MP appeal

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MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 30 Mar 2016, 07:53

Your Byond ID: An90abakan

Character Name: Ludovit "IX" Sloboda

Admin who banned you: Feweh

Total Ban Duration: do not know. permament?

Remaining Duration: do not know. permament?

What other servers do you play on? n/a

Are you banned on any them? n/a

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code (X##XXX##) and you don't give it, you can't be unbanned): "RP fail"

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: n/a

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Yes, i striked some inadequate marine 3 times in his right leg. And what? It was laststand against aliens, in waiting of evacuation. While he was playing hide and seek, his comrades at this point fought to death, holding back the aliens. It was a very stressful time for people, there was a fight in next room. Someone shouted:"MP, take this coward from locker and make him fight!" At this time I was frantically moving the tables, putting at least some of the barricades and welded the doors in the enemy's path.
So I ran up there, tried to just pull it out of the locker. He drew back, closed the door several times. I've texted him, like what the fuck are you doing, or go fight or go to evakpod. Or did not write, don't remember. But he refused to come out of the closet. In General, we pulled him together in the end, i used pepper spray on him, dragged him to the second or third evakpod, where I saw the doctor last time, instinctively hit him with a baton several times on the leg, to not allow him to run away somewhere.
I have already forgotten about this minor case when I received a message from the moderator. At this point I was shooting at the aliens and turning the tables on their way. Moderator (Feweh) was obviously not aware of the tension of the moment, and I was just utterly surprised by his attention. I told him, that "i just tried to survive and don't have to stay cool in such a stressful situation". Something like that. I write in English slowly and badly, but sure that understandably enough.
That is not a detention, arrest on 30 minute. And that marine, that took some hits from me, expected to be a soldier, know what "discipline" and "orders" means. Or it's actually not "Colonial Marine" but "Capricious Marines". I just gave him a kick under the ass to steer in the right direction. I had no time for clowns. It's a fight to the death for evacuation and to survive. He writed me "no, you must stay cool and ,like, polite" (while the aliens bite me on the heel). Whaaaat? Reeeeally?
Like what - "Sir, please, get out locker, we only kill those 30+ aliens on our ship, and you may go"? Or "Sir, evacuation pods start in 1 minute, please come with us, we will with all due respect and caution bring you in safe place"?
By the way, I did 1 successful detention during that round exactly by the rules. The detainee, using m41, killed the other marine by shot in the head, cause he (victim) beated him, trying to kill him (murderer) with a crowbar just without any reason. There was a notification of a murder, the search for the suspect, his bloodless arrest, evidence collection, investigation ... All that things, that should be. The detainee was imprisoned by the collective decision of the police. cause it was self-defence. And because at that moment all command, except one too busy BO, was in SSD, while we were in need of good marines.
At the end of the term, he was released. But he lost lot of time cause his victim's insanity.
While on next round, i started somewhat mad and crazy, shooting with a pistol into walls and finally trying commite suicide. And did nothing to others. Anyone have the right to commit suicide. For that I was almost beaten to death by police. And got temporary ban for 3 hours.
Are you serious, Feweh? So, that is, if I hit somebody, that would bring him to his senses, then i get ban for this. If MP beat me to critical for just attempt to commit suicide - then it's ok.
If I had to answer for my actions, then I had to answer to my superior officer, in-game, not to the admin. Cause it was just threating/assault in battle situation to force inadequate marine to do what he was ordered. Moderators don't ban people for insubordination, for example, while large part of the Marines doing it the majority of the time.
Man, there engineers blow up the core just for luls and without any reason. Police get shot in the head after they just ask the question. Aliens carry the dead bodies from LZ to the hive, or eat them. Someone throws dead bodies that could be revived under a landing Shuttle. Million things are happening much more significant.
This ban is just ridiculous, Feweh didn't anything useful and correct by this action :/

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Byond: Feweh

Re: MP appeal

Post by Feweh » 30 Mar 2016, 10:29

Miles requested the job ban, I placed it and you're actually banned from all of Command. After reading what you wrote to Miles it was CLEAR you had no idea what you were doing and shouldn't be in any commanding position.

The guy you beat up and also broke his leg... was the Pizza ERT guy who has all the right to hide in a closet given the situation.
I was also the Commander of this round, so I was completely aware of the situation and issues we were facing.

