Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

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Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 06:37

Byond ID: Silvan78

Character name: Ion Raldin

Admin who banned you: apophis775 ( i think, couse it's not written anywhere)

Initial duration: not stated

Duration remaining: not stated

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in): 13JAN16 - Metacommunication, refusing to speak english

Your appeal, including evidence (an http://www.imgur.com album is recommended for multiple screenshots):
Situation: i was a part of medical saff (researcher). Having all my research done (as CMO requested). I have moved to med bay to aid doctors as the med bay was swarming from casevac. Having no experience and proper doctor i only could clean the room, drag SSDs away or try to dispense simple medication for evident problem, such as Persh Aggley lung puncture, or watch Bear Reynolds operate to learn something. At the time the game round was already more than 4 hrs long (after 4am) and the lag was unbearable (40sec lag, up to 10 sec play). I have asked the question concerning lag on LOOC channel, only to find out (after another lag sessions ended) that some people responded and a was banned.
The ban is beyond my comprehension, as i have never refused to communicate in english. The only occasion i remember about non eng. lang. was almost 12hrs earlier as i greated friend even newer to the game than me, in a secluded area of the ship, (i was warned, apologized and refrained from no eng. anywhere in the game). Also for metacommunication, that's even more absurd, as i do no recall speaking on anything ie. concerning aliens before i found one lying dead and my r/d doorstep (other my communications of lerning curve, way to lit the flamethrower were done 2 game rounds prior to event in LOOC)).
Would you be so kinda and at least explain/lift the ban?

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 07:30

I have found a reason for my ban; my response is in the topic concerning report: viewtopic.php?f=63&t=5185&p=54194#p54194. As i have stated there, the language was at the beginning of a round between new players (one trying to help another) in the secluded area. No refusal or harm intent.

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 07:37

Well indeed, i used "says" instead of LOOC; learned about them bit later during next round as a SL tried to teach me to lit the flamethrower. Still there was no harm intent, just ignorance that has been corrected aferwards. If you consider this a permban offence; so be it; just let me know.

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 08:31

I was aware or ruleset; that's why i tried to aid a friend is separated room, not to confuse other players; i used says instead of LOOC (couse OOC the rules refer to is offline during the game, at least for me) out of ignorance about the game (not really newbie-friendly env.), and wrong. lang. to purposefully speed up aid process as the round was starting for us. Obviously, that was anoying for all-ears administration. If the permban is what is given here to newbies trying to actualy play with no grief intent and actually correcting their behaviour after the warning (even thou delayed corection), then well... indeed new players should seek fun elsewhere.

If i were to ask to adhere to rules, no mute was given before ban, thus it would be a breach of rules itself ;)

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Feweh » 14 Jan 2016, 09:34

You guys disabled power to the lower deck and ignored a plauer who pointed out the rules to you.


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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 10:04

Feweh wrote:You guys disabled power to the lower deck and ignored a plauer who pointed out the rules to you.

Unless this is ridicule rethorical question, out of subject of the ban and not contributing to subject (aka. trolling); let me repeat what is already in the posts above: the damage to lower decks was unintentional as we've been looking for a fax machine (if you're new player here you have no info how does the fax look like in future); checking stuff at comm room (communication is also faxing too, right) led to accidental disabling power. My claim could be confirmed by admin posting other logs from the game session, as i was laso trying to establish comm contact with my SL (no knowing that the damage hapened). As for the second part of your drawl, i have already said, the warning was unnoticed at that time, and was taken into consideration as soon as we got the idea (also in presence of other players while going to bridge we switched to propper lang. and stayed that way). So where the hell is refusal?

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Feweh » 14 Jan 2016, 10:27

In the future, simply answer the questions and cut the rhetorical questions and trolling bullshit. Youre appealing a ban here, if a member of staff ask you the same questions 10 times you still need to answer it.

Im having trouble understanding how two newbies go looking for a FAX machine and disable power? You look with your eyes and open airlocks to find this.

I can understand the polish to a extent and dont see this as a major issue.

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 14:11

@Feweh; If you your intent was not to make fun, please accept my sincere apologies for me implying trolling. As for the fax thingy; showed a friend how to get into the game; met him 4hrs later as i logged back, he was a CL. He led me to his office and informed of the "fax mission". He needed a fax. I have checked his main room office (indeed nothing looked like a oldschool fax). Showed him communication room with consoles, but none of them was a fax. Then led him to the bridge. XO or some BO lead him back to his quarters to show him his fax in his next room, which i had no access to (i was absent at that time, attended briefing room looking for other squad members). Later as i have visited him, the fax mission was still no success as he couldn't pass the fax authorization; Also a panel by the entrance door revealing red line was striped. I have tried to restore the floor by tossing the floor elements there... but didn't work. Also he has showed me that there is a "secret" passage (not telling where to avoid spoilers). We explored maintenance tunnels around (it was bit easier as i provided light from combat armour). We moved around but failed to find anything of interest. Indeed we visited few areas including power batery. What did he clicked to disable/damage baterry i know not (surely i haven't fired a shot). My best guess would be that he used a hand to access the battery the same way as he tried to access the air terminal in the screenshot that wayatth provided at the second topic http://i.imgur.com/Fq4HWYO.png, only he was carying crowbar in his hand. Later on as i stayed in his room, i have attempted to contact my SL through radio, but it was not working (had no idea why). As i made to the hangar i was informed that someone disabled power on lower deck and that it is fixed now; we had a infested shuttle inbound so i tried to mount defenses but failed miserably (as some of us were even more inexperienced in fight then me, 4hrs newbie). The round was lost. End of story.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Feweh » 14 Jan 2016, 14:23

Thank you for the proper information.

Provided this is all accurate, I see no reason why two newbies who were walking around not causing any harm to the servet shouldnt be unbanned.

As to how power was disabled, if it wasnt intentional or even them.. I see no reason to punish them further since theyve already spent the last day and probably next couple banned.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by apophis775 » 14 Jan 2016, 15:26

Well, the current ban is a Permaban, due to Metacommunication and Language violations.

Feweh, since you've been handling this, if you give me your final judgement, I'll carry out your recommendation.

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Feweh » 14 Jan 2016, 16:09

apophis775 wrote:Well, the current ban is a Permaban, due to Metacommunication and Language violations.

Feweh, since you've been handling this, if you give me your final judgement, I'll carry out your recommendation.

I think everything seemed a lot worse than what it was. Because no one understood them they were painted as potential griefer.

Just two newbies who didnt read the rules clearly and where just helping eachother. He also has showed that he clearly speaks English and its not a language barrier issue.

Its been about 1-2 days which I think youd agree is a fair ban for speaking another language while IC. No reason to punish a bunch of confused new players any further.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by apophis775 » 15 Jan 2016, 15:32

Ok, this will get lifted.

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Re: Unban appeal, or at least explanation request

Post by Lostmixup » 16 Jan 2016, 05:03

Resolved and moved.
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