My ban appeal

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My ban appeal

Post by AymerFournier » 28 Feb 2016, 20:22

Your Byond ID | Character Name: AymerFournicator

Admin who banned you: T26JAN16

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: 1 month.

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban): "Banned by host: T26JAN16 - Griefer/Shitlord

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I’d like to discuss my ban. It would seem that I’ve been banned 10 days for emoting "Furiously fapping", as to where I served it for ten days about a month ago. I then logged on and began to play again, roleplaying seriously and the like, when one of the admins say "Oh, it says here you haven’t served your ten days" and bans me for another ten days. I stop playing since then, which was a month ago. I proceed to attempt to get on again today, where it says "Access denied, reason - griefing/shitlord", I was unaware at the time of my first ban that my action was ERP, and I've regretted it turbulently. I ask for another chance, whereas I may show that I've improved from my first carried actions.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 28 Feb 2016, 21:33

Kinda confused as to why you werent perma-banned really.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by AymerFournier » 28 Feb 2016, 22:55

I'm unsure, though they said 10 days, and so it was only fair that they stay to how they banned me.
I ask for another chance.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Hycinth » 28 Feb 2016, 23:47

They actually ARE permabanned, per viewtopic.php?f=128&t=5367

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by AymerFournier » 28 Feb 2016, 23:51

Does this mean that I'm permabanned or has it been long enough to appeal?

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 29 Feb 2016, 00:11

AymerFournier wrote:Does this mean that I'm permabanned or has it been long enough to appeal?
You were initially banned for the set amount of days, however a perma-ban was requested and approved for ERP.
You can keep this topic open, however only APOP/Head Staff can really unban you... Most ERP's bans however never get appealed.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Allan1234 » 29 Feb 2016, 02:00

So after looking into the incident at hand I discoved a few things.

A: You appear to have joined the round for the single reason of boarderline ERP and dickfuckery showcased by a lack of any real actions expect for hitting yourself and skuli a few times.

B: You have no regard for staff. This is showcased here

Code: Select all

[22:47:55]EMOTE: Aymer Fournicator/TheFournicator : <B>Aymer Fournicator</B> faps furiously
[22:48:44]ADMIN: PM: Hycinth/(Lexi Knapp)->TheFournicator/(Aymer Fournicator): Really? You know any sort of ERP is bannable, yes?
[22:49:35]EMOTE: Aymer Fournicator/TheFournicator : <B>Aymer Fournicator</B> faps deliciouslyu
where after a staff member PMed you about it you contiuned to do it with no regard for what he said.

Your entire deamonor that round was fucking around and don't even get me started on your name and actions after the MP arrested you where you broke any sense of RP and acted like you where some sexslave in a dungeon.

Altought this is an ERP ban what you where doing was considerd "boarderline ERP" which regardless is still ERP and I personally don't see any reason to lift this ban even with it being over a month old.

Buttom line is to give us a reason to lift the ban becuase as it stands I can assure you this is not going to be lifted.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 29 Feb 2016, 10:20

Also, having your buddy Skuli and other friends register solely for the purpose of sticking up for you in your appeal probably isnt the best idea.

Especially when any basic investigation makes it obvious he was involved with you the day you were banned. Not to mention, skuli himself was pushing some rule breaking that round as well.

This appeal and your actions are all kinds of bad.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by AymerFournier » 29 Feb 2016, 23:50

Well, since then I've improved on my rp and I actually began to enjoy rping, if you'd look in the logs after my 10 day ban, you can see how it's improved, not only that I've been made the head of the ship more than once and succeeded in abaiting any plots or the like, and overall I was not just a cancer.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 Mar 2016, 01:15

AymerFournier wrote:Well, since then I've improved on my rp and I actually began to enjoy rping, if you'd look in the logs after my 10 day ban, you can see how it's improved, not only that I've been made the head of the ship more than once and succeeded in abaiting any plots or the like, and overall I was not just a cancer.
Anyone can sign up or be promoted to Captain. That's hardly a measurement for improvement. It's quite a vacant position, and I once saw the XO appoint a cargo tech as honorary captain before launching himself out an airlock.

What does "abaiting any plots" mean?? What do you mean by "not just a cancer"?

Have you ever been banned from any other servers? Please be honest, because we have ways to find out.

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Lostmixup » 02 Mar 2016, 03:08

I'm going to deny this. Come back after a month or so of actually playing the game, and then we'll talk.
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