Anyways, I'll let Miles post about the Job-Ban as he was dealing with you directly and asked me to place the Job-Ban as he's a trial and can't.

This I can answer for though;

"While on next round, i started somewhat mad and crazy, shooting with a pistol into walls and finally trying commite suicide. And did nothing to others. Anyone have the right to commit suicide. For that I was almost beaten to death by police. And got temporary ban for 3 hours."

You accidentally shot another marine doing this, so a MP properly detained you and you flipped shit. I gave you a 3 hour ban to calm you down as you were seriously out of control just raging about nothing.
It's also against the rules to commit random suicide for no reason, something clearly pointed out in the rules.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 31 Mar 2016, 08:15

In my defense I will say next:

Firstly, you have the problem with cases of causing damage. I saw other topic, where you told some guy, that he beated somebody 5 times, while he told that it was only 2. When the situation was investigated it was found that there was only two strokes. This once again convinces me that you have a problem with that.

Secondly, my apologies to pizza-boy for broken leg. Only for that. The baton has caused too much damage, usually this not happens after a few blows, I'm really surprised that i broke him his leg. Random happens.

Thirdly, he was wearing marine's armor, helmet and weapon - m41. So, visually he looked like a marine. Cause this, i even didn't read his ID, and what sense? Marinas are often walk around with no ID or a false ID. Especially in such circumstances - laststand before evacuation. And I didn't have time to investigate this.
**It's kind of funny. He had no right to take a weapon from the Armory. But he took it, USCM property. Even if he picked it up along the way. No sense to take, if you're not going to defend yourself. He's just a clown, distracted me and others for his quirks... some people do everything for aliens's wictory then they're not aliens. Or what, am I so special that playing for the one team, want my team to win?. Recently seen as one hivelord jumped out of the Shuttle, citing the fact that he must go. Aliens were sooo happy cause this. I understand that this is not the Battlefield, but not so much as to disturb others to win the game? In the end I really wanted at least to survive even if victory is already impossible.**

And finally, fourthly. PERMAMENT JOBBAN on so many positions for what? A FEW STROKES? even if I was barely on one of them and not even attempt others... what you guys smoke there? Or i have offended someone with something? I was competent MP, did my job without mistakes, also helped others when it was needed, ensured law and order on the station and eventually got a ban just for being some rude in extreme situation? While next round another mp was lot more rude NOT in extreme situation? I even didn't killed anyone without reason or blew up the core or destroyed someone's body far from homehive. It was not so much a somebody's game-breaking event. What you want from me? To be like that mp-guy, that gone SSD in bridge after 1/3 of round, cause he thought we had nothing to do, that said to us, other MPs, in begining of round that we have right to arm ourselfs with lethals only on RED alarm, and did nothing during whole round, except telling us "shit" then we arrested murderer and did all investigation. What, I must ignore all callings too? I acted too rude and fast at end of round, but mp is human too, with all human's imperfection and inadequacy for some times. And MPs may be different too. I do not see BIG mistake in my actions, that can cause BAN, especially PERMAMENT. also, how my MP actions related to bridge officer position and others positions?...

I want just logical conclusion and judgement of my case, by admins. there is nothing in this case, that is not described here. That even not so related to MP position, it's more like survivor-to-survivor actions. Some players absolutly agree with me, that in my case there is no reasons for ban, it's just arbitrariness and tyranny of moderators. Go search and ban people for griefing and meta, Feweh. You're non impartial, have trouble with assault cases, and russians, and somehow have your interest in my case. I think you just gave some pleasure for your fellow.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by Shadowling1232 » 31 Mar 2016, 10:09

11. No Metagaming:- Acting upon knowledge your character does not have.
Examples of metagaming:
Dragging lockers with you onto the shuttle at first contact
Welding vents before seeing the Xenos use them or before the xenos have boarded the Sulaco
Equipping hardsuit helmets and other face protection before knowing about facehuggers.
Setting up defenses on the Sulaco before the Queen sends/receives drop pods/shuttles for the first time. (Note: there will be a big alarm when the queen uses the shuttle consoles.)
Chasing down Xenos immediately after first contact - You may fire at them and chase a little, outside the colony area (As in, across the rivers).
Doctors performing surgery without first determining what's really wrong with an infected patient (before major surgery you MUST use a greenscanner ALWAYS)
Suicide without an EXTREMELY good reason. "I'm logging out", or "Just Because" are quick ways to permaban.

