Banning And Ip Nonsense.

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Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Corgilord69 » 01 Feb 2016, 17:20

Byond ID: CorgiLord69

Character name: Had this issue on a previous account and yet ive never played on it so i made thiss account also.

Admin who banned you: beyond me.

Initial duration: I believe it to be infinite

Duration remaining:infinite

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban):
Griefers gonna grief.
Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): Now ever since ive moved i have had troubles logging on to every server. Either im already banned due to some other numb skull or Im kicked for having two accounts on the same ip. It is truly annoying. Im very sorry for whatever they may have done and I wish you can forgive it enough to allow me onto your server please and thank you :D

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Officialjake » 02 Feb 2016, 03:43

We are going to need more information. When you attempt to log in it will display who banned you, if it says "Banned by Host" that means apophis Banned you.

If you were banned on a a different account and attempted to log on with this one it is an IP ban. Do you have multiple accounts on the same IP address?

If you are using a VPN or proxy it won't let you connect at all.

We really need more information than this to process this appeal. Can you screenshot the message that comes up when you attempt to log in?

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Corgilord69 » 02 Feb 2016, 12:09

The link is the picture of it.

Also I have this problem on other servers as well because apperently my ip is connected to alot of others so therefore im either banned or kicked off for having two accounts on the same server. Its rather annoying.

What i see when i login:

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Officialjake » 02 Feb 2016, 19:08

Corgilord69 wrote:The link is the picture of it.

for having two accounts on the same server. Its rather annoying.

What i see when i login:
Were you banned on one account before and are now trying to use the other to play?

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by apophis775 » 03 Feb 2016, 03:13

I was going to remove this, cause our ban system is GOOD but not perfect, but I noticed a few things:

Your account name, is VERY CLOSE to the account name a of KNOWN FFF member/griefer. Like, SO CLOSE that I pretty much doubt your not the same person, especially since several variations/combinations of your account name, are all linked to the same account.

Second, all the accounts share the same tracking data, meaning, it's not spoofs, it's someone trying to evade.

Thus, I'd need some sort of proof that your not actually FuzzyLover69 (or one of his MANY MANY aliases), since literally all the alts linked to that, are a variation or slight modification of your account and enough specific information is shared between them, that more investigation is necessary before I would consider removing this.

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by apophis775 » 03 Feb 2016, 03:26

Ok, after more research, I'm denying this.

I've discovered evidence that you are more than likely a known griefer/troller (like, a MASSIVE amount of matches in our database). In case you're not and this a legitimate thing that your caught up in, I've inquired with your details with other server hosts, giving them a list of the known IPs/CKeys associated with your specific account so that we might be able to sort this out.

There is a chance (albeit small) that you are innocent, and a check across the servers will probably yield an answer.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Feweh » 03 Feb 2016, 14:51

On another server there was a guy with a similar username applying for a appeal. Likewise it was something along the lines of puppylover69. People pointed out the same things that APOP posted above.

See the thing with a public griefer is that they LOVE attention, so much so that they value being recognized more than being subtle.

Which is why every single one of the guys account are similiar, he wants to be recognized.

Its like a serial killer who cant help but leave clues behind after a murder that let everyone know its the same killer, they get a high by being recognized from the publicity afterwards.

Which unfortunately for this guy is his downfall in the end. His ego is more important than his griefing which in the end ruins his justification (FFF bullshit) and simply turns it into a selfish ego boost .

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Re: Banning And Ip Nonsense.

Post by Lostmixup » 05 Feb 2016, 20:53

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