14400 Minute Ban -

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14400 Minute Ban -

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 17 Jan 2016, 13:09

Byond ID:

Character name:
Jesus D. Christ

Admin who banned you:

Initial duration:

Duration remaining:

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in including the reference code):
"You have been banned by trblackdragon.
Reason: Blatant Rule Breaking. Pending perma.
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 14400 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Connection died."

Your appeal, including evidence (an www.imgur.com album is recommended for multiple screenshots):

What? Really?
I get a 14400 minute ban and pending perma for naming myself Jesus D. Christ and flying out the air lock.
I had already talked to an admin about my name (And I had told him this) when trblackdragon Ahelps me about it.
A marine had said something about Paratroopers and reaching maximum velocity, so I opened the door to stand in it and pretend like I was stupid enough to jump.
What I wasn't aware of is that when I open the door that I'd get knocked down and sucked out by space.
This server's code is different from any I've played and was sure that space didn't suck people out like how it does on other servers, I've opened hatches/doors to space on this server before and I wasn't thrown out like that.
It was an honest mistake but trblackdragon thinks otherwise and decided to give me this absolutely assinine ban time.
Yes, I have read the rules several times but I wasn't aware that naming myself Jesus D. Christ would enrage an admin to the point where he wants to perma me. I thought by adding the D, it gave me room for no relation to Jesus Christ.
Heres logs of me speaking to the admins.

Original paratrooper comment in question:
(Obviously this was a joke. I wanted to stand in the doorway to make it look like I was going to jump, but didn't plan on it.)

PM to-Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): I think a bunch of marines are jumping some dude in the Briefing Room
Moderator PM from-Feweh: eh jesus
PM to-Feweh: Yes? You called?
Moderator PM from-Feweh: youve read our server rules right?
PM to-Feweh: Yes. I'm not THE Jesus, though. I'm Jesus D.
Moderator PM from-Feweh: Ya I don't care, change your name next round
PM to-Feweh: That'd be like that one actor. Michael B. Jordan. Not related to Michael Jordan at all.
PM to-Feweh: Alright :(
Moderator PM from-Feweh: Ya, still don't care. Have a proper name next round
PM to-Feweh: Got it dad
TrialAdmin PM from-TR-Blackdragon: Excuse me. What in the world were you thinking with naming your self that? You deffinatly know better then that.....
PM to-TR-Blackdragon: Already was talked to about it
DEAD: MOD(Feweh) says, "seriously?"
DEAD: Janus D. Hurst says, "It was actually an accident"
DEAD: Janus D. Hurst says, "I just meant to stand in the doorway"
DEAD: Janus D. Hurst says, "But I flew out"
DEAD: MOD(Feweh) says, "no not at all"

Really. This ban length and ban reason is insane for something so menial.
I literally just came back from a ban involving Felix as well, which I posted an appeal and complaint about.
I really feel like this wasn't handled too well at all.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by Feweh » 17 Jan 2016, 13:18

In only 16 days these are your notes, you're pretty much done for.
You're also lying again in your appeal, you stood by the doorway opened the airlock and said "ALRIGHT MARINES WHERE PARATROOPERS NOW!"

Code: Select all

Player killed another player because someone said they were killing people.. he waited for them to get off the shuttle and shot them dead. He was playing XO and thought he had the power to do so, warned him as he helped the other player get back into it. by (Moderator) on Tue, December 29th of 2015 Remove

Stole a dead marines ID Issued a warning by (Moderator) on Mon, January 4th of 2016 

Did not properly Escallate force by  (Host) on Wed, January 6th of 2016 

Banned from Survivor - As survivor (Colony map), told marines that aliens could travel through vents. I informed them that this is not something a survivor would know (Especially as it was the colony map) and told them to read the rules. They later (Same round) apparently told marines that aliens could operate the shuttles despite no such thing happening IC'ly. Player doesn't understand the limitations of survivor and didn't attempt to learn. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, January 6th of 2016 Remove

Possibly killed a marine as grief, got conflicting reports from both people. Would watch for this type of behavior since he seems known to do it. Warned to be more careful with his shots. by  on Fri, January 8th of 2016 

Banned for 3 hours for killing a marine who he said let another marine get infected without helping them. Although first he said it was a accident. With the llie as well as not having properly a reason for just shooting to death a marine and then threatening to do it agian once he was free from handcuffs. Banned for 3 hours. by  on Fri, January 8th of 2016 

Attempted to kill the CMO for giving him anesthetics, regardless of being told not to. This is the final warning he needs to get for griefing, if he griefs again please give him a lengthy ban. -Adjective. by on Wed, January 13th of 2016 