14. Play your assigned role - If you end up with a role you don't like, petition it with the LOs/Commander or Ahelp to get changed. If you instead suicide or ghost near round-start, you will receive a job-ban. Job changes should be a LAST RESORT. If you don't want a specific role, make sure your preference says "never" and action to take if the role is unavailable as "return to lobby". This also gives you the best chance at alien (having all jobs never)

This situation could've been easily avoided by IGNORING the marine and just gone forth and slain xenos, the triggering point to where you were banned would be the next rounds erratic behavior /Getting butthurt and shooting at walls and suiciding./

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 31 Mar 2016, 23:07

11. Where was meta in my actions as MP? For what purpose you wrote it here at all?

14. Suicide attempt was on next round, while i was just simple marine. For what purpose you wrote it too here?
Don't write it anymore, it's mindlessly and absolutely not associated with situation in which i got this ban.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: MP appeal

Post by Feweh » 01 Apr 2016, 01:27

An90abakan wrote:11. Where was meta in my actions as MP? For what purpose you wrote it here at all?

14. Suicide attempt was on next round, while i was just simple marine. For what purpose you wrote it too here?
Don't write it anymore, it's mindlessly and absolutely not associated with situation in which i got this ban.
Its a completely associated with you in general. Hes pointing out that you could of also been given a ban for breaking that rule.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 01 Apr 2016, 03:34

''Its a completely associated with you in general'' - you said that. What, are you watching me? Whats the basis of this statement?
The fact that you dislike me so much can not be reason for ban, Feweh. You like child, playing with banhammer. You not God, just moderator. Your opinion, while crazy and not impartial, already known and clear.

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Byond: Ordukai

Re: MP appeal

Post by Ordukai » 01 Apr 2016, 18:19

Note: I would have deleted your first post, Shadowling, but people already responded to it, so whatever.

Joining as a "Crazy" character, shooting at the walls because you're "Crazy" and attempting suicide are simply not allowed, so that 3 hour ban is justified. However, that's not really the point of this post. I guess you could say that it works for a "Character witness", but even so, I'd like to focus on the actual MP ban itself, myself, as hopefully it's clear now that the 3 hour ban is not only valid but also not the ban this ban appeal is for.

Since I wasn't there, I wonder how much the Pizza ERT guy looked like a marine. Fully geared up, M4A1 and all, it would be easy to mistake them for an actual marine who was just dicking around. I don't think it's worth stressing that the guy was actually Pizza ERT for this reason. Of course, it's still a valid point, but one that's already well covered.

This seems to have taken place right outside of the evacuation pods just before evacuation, yes? In that case I feel that it's understandable to forcibly drag someone on board to save their life, and while breaking their legs to accomplish that goal might have been... Excessive, it's still somewhat understandable.

All that being said, it's worth pointing out that we don't have a system that allows us to put timed jobbans in place. It's either a permanent jobban or no jobban because of this. This doesn't strike me as a total failure at being an MP, or in being in any command position, and while it would be nice to find out who actually told you to grab the guy from the locker and why, I still think this should be a 3-5 day jobban, and thus removed at some point in the near future.

Any thoughts? Any responses? Any evidence timestamps or stuff?
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: MP appeal

Post by Feweh » 01 Apr 2016, 18:26

I'm completely against his removal of the job-ban.
Just reading his responses you can tell he doesn't even understand the server rules. This player should be in no position of importance or leadership, he can barely form proper sentences to be in those positions.

If your objective is to help players and assist them... breaking their legs and causing them to be stranded afterwards is not the way to go about it.

I would be all for removing his job-ban had he properly understood that he made a mistake and acknowledge it. However he's just making excuses and has a huge bullshit excuse for EVERYTHING.

Not to mention, the following round he spent the entire time crying and complaining about his job-ban. To the point he decided to break ANOTHER server rule and a basic one at that (no random suicide). On top of that HE SHOT another player and was properly detained by a MP who gave him his reason for being brigged yet he STILL complained.

