Job Ban Appeal

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Job Ban Appeal

Post by gnugnu12 » 16 Apr 2016, 21:39

Your Byond ID: Gnugnu12

Character Name: Enrique Magor

Admin who banned you: Coroneljones

Total Ban Duration: I assume indefinitely

Remaining Duration: as above

What other servers do you play on? well I play absolution and a few others from time to time

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Nope, not that I can recall

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code (X##XXX##) and you don't give it, you can't be unbanned): Breaching Sulaco with the SADAR

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): Here is the ban appeal I made ( seems I didnt know that I got job banned too at the time until I decided to come on recently ) but yea, its got the pic I took at the time. viewtopic.php?t=4883

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Well its been a long time since the whole incident and now know that it doesnt matter if its AP or Explosive ammo they both go boom (strangely enough), and have learned the lesson of just dont use the Sadar in a pressurised environment so I was hoping to get un-job banned as I quite often enjoy some of the specialist toys you get (just not the sadar) such as the smart gun which I used to usually pick as it.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 16 Apr 2016, 21:45

hmm it has been awhile and we have added mechanics to prevent the sadar's fireing on the sulaco or space map. So im willing to +1 your job ban removal. But under the stipulation that if you grief again with the SADAR that you be rejobbanned with the tag of never being un-job-banned again in the future

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 21 Apr 2016, 02:40

Approved. If someone doesn't life this by Sunday, let me know over PM.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 22 Apr 2016, 13:28

I will lift it when I get home if no one else grabs it first. And I will lock this thread once it's lifted

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 22 Apr 2016, 17:24