As a doctor, was tabled by a marine. He ran away, and the marine followed him. He went to the armory and grabbed a shotgun, pumping it and telling the marine to back off. The marine threw a knife, Ralph responded with shotgunning him. Some amount of fighting later, Ralph emerges victorious (Because the marine had stopped fighting and Ralph grabbed another gun to finish him off with). Ralph then tried to morgue the body, and when another doctor cloned the marine (Begging him to just let it drop), Ralph stole (Aborted?) the new clone and ran around with him, punching him. Then he dropped the marineclone in the middle of the hangar presumably to be gibbed. This is a 2 day ban. by on Fri, January 15th of 2016 

Banned from Chief Medical Officer, Doctor, Researcher - As a doctor, Aborted/stole a marineclone who had fought with him before and dragged him around, punching him. Also stole his ID (Lied to the other doctor about this), then left the player to be smushed by the shuttle. by on Fri, January 15th of 2016 Remove

Banned from Chief Medical Officer, Doctor, Researcher - As a doctor, Aborted/stole a marineclone who had fought with him before (Ralph used a shotgun to kill him) and dragged him around, punching him. Also stole his ID (Lied to the other doctor about this), then left the player to be smushed by the shuttle. by  on Fri, January 15th of 2016 Remove

Major name violation. He should know better then that and then after staff changed his name he spaced himself. Issueing a 10 day Ban Pending perma. by on Sun, January 17th of 2016

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Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 17 Jan 2016, 13:44

A lot of these are extremely petty.
I never had any intentions of fucking up or breaking rules.
I didn't even grief or harm anyone.
At this point, I feel like you guys are looking for any reason to kick me out for good.

Again, no, I'm not lying about the airlock.
I may have said that, but I did not intend to jump out of the airlock. Of course it would kill me, after the round JUST starting and me collecting all of my medical stuff and waiting in briefing for 15+ minutes you really think I'd willingly jump out of the shuttles airlock?
I legitimately did not mean to jump out of the airlock, if you go back and look at the logs it'll say that I was pushed over by a gush of wind, knocked over, and sucked out the airlock.
I didn't know it would do that, I already explained it.

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Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 17 Jan 2016, 13:56

Player killed another player because someone said they were killing people.. he waited for them to get off the shuttle and shot them dead. He was playing XO and thought he had the power to do so, warned him as he helped the other player get back into it. by (Moderator) on Tue, December 29th of 2015 Remove

That was my first time on the station, didn't read up on the rules. That was a fuck up on my part and I should have Ahelped it.

Stole a dead marines ID Issued a warning by (Moderator) on Mon, January 4th of 2016

I was using this ID to get somewhere that I needed to be, it was mid-late round and most of the marines were dead so I couldn't just ask somebody to open the door for me.

Did not properly Escallate force by (Host) on Wed, January 6th of 2016

What does this even mean?

Banned from Survivor - As survivor (Colony map), told marines that aliens could travel through vents. I informed them that this is not something a survivor would know (Especially as it was the colony map) and told them to read the rules. They later (Same round) apparently told marines that aliens could operate the shuttles despite no such thing happening IC'ly. Player doesn't understand the limitations of survivor and didn't attempt to learn. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, January 6th of 2016 Remove

I was told by the other survivor (A chef) that the aliens were using the vent so I went off his knowledge.
I was also told this knowledge by the other survivor, I wish I could bring up the logs.

Possibly killed a marine as grief, got conflicting reports from both people. Would watch for this type of behavior since he seems known to do it. Warned to be more careful with his shots. by on Fri, January 8th of 2016

I need context for this - Regardless, whatever the issue was I should have Ahelped.

Banned for 3 hours for killing a marine who he said let another marine get infected without helping them. Although first he said it was a accident. With the llie as well as not having properly a reason for just shooting to death a marine and then threatening to do it agian once he was free from handcuffs. Banned for 3 hours. by on Fri, January 8th of 2016

This marine pushed another marine into a face hugger and let him lie there to get infected.
I tried telling the admin but they didn't care. Should have Ahelped again.

Attempted to kill the CMO for giving him anesthetics, regardless of being told not to. This is the final warning he needs to get for griefing, if he griefs again please give him a lengthy ban. -Adjective. by on Wed, January 13th of 2016

CMO anesthetic'd me (Fridrich, actually) because I called him a cunt.
I was assisting in a surgery and was fetching blood for it since the patient was CRIT Blood level. I told Frid to "Get the fuck out of my way, cunt." to which he stuck me with anesthetics for that petty insult.
He did not get in trouble, so I shot him because he could have gotten my patient killed.