This player should be NOWHERE near any position of importance for obvious reasons here.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by MilesWolfe » 01 Apr 2016, 19:30

sorry it took me awhile to get to this, but here what I have to say. You beat the crap out of that marine with a baton, when I asked you about it, all you had to say for yourself was, "im surviving now" and despite me telling you, that that was no excuse to do what you did, you went out of your way to justify it, and if remember correctly, you have a bad history.

Then was the issue with the next round, you shooting at the wall for no reason, resulting in marine getting hit, and you being beaten by security. I asked you about that as well, as did feweh, because i was there to see it, and once again, you didnt have an excuse for what you did. But you complained, and kept complaining to the staff when you should have brought it here instead. Im all for giving people second chances, but I dont really think you deserve one in this case.

Do you have anything to say for yourself? About you, or your actions?.

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Byond: Xurphorus

Re: MP appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 02 Apr 2016, 00:32

Ayyyy, alright just so everyone can have some better light shed upon the situation, I was the female pizza ERT of that round that got beat into CRIT by the MP with a harm baton to the leg till it broke. Before the actual said beating I was hiding in the locker trying to keep myself concealed so I can either shoot passing Xeno or just to keep hidden in general. While that was happening a delta marine was harassing me over and over saying I should go out there and fight but I refused repeatedly and told him that I was just a Delivery girl, a civilian, and I should not be out in the front lines since its not my job to do so, I grabbed a gun, helmet, and armor for my own protection, not to be targeted by some angry marine who should have been worrying about his own duties instead of someone else. He kept trying to strip me of my gear and proceeded to call over the MP that did not let me explain and pepper sprayed me, dragged me away, and beat me into crit. I kept screaming that I was not a marine over and over but they did not listen, even before the situation escalated, so I all for his jobban.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 02 Apr 2016, 02:29

Ordukai, as I wrote above, that pizza-boy was dressed in marine's M3 armor and M10 helmet, and had M41 in one hand. Obviously, I thought he was marine. Sure i acted brutally, but it was not anger or justforluls, but hard attempt to save him.

Also, I'm not arguing about a 3 hour ban after attempting suicide. But Feweh forgot to say, that, actually, i started next round, writing in LOOC that "Feweh - worst moderator ever" and he wrote me something like "Stop this shit" instead of asking "whats the reason for that" or "are you mad?". So he too afraid for his reputation, even in such small cases, lol. Also, as he wrote to me, he was going to give me tempban not for suicideattempt but in reason that "you should be toned down and calm down" lol.
'he can barely form proper sentences to be in those positions'
'This player should be NOWHERE near any position of importance for obvious reasons here' - Feweh.
So, this is good reason to JobBan people in the opinion of the Feweh.
As for me, it's him should be NOWHERE near any position of moderators. Cause he's ******* mad. This will be not first such report against him.
"Not to mention, the following round he spent the entire time crying and complaining about his job-ban" - it's permament jobban. PERMAMENT JOBBAN, KARL! There're obvious reasons to cry and complaining.

Dear MilesWolfe,
"You beat the crap out of that marine with a baton, when I asked you about it, all you had to say for yourself was, "im surviving now" and despite me telling you, that that was no excuse to do what you did, you went out of your way to justify it" - what was i supposed to justify? player-to-player actions? no excuse of what i did? Did i just hurted some VIP girl? It's just few strokes, me also get them at least 1/3 of total rounds without any reason, it's not such crime against rules, you don't usually ban people for that. Except ME, i suppose. Just to remember, when i was mp in another round,while it was blue alarm, and Felix 'Tank' Woodward without any reason firstly disarmed me then secondly attacked me, the situation was solved in-game, without any moderator's or admin's meddling. Tons of such cases happen every round every day. Just sort of player's in-game interactions, and no more. 'there's nothing to see, move on'...

'and if remember correctly, you have a bad history' llllllllooooooooooooollllllllll. I'm playing on this server for, as maximum, 1.5 month. Too short for bad 'history'. Especially, while i have no other bans or strict warnings on any server.
'But you complained, and kept complaining to the staff when you should have brought it here instead' - I have a right to protect myself, from such arbitrariness, and to try inform other players about it. Also, was too shocked with this permament ban for NOTHING.

