Legoscape BanAppeal
- Legoscape
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Legoscape BanAppeal
Your Byond ID: Legoscape
Character Name: Jessica Sulivard
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Host
Total Ban Duration: Perm
Remaining Duration: Null
What other servers do you play on?: TG
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?: I Had a Silicon ban on TG for making a mistake dealing with laws in correlation with the rules.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): L-Confirmed Meta Communicator
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4700&p=48328#p48328
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I did meta game on colonial marines and i am sorry but i feel like this ban has been too far for the meta gaming i did commit. It would be nice to come back and shoot some aliens again.
Character Name: Jessica Sulivard
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Host
Total Ban Duration: Perm
Remaining Duration: Null
What other servers do you play on?: TG
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?: I Had a Silicon ban on TG for making a mistake dealing with laws in correlation with the rules.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): L-Confirmed Meta Communicator
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4700&p=48328#p48328
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I did meta game on colonial marines and i am sorry but i feel like this ban has been too far for the meta gaming i did commit. It would be nice to come back and shoot some aliens again.
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
I would like if this ban appeal does not take two weeks like my previous one in December did, Thank you.
- Feweh
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Will get back to you in two weeks.Legoscape wrote:I would like if this ban appeal does not take two weeks like my previous one in December did, Thank you.
Don't ever post stuff like this, you were perma banned and a perma ban stands.
We have no obligation to rush ourselves for your benefit.
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
My last ban took 1 week just to get reply due to a extreme shortage of staff. I do not mean to rush you guys for my benefit. I broke a rule and was permaed, I understand choices do not come over night and take a lot of discussion to unban players. Take as long as you need i meant no disrespect.Feweh wrote: Will get back to you in two weeks.
Don't ever post stuff like this, you were perma banned and a perma ban stands.
We have no obligation to rush ourselves for your benefit.
- Seehund
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
It seems you have a penchant for causing trouble wherever you go.
In this case, you were banned for being a metacommunicator bad enough that, from what I gather, Apop had to take action after HEARING ABOUT IT on hostchat.
That's an impressive feat.
But let's take a look at your behaviour elsewhere!
Exhibit 1
So, Yogstation.
From what I can see, you were banned, oh... twelve times, including your latest permaban which, if I'm not wrong, is still active.
Exhibit 1.a

Anyhow, you DID try to appeal some of them, coming across as extremely confrontational at times, and outright hostile at others.
To be clear, to earn this ban in particular you apparently threatened to DDoS the server in question.
By the way, THIS is how you reacted to being permabanned in one particular instance:
Exhibit 1.b

As an aside, here's you trying to multikey on the Yogstation forums.
Exhibit 1.c

Oh, well.
One of those bans mentioned your notes. As they have been released, let's take a look at the ones from Yogstation...
That oughta be a server-specific problem, no?
Exhibit 2
Anyhow, once more you're appealing a ban, this time on Hippiestation - for advertisting.
What strikes me is that someone with no affiliation to Hippie chimes in just to support the ban;
Exhibit 2.a

Xantam being, to my understanding, staff (or ex-staff) on Yogstation.
That's quite the feat.
Anyhow, the thread devolves into an interesting argument, especially because of this one snippet:
Exhibit 2.b
This doesn't help, either.
While at the end of the day the decision whether to unban you or not is up to Apophis, and him alone, here's my consideration:
you seem like a problem player, to put it bluntly. Now, I have nothing against you, and I am one of the STRONGEST believers in second chances around here.
Therefore, I'd like to ask you, how can you assure us anything like this won't happen here?
In this case, you were banned for being a metacommunicator bad enough that, from what I gather, Apop had to take action after HEARING ABOUT IT on hostchat.
That's an impressive feat.
But let's take a look at your behaviour elsewhere!
Exhibit 1
So, Yogstation.
From what I can see, you were banned, oh... twelve times, including your latest permaban which, if I'm not wrong, is still active.
Exhibit 1.a

