on Sun, September 13th of 2015
I'm sorry but this is honestly the definition of a toxic player. I'm willing to give you a second chance, but not till you serve another month of ban time. We've banned other players for far longer for far less.
Negative attitude towards server and staff, ban him if he is seen doing it again by on Sun, August 9th of 2015
Warned for the very last time about chucklefucking and breaking roleplay as a commander. Has been giving other players absolute grief and has proven to be incompetent on several occasions. Consider this his VERY LAST WARNING. Next offense is a job-ban from command, please follow up on this. by Sun, August 9th of 2015
If he continues to break the Naming conventions with historial names, ban he. on Tue, August 18th of 2015
Banned 24hr - Metagamed knowing aliens, spouted information and acted like a shitter. Just committed a series of chucklefuckery. Had the historical name, "Mohammad Farag" Sun, August 23rd of 2015
Warned he would be muted if continue to spam *roar ... Said nobody cared. Muted that round.. by on Sat, August 29th of 2015
Banned for 7 days for openly asking over the radio IC "Are there any other good Byond games" claimed, no rule against asking it in game until I said "Lets make a bet, if there's a rule that says no OOC in IC, you get a permaban, if there isn't, no ban). Eventualyl apolgozied and blamed his "brother". on Sun, September 13th of 2015
Perma on his next offense by on Sun, September 13th of 2015
I'm sorry but this is honestly the definition of a toxic player. I'm willing to give you a second chance, but not till you serve another month of ban time. We've banned other players for far longer for far less.
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I realize that what I have done is very shit, and I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused to players and admins alike, however, may I suggest I be put on probation? If I do anything shit this time, permaban me forever and I won't bother you again.
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Yeah, especially when you were like "I know your the host, but there's no rule against me doing this shitty OOC stuff in IC". And you CONSTANTLY message me over Byond trying to bypass our system. You get a ban removed, if the consensus here is to remove it.
- Jack McIntyre
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I am going to go with -1 from me mate.
- SASoperative
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Yeah... If the host of all people tells you that you should not be doing something he is probably right since its his server. That he keeps maintained and runs... I remember you giving myself and my staff some pretty terrible times while you were around by constantly trying to go against what we say and were almost always being a toxic player... I am leaving this choice up to Rah or Apop.
- coroneljones
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Ok. I'll wait for the consensus then.
- Feweh
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Id vote for a timed ban at this point, something like January 1st?
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
What servers do you play on other than CM?
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I play on pretty much every server, why?
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I'm still leaning no. Since this ban, you've gone through like 3-4 Ckeys, I feel like, it's not in my best interest to let you back on the server...
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Yes, it is true that I have been through 3-4 CKEYS, but these weren't really meant for ban evasion. I do it simply because I like changing names, and that's not something you can do in BYOND, so I have to register a whole new account. I can give you a list of my entire account names if you want, as I said, I use them to change names.
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
That's called Multi-keying, and we don't allow it...
- Methalopeos
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
The reason multi-keying is not allowed is because it is often used for ban evasion, which, as I said, I did not plan to do. You stickybanned me, there's no way I can evade that, and you know it.
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Another reason multi-keying is not allowed, is because then people avoid getting large amounts of notes on them, and thus, try to get leniency for repeatedly breaking the same rules.
- UnknownMurder
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I am very against this being appealed above any other appeals for an obvious motive.
I've been counting... This is Mega's (I am not saying Meth) SIXTH ban appeal. I've did my small research on my own and will speak as a ex-Staff player and contributing as a player and admin witness.
This Mega's forum account is actually a multikey account. Meth is actually illegal in most parts of US. The server is in US. Did no one notice this? No? Okay. Mega's Multi-Key forum should have been removed. It's a troll name unlike the old one.
Here's the URL to the original ban showing the offenses and evidence as well as attempt to bypass the system. Face it, you've been declared a repeat offender. Not to mention, you tried to spread 'religion' and all that 'Hersey'. (CJ's definition).
This is you, your last ban appeal on different account.
This is you, spouting random religion crap. ... 826#p37826
This is you, coming back under one week of ban appeal.
You were told the reason why you were banned, and you chose to ignore it. Everything SAS just told you. Everything Apophis just told you. This is why you're a repeat offender.
Back to Mega's REAL forum account, check his profile. You can see his profile having he most active post and topic... IN RESOLVED APPEALS.
Face it, it's the sixth ban appeal you've made so far. You're not getting anywhere. You're still trying to bypass the system, the multikey system. I know you're trying to bypass, I was like you once, I was in love with bypassing systems somewhere else. If SAS/Apophis/Rah says no, then it's a no. You're not Pheonix Wright. This isn't politics. If you choose to continue this, you are playing a high stake poker and lost everything. That's something to think about.
That's all from my character witness and huge stock load of information. I've done my research. Reasons above are probably what they hate you for it.
Hell, I'm feeling like my old self, and I don't want to return to my old self.
I've been counting... This is Mega's (I am not saying Meth) SIXTH ban appeal. I've did my small research on my own and will speak as a ex-Staff player and contributing as a player and admin witness.
This Mega's forum account is actually a multikey account. Meth is actually illegal in most parts of US. The server is in US. Did no one notice this? No? Okay. Mega's Multi-Key forum should have been removed. It's a troll name unlike the old one.
Here's the URL to the original ban showing the offenses and evidence as well as attempt to bypass the system. Face it, you've been declared a repeat offender. Not to mention, you tried to spread 'religion' and all that 'Hersey'. (CJ's definition).
This is you, your last ban appeal on different account.
This is you, spouting random religion crap. ... 826#p37826
This is you, coming back under one week of ban appeal.
You were told the reason why you were banned, and you chose to ignore it. Everything SAS just told you. Everything Apophis just told you. This is why you're a repeat offender.
Back to Mega's REAL forum account, check his profile. You can see his profile having he most active post and topic... IN RESOLVED APPEALS.
Face it, it's the sixth ban appeal you've made so far. You're not getting anywhere. You're still trying to bypass the system, the multikey system. I know you're trying to bypass, I was like you once, I was in love with bypassing systems somewhere else. If SAS/Apophis/Rah says no, then it's a no. You're not Pheonix Wright. This isn't politics. If you choose to continue this, you are playing a high stake poker and lost everything. That's something to think about.
That's all from my character witness and huge stock load of information. I've done my research. Reasons above are probably what they hate you for it.
Hell, I'm feeling like my old self, and I don't want to return to my old self.

- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Oh yeah, he's NEVER getting unbanned.
My favorite part, was the "brother" excuse from his first (second?) ban. That's always a classic. I guess I SHOULD get around to denying and banning this account as well...
My favorite part, was the "brother" excuse from his first (second?) ban. That's always a classic. I guess I SHOULD get around to denying and banning this account as well...
- Feweh
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Found these, he's perm banned from another other server recently as well it seems. (old one) (old one)
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
I really like how if you google this name, you get like, a straight PAGE of ban appeals. Top shelf.
- apophis775
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Re: Megalopeos Ban Appeal
Anyway, lets just... take care of this right now...