'Do you have anything to say for yourself? About you, or your actions?' - it's not me must to say anything about my actions, because they were well enough within what is permitted and absolutely not standing out against the actions of the other. And you not a judge in the courtroom, to rush such phrases.
Even more, you never tried to explain why this was RP failure, only outlined your position, nothing more.
Even more, it was RP failure only as a pretext for committing ban. Further there are already other reasons, like: 'he can barely form proper sentences to be in those positions', 'This player should be NOWHERE near any position of importance for obvious reasons here', 'and if remember correctly, you have a bad history', and etc, etc. This, once again, causes the assumption that the official reason for the ban is FAKE. The real reasons lie in personal hostility, racism, and arbitrariness.

Xurphorus, finally you made it. At first, you shouldn't pick up marine's gear in such situation. You really looked like marine cause this. So, you caused attention to yourself with its inadequate behavior in such situation by others marines and, finally, me.
Secondly, you acted, again, inappropriately and very stupid, if you really was a marine. Cause this you attracted attention of that marine. I can surely understand him.
Thirdly, you told, that you wrote everybody that you not a marine, "just a Delivery girl, a civilian, and I should not be out in the front lines since its not my job to do so, I grabbed a gun, helmet, and armor for my own protection, not to be targeted by some angry marine who should have been worrying about his own duties instead of someone else".
I doubt very much that all was exactly as you wrote. It's just too many messages, too long. While at this time, he continued to try to get you out of the cupboard, and you fought back, closing the door. Most likely, actually, you were limited to short phrases, for example:"I'm civilian", "Pizza RT", "I'm pizzagirl", "Don't touch me", and finally something like: "leave me alone" and "F**k off". I can only assume what it was really.
And in such situation, this, again, looked like a madman marine. So, your actions would reassure him in his quest to get you, disarm and call MP, and pass you to doctors, or officer.
Also, maybe you didn't know it, but in the next room there was an intensive fight. Chat log was fulled with combat messages, at least for me, but i sure that for that Delta marine too. And not had enough time to read all the messages.
We just did not hear your messages, and even if he or me heard, we would have ignored them. Cause you were like demented marine.

And finally, if i beated you to death, or beated you so in a quiet, relaxed environment, or took you, cuted off your head and threw it into the trash or under landing shuttle, THEN it may cause permament jobban. Don't be a dumb f**k, really.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 02 Apr 2016, 04:34

Really now, if this is how your trying to get yourself unbanned, then I feel really sorry for the person who has to deal with you, you cant just go disrespecting players, mods, and admins just cause you feel salty over a jobban, you sir don't deserve your job back if you keep this up. I still don't see a reason why you even HAD to use the harm baton in the first place. You pepper sprayed me, dragged me off, and then proceed to break my leg, now tell me what lawman would do such a thing to a civilian? They don't want any heat of the moment type of excuse you jackass, you were in the wrong the moment you got involved.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 02 Apr 2016, 07:10

Xurphorus, surelly, they shouldn't do that with civil. But, as i said, i thought you were a marine. If I knew you were civ, I wouldn't get you, moreover, would explain all to that marine. But you was dressed as marine, and we just didn't hear you. You weren't supposed to wear armor and weapons, you didn't even supposed to know where the armory is. You was civilian, so supposed to act as civilian.
Civilians don't wear armor in the Armory, not taking up arms when they get into a hot fight. They hide behind the military/police/militia.
And, if they do suit up, they do it to fight and defend themselfs, not to hide in the locker. So you better consider your actions, how good was your roleplay and it's meaning.

Did you even read my posts?

Because you're writing again that I beat up harmless civ. And I beat up madman marine, as I thought then. Just like MP beat me on next round, while i was madman marine. And it was logical, because crazy can commit dangerous acts against themselves and others. Especially when they are armed.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by MilesWolfe » 02 Apr 2016, 09:45

I think ive heard enough, weve said it a thousand times before, "im roleplaying that im crazy" is not an excuse to go out, and severely injure or kill other players, (with the exception of survivor, but then even that has strict rules regarding it) Its stated very clearly in the rules that it is your job to uphold marine law, and not doing so (let alone beating the crap out of a civilian and breaking their legs) will result in a job ban. And your attitude that, "im right and everyone else is wrong" isnt helping your case. That said, I strongly that the ban stays in place.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 02 Apr 2016, 14:51

another person, who surely didn't read my posts...

