Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

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Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by crono23 » 14 Feb 2016, 05:12

Byond ID: I'm going to assume this means username and hope I'm right: Crono23 | Character Name: Alaina Koepple

Admin who banned me: Ordukai

Total Ban Duration: Indefinite (Pretty sure. I have terrible memory.)

Reason for ban: Abysmal job as a CO. Forgetting about ERT, disrespecting marines, oblivious to the situation. The whole nine yards.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: This is my first appeal for anything.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I don't really mind being jobbanned from CO, XO, and BO all that much (although getting a lift from them would be nice) and I was jobbanned from CE too (which I never play so I don't care about that either), but I do ask for a lift on CMO and the remaining roles. I'm a pretty competent doctor, I've had some good experiences as RO and MP, and I don't really have trouble commanding a small section of staff, then I do commanding an entire ship full. I've done a satisfactory job as CO and XO before and this is really the only time I've messed it up completely. It was also only with about 20 people on at the time, and for some reason I did a better job commanding several dozen then I did with less then 10. If I do get the ban lifted, I'll try to avoid said command staff roles for a while until I'm 100% sure I know what I'm doing. Lastly I felt being banned from all command roles was a little unfair. Yes, I was horrible at CO that round, but horrible job as CO does not entirely mean I'd be just as worse as a CMO, MP, or RO. Sorry for the trouble I caused.

(Edited this post a bit later then I probably should've, but it was 4AM when I wrote this and didn't have time to get around to it until now. Tried not to delete very much, so it should have the same feel as the previous version.)
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Re: Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by Allan1234 » 17 Feb 2016, 20:57

Sorry about the delay.

Your notes for refernce.

Code: Select all

Shot the CO and attempted a Mutiny with out proper authorization from the staff. Issuing a six hour ban for first offence by () on Mon, January 25th of 2016 

Used harm baton instead of stun. Issued a warning and explained which intents they need to be on in the future. by () on Sun, January 31st of 2016 

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liason, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Absolutely abysmal job of being CO. Sent the shuttle down too late to extract the marines, recalled it too late to prevent aliens from getting a silent ride. After they sent marines down to the hangar "Just in case something goes wrong", they spent three full minutes completely oblivious to the fact that aliens were storming the Sulaco, despite radio communications from desparate marines. Half way through this, when the queen sent down the droppod for a carrier, they announced using the communication console essentially "Guys, we might be about to get boarded, get ready" as more marines died to the aliens. Eventually an SL screaming "THEY'RE IN CARGO" got through to their brain (after about the 3rd attempt) and they responded with "YOU IDIOTS! YOU HAD ONE JOB!". Please learn to listen to comms, lead your troops, etc etc. All the fundamental basics of being in a command role. by () on Sun, February 14th of 2016 Remove
While you don't see to have too many notes on the issue I would like to await imput from the staff that banned you before I make a choice.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by Ordukai » 19 Feb 2016, 02:27

I've thought this over, and while that round was an abysmal display of commandship (more so than the average commander), I'm going to remove the job ban in favor of a disfavorable note.

Please for goodness sake don't repeat the mistakes you made that round. I wish we had a system where players have to work their way up through BO->XO->CO, but that's unlikely. Regardless, I'll be removing the ban next time you're on, or I guess just point another admin to this post and they'll do it for you. Edit: Just replaced it with a note, but I can't remove jobbans if the player is not in the round.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by crono23 » 19 Feb 2016, 03:01

Ordukai wrote:I've thought this over, and while that round was an abysmal display of commandship (more so than the average commander), I'm going to remove the job ban in favor of a disfavorable note.

Please for goodness sake don't repeat the mistakes you made that round. I wish we had a system where players have to work their way up through BO->XO->CO, but that's unlikely. Regardless, I'll be removing the ban next time you're on, or I guess just point another admin to this post and they'll do it for you. Edit: Just replaced it with a note, but I can't remove jobbans if the player is not in the round.
Understood. At the time of writing this I'm not really in the mood to get on just to get the jobban lifted, so I'll wait until I see you on again to ask. As stated in my appeal, I'll try to avoid said command staff roles, and if do find myself forced in such a role, I'll try not to do such a horribly shitty job as before.
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Re: Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by Allan1234 » 19 Feb 2016, 04:08

Appeal accepted and the ban will be lifted. Waiting Lock/close
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Requesting Jobban lift from some command staff roles (RO, CMO, MP, etc)

Post by SASoperative » 22 Feb 2016, 16:34

Resolved and locked. Will be moved when Lost gets around to it.