Anyhow, you DID try to appeal some of them, coming across as extremely confrontational at times, and outright hostile at others.
To be clear, to earn this ban in particular you apparently threatened to DDoS the server in question.
By the way, THIS is how you reacted to being permabanned in one particular instance:
Exhibit 1.b

As an aside, here's you trying to multikey on the Yogstation forums.
Exhibit 1.c

Oh, well.
One of those bans mentioned your notes. As they have been released, let's take a look at the ones from Yogstation...
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Notes of legoscape
[Add Note]
2014-09-03 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Murderboning as an antag. Killed the clown for no reason
2014-09-04 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Ordered insulated gloves at the start of the round "just in case", got into a long argument about how he had a reason to order them which he didn't
2014-09-05 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
OOC: Legoscape: Hah gayyyyyy. And slight more bigotry in OOC. Huge warning. Ban on next bigotry.
2014-09-10 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Got an innocent engineer arrested as AI, because of an assumption. Failed to get the idea. Warned. Jobban away at next time.
2014-09-11 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
As DA gave AI a law to prevent calling shuttle and kill everyone else but her. To be warned.
2014-09-16 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Used plasma canisters to fight blob. Caused whole arrivals burn down.
2014-09-17 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from AI - Left as AI at start of the round, despite not having time for AI at all. Wanted to leave at the end of previous round, but stayed regardless.
2014-09-21 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 4320 minutes - Killed people as a survivor because he wanted more guns to survive better......
2014-10-23 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
2014-10-25 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 10 minutes - IC in OOC
2014-11-01 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Breaking into eva as an engineer to steal RCD and space suit, then using said RCD to dismantle doors in EVA. As an engineer was running around with an e gun to "assist" security.
2014-11-04 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 4320 minutes - Powergaming (broke into CE's office to get decryption key and hacked into Tcomms to monitor suspicious activity at the start). Also several other things in the round
2014-11-15 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
For the love of god, next time she acts as security while playing other job than sec or powergames in general, ban, that, turd.
2014-11-16 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Triggered the thermite on the wall using a welder, "To test if it was thermite or if it was something else" as an assistant. Warned.
2014-11-28 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Forget to turn off the PA after setting it up
2014-11-29 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Got beaten by shitcurity, and tried to take it into her own hands to take them out. Warned. Deserves some sort of punishment on next offence.
2014-11-30 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Interacted with human as drone.
2014-11-30 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Supposedly started bashing someone's skull in with stuff after having something stolen from her and being locked into an already bolted room. Got counterattacked and ended up stripping and almost killing the person she was targetting.
2014-11-30 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Left as AI at start of the round, but notified us.
2014-12-06 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Bucklecuffing as HoS. "I have alot of shit to take care of atm." - warned for shitcurity.
2014-12-07 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
As RD, used the telescopic baton to kick new transfered scientists on research department, because he didn't realize they were new transfers. He stunned them and shoved them down disposals. IC situations escalated quickly and RD got pissed off and demoted them both. RD ban on next offense. (also seriously remove those fucking telescopic batons)
2014-12-14 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
EMPed Nuke Ops starting airlock, to get on shuttle. Warned.
2014-12-16 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 4320 minutes - Called Gray a shit in an ahelp because he was arrested legitly by him also metagaming RnD + notes
2014-12-19 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Flashed RD for threatening to blow up cyborgs and harming people (stunning them) during Delta mode on shuttle.
2014-12-20 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Cuffed an afk assistant and brought him to engineering (assistants part of story). Couldnt question Lego as he went before pmed.
2015-01-03 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned by Bekons in TS because of Meta. I questioned the entire lobby of about 10 and they all agreed he was metaing