Also, 0 answers to the questions I asked you.
Also, instead of understanding the situation, only an expression of your position to it, continuing to write about the laws and violations unrelated to this situation and this ban.
"Its stated very clearly in the rules that it is your job to uphold marine law, and not doing so (let alone beating the crap out of a civilian and breaking their legs) will result in a job ban."
I reasoned my actions. Already did. You, or Feweh didn't tell me that it was actually not a marine but the pizzagirl when I get banned. Explain me, where is RPfailure in my actions against the crazy marine? And who had, actually, RPfailure, which you cover here.
Also, you didn't explained how my actions as MP related to all officer positions. Feweh, at least, connected this with the statement that: 'he can barely form proper sentences'. But he's wrong again, it's not me, it's Google and Yandex translators can barely form proper sentences.
"im right and everyone else An90abakan is wrong" - this is the essence of YOUR and Feweh's messages in this thread.

While i writing this, i read message from my friend, who is in game now, that there is huge impossible grifing going on at this moment, right now. Things, next to which my actions just absolute nothing. 'and you was banned for few strokes on legs' 'lol how ironic' lol =). I say again, this ban is just ridiculous, firing from a howitzer on sparrows
Last edited by An90abakan on 02 Apr 2016, 17:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by Jack McIntyre » 02 Apr 2016, 16:35

Could we get someone to just lock this thread, think it is pretty clear that the job ban shouldn't be lifted. Mate, I have law enforcement experience, one, they would never hire you if you were crazy, also hint hint we have a rule against that so you just admitted to breaking another server rule. So I would have banned you that round as well as the previous round for being a shitty mp. We have job bans for a reason, if you really screw up at the job aka breaking someone's legs even if you thought it was a marine doesn't mean anything. In the actual military a mp is not going to break a soldier's leg who he thinks is being a coward, your ass is going to get court martialed faster then anything and your ass is going to be kicked out of the military and you are probably going to be serving some time in Leavenworth because you just assaulted a fellow soldier over a shitty reason. Sure you are being assualted a by a enemy force, but if you are a marine yet again your training kicks in and you don't knock the shit out of your fellow soldiers, not only does it ruin their fun since "It's a game" it also would not be done in a combat situation since you are screwing over your own team. I can honestly say I have job banned mp's for less when they are acting as horribly as you did breaking a marine's legs.

I would also like to make the point that next time you make a appeal try to keep a cool head and ignore the insults to players and staff, it is one of our guidelines for appeals, check number one. Otherwise I would think to add that ban should stay and that the thread should be locked for now.

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Byond: Xurphorus

Re: MP appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 02 Apr 2016, 17:41

For one, the rules don't apply towards an ERT when it comes to grabbing weapons and armor, Any ERT in my history of playing would grab a weapon or two when aliens are boarding the ship, just like any doctor would grab armor and a pistol for their own protection, what you did was out of your jurisdiction. Be more observant of the situation before acting next time and you wouldn't find yourself in this kind of predicament. You should really stop posting from now on, it makes you seem ignorant as fuck, I try and read your posts but it seems like a rant and a wall of text that's not even worth considering your unbanning.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by An90abakan » 02 Apr 2016, 17:51

Lol, in the next round MP broke MY bones, not in battle situation. You're only contradicting yourself.
For 'less'? For what?

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Byond: freemysoul

Re: MP appeal

Post by freemysoul » 08 Apr 2016, 15:45

Quoting An90abakan

"And finally, fourthly. PERMAMENT JOBBAN on so many positions for what? A FEW STROKES? even if I was barely on one of them and not even attempt others... what you guys smoke there? Or i have offended someone with something? I was competent MP, did my job without mistakes..."

You beat a guy into Critical condition with a stunbaton. Under what scenario IS harmbatoning EVER ok?

"also, how my MP actions related to bridge officer position and others positions?..."

Because as a Command member you have access to MP gear.

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Re: MP appeal

Post by Lostmixup » 09 Apr 2016, 02:02

I'm going to deny this. Try again some other time.
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