unban request

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unban request

Post by begad » 02 Feb 2016, 16:59

Byond ID:zelcration

Character name:Soloman Baker

Admin who banned you:Apophis

Initial duration: Perma ban

Duration remaining:Perma ban

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban):https://gyazo.com/5029be14c035ebbbfe845c4023099719

Your appeal, including evidence (an www.imgur.com album is recommended for multiple screenshots):So, I have been banned for like 4 month Now, And I feel Sorry for my self And what I did, I did an Unban request One month ago,But apparently iT didn't Accepted I said sorry in it about what I did And Other things And All the people I hurt I said sorry to Them And other things I don't rememeber So I wish I return to this Game But prob You wouldn't say yes For what I did I actually Miss This game so Much That I regreat What I did Very much And I am very sorry for what I did Please Please please Forgive me And please Consider Well Unbanning me i know I deserve it But I deserve another chance Please.
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Re: unban request

Post by Westhybrid » 02 Feb 2016, 17:14

After investigating this, I can't really see any sign of rehabilitation here. Being sorry and learning your lesson are not the same things. Your notes are abundant. While you might not have meant to do some of these things, many of them were clearly intentional, regardless of your knowledge of the server, the rules, and the game at large.

I don't think this is the right server for you, personally. I'd recommend looking at other servers and learning the game itself through Vanilla Servers. Professionally, there's no sign that you wouldn't do something equal to or more damaging to our server than what you've already done.

This is what I posted when I investigated your last app.

As I would suggest again, please find a different server. We are not the one for you.

My investigation is the same and so is my conclusion, recommending this be closed and moved to the archive.
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Re: unban request

Post by begad » 02 Feb 2016, 17:48

Is there anyway To fix what I did????
Solomon 'Dickie'Baker: A man who shoots dicks off people who disrespect him.

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Re: unban request

Post by Feweh » 02 Feb 2016, 17:55

begad wrote:Is there anyway To fix what I did????
Hi, few questions.

Have you recently been banned from any other servers? ANY perma bans or short bans? If so please state the reasons why. (We can check)

What has changed in the last month since your last appeal?

Please explain why you think you deserve another chance?

Have you read the new Rules and RP guidelines since being banned? If we where to quiz you on the rules, would you pass?

What is roleplay to you?

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Re: unban request

Post by Lostmixup » 02 Feb 2016, 18:21

Is your native language English by the way? This is an important question.
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Re: unban request

Post by begad » 02 Feb 2016, 19:53

Have you recently been banned from any other servers? I believe I don't remember The server name But I believe The same day Of my ban, I got perma banned I Believe

What has changed in the last month since your last appeal? what Changed Is That I thought about What I did ,And I thought Why I did that IT was absoultly Dumb And After I finished Exams I came Right here To try and fix the probloms that happened

Please explain why you think you deserve another chance?Basically,I think I changed From The perma Ban I regreat Being banned Forever And I am really sorry about what happened I would do anything To deserve a second chance

Have you read the new Rules and RP guidelines since being banned? If we where to quiz you on the rules, would you pass?Not Yet I am gonna read them again,

What is roleplay to you?I didn't get this question,

Is your native language English by the way? No,
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Re: unban request

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 05 Feb 2016, 08:03

How long have you been learning English as a language just so we know how well your able to understand it. From what I can see in your posts you aren't half bad with the language. But then again you could have purchased a high end translator

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Re: unban request

Post by begad » 05 Feb 2016, 11:52

6 or 7 I believe, I can speak English very well Irl as well. And I know I Did Really bad Things In the past on the server,But I believe I deserve A second chance Just try me,
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Re: unban request

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 05 Feb 2016, 13:02

Is that years or months?

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Re: unban request

Post by begad » 05 Feb 2016, 13:58

Years,Being teached in an Private School,,
Solomon 'Dickie'Baker: A man who shoots dicks off people who disrespect him.

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Re: unban request

Post by Feweh » 05 Feb 2016, 21:23

Hello again Begad.. these are your notes.

Code: Select all

As a marine, said "Srsly" multiple times in briefing. Apparently was not aware of the full rules, had only read the roundstart rules. I pointed him in the right direction. by  on Mon, September 7th of 2015 

R)LOOC: Soloman Baker/(Begad): We need to kill the commander and assign someone that really knows what to do(R)LOOC: Soloman Baker/(Begad): Well I know But I want to win this round Also blew up the briefing shutters for no reason by  on Tue, September 8th of 2015 

Later joined after they said they were "going to leave" when contacted,logged by  on Tue, September 8th of 2015 

IC in OOC by on Tue, September 8th of 2015 

Was arrested after someone walked into his shot, he got freed by someone and eventually acted hostile after a manhunt and got shot down in response. Complained about it in deadchat and LOOC to people in the game ... Warned him to not continue with his behaviour by  on Thu, September 10th of 2015 

End of round grief by  on Sun, September 13th of 2015 

Suicided in marine Prep after round start. For no reason. by on Thu, September 17th of 2015 

Was captured and stripped the AFK CO, then left them in a maintanence area, before logging. 24h ban, from prior level of notes by on Thu, September 24th of 2015 

As CE, ejected the SM at round start. Said he was new to Engineering so he was just pressing random things... Player has a awful history of bullshit, ban next offense. by on Fri, September 25th of 2015 Remove 
Please re-read them and understand what you've done wrong in the past.
Also, read the rules and the RP Guidelines....

I'm open to giving you another chance, however it's up to a head now. You've served 4-5 months for your previous actions and understand that if you returned you'd be on PROBATION.. meaning any ban could be another permanent.

Do you understand?

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Re: unban request

Post by Lostmixup » 06 Feb 2016, 03:57

Your notes are within all within one month of each other, which makes me not want to bring you back; however, I'm willing to give you a shot.

You'll be on probation, which means that a ban within a certain amount of time (probably about a month) will get you re-issued a perma.

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