I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

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I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

Post by Jbm35 » 20 Feb 2016, 08:38

Your Byond ID: Jbmalone35 | Character Name: Tina Russuel

Admin who banned you: Host

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: Permanent ban

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban): Banned by host: J21NOV2015 - Griefing with SADAR, history of causing trouble.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban:

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

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Re: I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

Post by Allan1234 » 20 Feb 2016, 15:12

Notes for refernce.

Code: Select all

proceeded to head down to the planet as a military Police with lethals and began to set up defences, warned of their actions and admitted to knowing this was wrong. Warned since this was a first time offence, Apply necessary ban if this happens again. by () on Mon, August 17th of 2015 

Addendum to last one- Proceeded to comment that ''admins are assholes'' After killing someone who attacked them and was denied admin assistance due to retaliation. This was after their head was than blown off for this. once again. Apply ban if needed. by () on Mon, August 17th of 2015 

Spoken to about intentionally killing face huggers as an alien because a Hunter kept pushing him and he "was bored". Told to not do it again. by () on Wed, September 9th of 2015 

As a crusher, killed a couple SSD and infected hosts, as well as slashing a yautja instead of infecting it because "IT'S ALIEN RULE NUMBER ONE, HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THE MOVIES" by () on Sun, September 13th of 2015 

As a hunter, complained using (()) over hivemind about the lag. by () on Fri, October 2nd of 2015 

As a ravager, IC'd in OOC saying "Why did I die? I was in the middle of the hive." Same round as before. by () on Fri, October 2nd of 2015 

Stacked Facehuggers in the hive. well over 3 stacks as the queen. by TR-() on Fri, October 2nd of 2015 

As a drone said "((Wow it's laggy af))" in hivemind. I told him that he would be banned next time he OOC'd in IC. by () on Sat, October 3rd of 2015 

Shot another Marine twice because they were accidently shot becuase they moved into a marine who was about to fire at an alien. Given a warning by () on Wed, November 11th of 2015 

EOR Grief, Banned three hours. by () on Sat, November 14th of 2015 

Griefing: Shot a SADAR into marines on purpose. Admitted in LOOC to wanting to be banned
. Banned seven days pending perma. by () on Thu, November 19th of 2015 
While your notes are not particularly comforting You havn't been on the server in well over two months porbally more and im willing to support this but you will need to give more reason as to why you want to come back and what guarrentee we have you wont be a shitler.

Also name any other bans you have on other servers.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report



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Re: I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

Post by Feweh » 20 Feb 2016, 15:48

I'm against this, all his notes and warnings are for doing stuff on purpose. Everything he did was because he felt like doing it and blatantly ignored all our rules.

He's only been banned for 2 months, it's barely anything given a perma ban.
Curious to find out his other ban history as well on other servers as I'm sure its quite similar.


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Re: I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

Post by Lostmixup » 22 Feb 2016, 15:33

You didn't even attempt to appeal it, just did the equivalent of mailing in a blank document. Give us a reason to let you in.
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Re: I want to apologize for what i did, and I would like to play on this server once more, but i need your permission.

Post by Lostmixup » 02 Mar 2016, 03:04

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