EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

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EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by EMT321 » 01 Mar 2016, 01:52

Your Byond ID | Character Name: EMT321/Jon Ghalt

Admin who banned you: Hycinth

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: Permanent Job ban (CMO/Researcher)

Reason for ban: Banned from Chief Medical Officer - Breaching the sulaco via chemnades after multiple warnings NOT to use chem grenades on the sulaco, over multiple rounds.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: None.

Your appeal, including evidence :

At the time of the ban I had been practicing with Sulaco bound roles, including CE and Researcher, as those were most similar to other servers. The round in which I was banned, I spent time working on making grenades for marines, after doing what I could to upgrade machines via R&D (somewhat limited, but thats not pertinent). I made several 60/60 K/H20 mixes, and gave them to marines, without having any issues. Inevitably, the aliens got aboard, and there was fighting in the hangar and an evac called. In the course of defending the hanger I was hit by a frag grenade from a marine, which while not killing me, damaged me without breaching the sulaco. I assumed that it was one of my mixes, and that I had stumbled upon a perfect mix to prevent venting while still being viable.

I now know that code for frag grenades and chemical grenades is different, and that there is no mix which will cause a damaging explosion without also causing a breach.

After I was healed, we all ran to evac. On the way, I left two proximity sensor 60/60 grenades behind, thinking it would slow down aggressors. They were tripped, and blew two 1 tile holes to space. I got boinked, realized I had screwed up, apologized, and recieved a 1 day server ban and a perma job-ban.

I recognize now that there is never a good reason to use chemistry grenades on the sulaco due to coding, and would like to be able to do R&D again, as I enjoyed it and enjoyed teaching others tricks of it.
Additionally, I would like to keep my ear to the ground regarding changes to R&D server-wide, but that is difficult without being able to interact with it. I think there are some really great possibilities coming out of Yog/Hippie/TG-Code which would allow for an engaging round as researcher, such as upgrading machinery, and yielding certain bounties for those who are willing to take a break from a combat role.

Thank you for your time.

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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by Hycinth » 01 Mar 2016, 11:12

As the staff who placed the job ban, yadda yadda...

Time has passed, knowledge is gained, the punishment has been served.

+1 for the unban.

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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by apophis775 » 01 Mar 2016, 15:26

+1 This has actually been fixed as well, chem grenades will never be stronger than frags.

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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by EMT321 » 01 Mar 2016, 22:41

That's awesome! To clarify: chemistry grenades will no longer breach the sulaco, much as frags do not?

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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by Lostmixup » 02 Mar 2016, 03:00

Are you no longer job banned and such then? Everything working fine?
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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by EMT321 » 02 Mar 2016, 04:48

It does not appear so. It still says I am banned from CMO and researcher on the role select screen, and job preferences.

Edit: Ordukai unbanned me after I linked him this thread. Thank you all very much!

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Re: EMT321 Job-ban appeal: CMO/Researcher

Post by Lostmixup » 03 Mar 2016, 00:55

Alright, locked and resolved.
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