2015-01-09 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from Syndicate - As a DA who was wandering in space. Killed someone for simple wearing a hardsuit and landing next to him while space drifting. Also broke all the windows in the escape hallway because he wanted to escape alone. As a DA>9
2015-01-10 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Left as HoS without informing.
2015-01-14 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Buckled someone into a chair as captain and forgot about them. left there for 7 minutes before the guy got away himself. Warned that if he fucks up again a "very" long ban will ensue. Be on the lookout
2015-01-20 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Stabbed someone in the eyes with a screwdriver for disarming them.
2015-01-22 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Borderline interacting with people as drone
2015-01-25 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Emagged borg in front of people that he later killed for being witnesses. With no hijack objective antag.
2015-02-07 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Beat a person to near-crit, for stealing stuff.
2015-02-18 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
//BAN ON NEXT// Had an esword from a traitor from earlier in the round, and used it for self defense and to kill someone... should definitely know better.
2015-06-03 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 15120 minutes - Sprayed space lube literally a minute after i told him he can't use it, then tried to lie to me and say he was just emptying it, then later tried to lie to me again and eventually tried to tell me the logs were broken.
2015-07-13 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
AFK as ops.
2015-07-20 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Murderboning as a ling, killed tons of people, I explained to him that he needs to use the DNA stings from now on, since he was just killing and eating people, Lots of people had complained and a few admins were involved, so I came on to handle it.
2015-07-20 00:00:00 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New |[Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Permanently banned - Grayitiding again. "Resisting" security by stealing tasers and deliberately disrupting sec with two other (already contacted) players. Even after being talked still doesn't understand why he should stop, and since notes are extensive and horrible, applying a perma. Appeal this to try and get this reduced or removed.
2015-11-25 22:07:37 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Permanently banned - Re-applying old permaban
2015-11-25 22:11:53 | Yogstation 13 [99% LAGFREE!][New [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Permanently banned - Reapplying permabanana.
That oughta be a server-specific problem, no?
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Player Notes for legoscape
Add Note
(DEL) Jan 15 2014 13:19pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Tried to lie about having appealed his jobban when I literally just applied it yesterday.
(DEL) Jan 13 2014 21:32pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Jobbanned from AI and cyborg for shocking doors, turning turrets on lethal, and disobeying laws.
(DEL) Dec 20 2013 16:26pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Regarding the previous note, this idiot picks a fight with a guy and escalates it with a weapon, then Hamilton helped Deadster out by stopping her, leading to those hilarious adminhelps
(DEL) Dec 20 2013 16:16pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: HELP: Legoscape/(Jessica Sulivard)(X): Hamilton HellBurn olmost beat me to death stole my id threw it in the trash and striped me naked. HELP: Legoscape/(Jessica Sulivard)(X): You do something or i'll kill him. Self entitled baby
(DEL) Dec 04 2013 20:34pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: ##unbanned legoscape
(DEL) Dec 04 2013 20:34pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: ##unbanned legoscape
(DEL) Nov 18 2013 18:23pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Banned by ##, reason "Mirroring G1 ban", duration:
(DEL) Nov 08 2013 18:23pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Banned by ##, reason "No ban evading", duration:
(DEL) Jul 19 2013 23:06pm | Submitter: ##| Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Banned by ##, reason "You were told repeatedly to shut the fuck up about skype, and your rap sheet is full of you being worthless in other ways, so take a week off. Next time's permanent.", duration: 7.13781e+06
(DEL) May 24 2013 16:34pm | Submitter: ##| Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: legoscape
Note: 7M: glados (Legoscape): ;This is my station now.
(DEL) May 24 2013 16:34pm | Submitter: ## | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Jobbanned from AI and borg for rampantly shocking doors, ignoring three admin PMs and generally being an ass
(DEL) May 24 2013 15:00pm | Submitter: ##| Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: legoscape
Note: Nerdy Kifer (Legoscape): IM BEING RAPED
Exhibit 2
Anyhow, once more you're appealing a ban, this time on Hippiestation - for advertisting.
What strikes me is that someone with no affiliation to Hippie chimes in just to support the ban;
Exhibit 2.a