As a doctor, was tabled by a marine. He ran away, and the marine followed him. He went to the armory and grabbed a shotgun, pumping it and telling the marine to back off. The marine threw a knife, Ralph responded with shotgunning him. Some amount of fighting later, Ralph emerges victorious (Because the marine had stopped fighting and Ralph grabbed another gun to finish him off with). Ralph then tried to morgue the body, and when another doctor cloned the marine (Begging him to just let it drop), Ralph stole (Aborted?) the new clone and ran around with him, punching him. Then he dropped the marineclone in the middle of the hangar presumably to be gibbed. This is a 2 day ban. by on Fri, January 15th of 2016

Already explained in a very lengthy post I made in Appeal/Complaint.

Banned from Chief Medical Officer, Doctor, Researcher - As a doctor, Aborted/stole a marineclone who had fought with him before and dragged him around, punching him. Also stole his ID (Lied to the other doctor about this), then left the player to be smushed by the shuttle. by on Fri, January 15th of 2016 Remove

I explained this several times. No, I did not leave him to be "smushed by shuttle". No.
I dropped him because Fridrich (The CMO) was chasing me, he then pulled out a 44 magnum as I was running across the launch pad so I dropped the body so that he could grab it, instead of shooting me.
He then proceeded to anesthetic me (I was standing still and typing) three times, OD'ing me and causing me to drift in and out of crit/conciousness for the rest of the round until I was killed by a ravager or charger that got on the shuttle.

Major name violation. He should know better then that and then after staff changed his name he spaced himself. Issueing a 10 day Ban Pending perma. by on Sun, January 17th of 2016

I feel like this is unjust and unfair.
I did NOT purposely space myself.
You guys won't listen to me, I did NOT purposely space myself. I expressed this through dead chat and PMs to admins, which they denied and brushed it off as me lying.
I. Did. Not. Purposely. Space. Myself.

There is a LOT of bias against me coming from you guys, I can see why given my track record but you guys are leaving out a lot of shit from my bans and ignoring my side of the story, completely invalidating anything I have to say.
I've noticed that no one here will listen to what I have to say and write it off as lying or bullshit, when 80% of the time it's not true.
Yes, I did bullshit a bit when I was new to this server because I didn't read the rules and didn't want to come off as not knowing my shit when I should have just asked for help when I needed it and read the rules.
This permapending is now all because of a name I had that. That's too much.

All I ask is that you guys listen to me for once and not think that everything I say is bullshit.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by Feweh » 17 Jan 2016, 13:59

It's perma-pending because you've been here for less than 16 days and have all those notes, that's an insane amount of shit in such a short time.

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Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 17 Jan 2016, 14:13

Feweh wrote:It's perma-pending because you've been here for less than 16 days and have all those notes, that's an insane amount of shit in such a short time.

I know it is, I apologize. I fuck up a lot and I don't mean to.

I never intend to harm/ruin/grief anyone's round when I play.
When I play I want to help enhance the already atmospheric gameplay going on.
Actually, I consider this the 'Colonial Marines' game we never got. (Instead, we got some disgustingly forgettable bullshit, hopefully Sega and Gearbox learned from that.)
Playing medic on this server is fucking amazing. It's the only role I ever go. It gives me the chance to help people and save them from dying so they can fight on and enjoy the round.
From what I can tell, I'm a really good medic and have helped a lot of people out. Playing medic on this server is no where close to being a doctor on any other server, its just fun.

But if I have ruined anyones round on accident or with my obscene Jesus name, then I apologize.

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Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by SASoperative » 17 Jan 2016, 14:41

Look. Let me just throw down some facts... Lock this and move on cause your are approved for a Perma so this appeal is no longer really valid.
In the short span of 16 days here you have broken A LOT of rules.. We are a medium RP server which you failed to understand in addition to you failed to understand these two rules right here in particular which I can understand clearly or you just did not care even after you read them
Rule 0.1 READ ALL THE RULES. By playing on the server, you are confirming that you have read ALL of our rules (not just some or a few). Ignorance is not an excuse and breaking rules without reading may extend your punishment.
Character Names - Your character must have a normal first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc - these are restricted to admin characters for RP only.
Regardless you failed to follow at least ONE OF THOSE RULES. by blatantly making a name that goes against those guidelines.
Your behavior on our server just does not work for a medium RP server and I would recommend you go to a more light RP server, It would probably better suit you...

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Re: 14400 Minute Ban -

Post by Lostmixup » 18 Jan 2016, 14:38

Moved due to being resolved.
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