Xantam being, to my understanding, staff (or ex-staff) on Yogstation.
That's quite the feat.
Anyhow, the thread devolves into an interesting argument, especially because of this one snippet:
Exhibit 2.b
This doesn't help, either.
While at the end of the day the decision whether to unban you or not is up to Apophis, and him alone, here's my consideration:
you seem like a problem player, to put it bluntly. Now, I have nothing against you, and I am one of the STRONGEST believers in second chances around here.
Therefore, I'd like to ask you, how can you assure us anything like this won't happen here?
Last edited by Seehund on 01 Jun 2016, 19:01, edited 1 time in total.
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Someone left out some stuff in the current ban section.
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
First off, A lot of the information shown above was from a year ago and all of it originated on Yogstation. You can check the bans for your self they show up to almost a year ago.(Not including my permaban that was reapplied) I do not bring trouble like this to every server. And let me inform the admins here, Xantam has a history of lying about me doing things to potentially crash servers, Get past Bans, And even DDOSING which i have done non of on yogstation.(Fuck i don't even know how to use a booter) But i do understand why Xantam is trying to get me banned on other servers because i was a trouble on his for the past two years and those bans clearly says something. Also i have already informed the admins of yogstation they do not want me back so i have taken the opportunity to get past that part of my history. But i have lived up to understanding the amount of problems admins have to deal with on their servers and i have changed my ways to not be another problem player on OTHER host's servers.
Answering Jackserious question: Most of the problems I've had with admins is only on yogstation (Xantam).He goes out of his way to get me banned on every server he can, Which leads to more problems and more drama in space station 13. But the only true way of showing you i have changed is allowing me back on the server with admins paying attention to me to see if i have broken any rules.
PS Sorry for the grammar
Answering Jackserious question: Most of the problems I've had with admins is only on yogstation (Xantam).He goes out of his way to get me banned on every server he can, Which leads to more problems and more drama in space station 13. But the only true way of showing you i have changed is allowing me back on the server with admins paying attention to me to see if i have broken any rules.
PS Sorry for the grammar
- apophis775
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
If your trouble on other servers, why would I want to allow you to play here?
If your trouble on other servers, why would I want to allow you to play here?
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
I want to change and not to repeat history like i did before. I believe i can change but no one else does i want the chance to. I promise this will not happen again and i am sorry for what i did. I just want the chance to change and to hopefully get unbanned on servers like Yogstation And Hippie station as well. I just need a second chance.apophis775 wrote:Question:
If your trouble on other servers, why would I want to allow you to play here?
- Feweh
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Honestly I'm going to say no.
For one obvious reason, you weren't honest in your initial appeal about your other server bans.
The only reason we found out is because Jack had to investigate you further.
So you want to change, but you started off lying to us.
So I don't trust you that you've changed.
Unless a decision by another head-staff alters mine, I'm going to say denied.
For one obvious reason, you weren't honest in your initial appeal about your other server bans.
The only reason we found out is because Jack had to investigate you further.
So you want to change, but you started off lying to us.
So I don't trust you that you've changed.
Unless a decision by another head-staff alters mine, I'm going to say denied.
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Are you talking about my first appeal? I thought appeal asked for bans on the server you are currently playing on. My mistake, I misinterpreted it.Feweh wrote:Honestly I'm going to say no.
For one obvious reason, you weren't honest in your initial appeal about your other server bans.
The only reason we found out is because Jack had to investigate you further.
So you want to change, but you started off lying to us.
So I don't trust you that you've changed.
Unless a decision by another head-staff alters mine, I'm going to say denied.
^ I Thought the appeal asked for the server you play on. If it asked if you have bans on other servers and if so what? I would have posted everything and even explained what happend.
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- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Look if i don't get unbanned after a year for meta communicating i understand you guys do what you do best. If you don't want me back right now it's alright, I'll trust your judgement.
- Feweh
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
Wait for APOPs final decision.
- Legoscape
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal
IT will most likely get declined, I don't have the most appealing appeals. Or the best history in the matter.Feweh wrote:Wait for APOPs final decision.
- apophis775
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Re: Legoscape BanAppeal

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine