Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
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Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Your Byond ID:FeedL0rd
Character Name: It's random each time.
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban I think or its a glitched ban. When I initally got banned it only said 24 hours.
Admin who banned you (if known): Think it was Apophis
Total Ban Duration: Perma/Bugged 24 hour
Remaining Duration:Perma/Its been bugged for days now.
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned by Host:F02JUN16 - Shot up Medbay as a Marine.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
This is mostly a CP from my sent message with a few edits. I didn't even know about this forum until then.
I was banned from your server by a host ban for shooting at others during a special round. At the time I had some random fellow attacking me out of no where and starting to kill me (Which I later found out was how radiation works now or something) I just shot at him and injured others, I was given no warning, just like instantly banned.
Oh and since I'm being totally transparent here I do do a lot of chaos based things seen below. But I have a Batman like rule which is I do not harm others. If I end up harming someone else it is actually an accident.
Oh, and as a follow up here I just want to say I do a lot and I mean A LOT of troll based things on your server. Nothing that intentionally harms other players though, but a lot of self harm (to the brink of death but not death). I don't log on to intentionally kill other players or harm other players but I do like to harm myself because I enjoy the reactions I get from other people in doing so. Just basically a person who didn't get enough attention as a child, that being said I freaked out at the radiation guy and shot at him harming others and I do apologize about that. I don't like to harm others ever just myself to clarify.
PS. One example of this is, I might shoot a random shot at a wall, cause a scene and cause all the other marines to put me down because I'm apparently crazy. Or I may talk about blowing up the entire station to get jailed and executed by the mps. Or I may OD on drugs slowly.......It's just my own way of having fun, and I don't really think it harms anyone else in the process.
Character Name: It's random each time.
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban I think or its a glitched ban. When I initally got banned it only said 24 hours.
Admin who banned you (if known): Think it was Apophis
Total Ban Duration: Perma/Bugged 24 hour
Remaining Duration:Perma/Its been bugged for days now.
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned by Host:F02JUN16 - Shot up Medbay as a Marine.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
This is mostly a CP from my sent message with a few edits. I didn't even know about this forum until then.
I was banned from your server by a host ban for shooting at others during a special round. At the time I had some random fellow attacking me out of no where and starting to kill me (Which I later found out was how radiation works now or something) I just shot at him and injured others, I was given no warning, just like instantly banned.
Oh and since I'm being totally transparent here I do do a lot of chaos based things seen below. But I have a Batman like rule which is I do not harm others. If I end up harming someone else it is actually an accident.
Oh, and as a follow up here I just want to say I do a lot and I mean A LOT of troll based things on your server. Nothing that intentionally harms other players though, but a lot of self harm (to the brink of death but not death). I don't log on to intentionally kill other players or harm other players but I do like to harm myself because I enjoy the reactions I get from other people in doing so. Just basically a person who didn't get enough attention as a child, that being said I freaked out at the radiation guy and shot at him harming others and I do apologize about that. I don't like to harm others ever just myself to clarify.
PS. One example of this is, I might shoot a random shot at a wall, cause a scene and cause all the other marines to put me down because I'm apparently crazy. Or I may talk about blowing up the entire station to get jailed and executed by the mps. Or I may OD on drugs slowly.......It's just my own way of having fun, and I don't really think it harms anyone else in the process.
- Varnock
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Investigating, please wait warmly.
- Varnock
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Your supposed 'Batman' rule isn't shining through very well, friend.
As you've admitted the first instance is a common(ish) thing I'll only be looking at the latter two, since those would be the source of the ban in question.
I will also note that I see no marks down for a perma, but I may have looked in the wrong places.
Saturday May 7th (According to the logs they didn't log in at all on the 7th, but I found them at the very end of the 6th so I'm starting there.)
Thursday June 2nd
So my official verdict is -1
This is due to two major factors. First of all is how little you seem to speak in game, doing all of this without clear reasons. Second is the fact that you appeared to have lied to us about being hit by a medkit, or at the least it doesn't show in the logs.
Also this 'Batman Rule' you claim to use which seems to be a lie as well...
Code: Select all
Joined as a squad marine but "Because I had to leave soon" decided to shoot at walls and eventually suicide in the middle of the brig, just to "cause a bit of chaos". by () on Thu, May 5th of 2016
Straight up shot someone for no reason, player is most likely a blatant griefer. 24hour ban by () on Sat, May 7th of 2016
Banned by apophis775 | Duration: 1440 minutes | Reason: Griefer by () on Thu, June 2nd of 2016
As you've admitted the first instance is a common(ish) thing I'll only be looking at the latter two, since those would be the source of the ban in question.
I will also note that I see no marks down for a perma, but I may have looked in the wrong places.
Saturday May 7th (According to the logs they didn't log in at all on the 7th, but I found them at the very end of the 6th so I'm starting there.)
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► Show Spoiler
This is due to two major factors. First of all is how little you seem to speak in game, doing all of this without clear reasons. Second is the fact that you appeared to have lied to us about being hit by a medkit, or at the least it doesn't show in the logs.
Also this 'Batman Rule' you claim to use which seems to be a lie as well...
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- Joined: 07 Jun 2016, 23:36
Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
I don't really know how to respond to what you have posted because a lot of it confuses me to be honest.
But I know that I don't shoot at people to blatantly hurt them. I mean seriously, if I was a greifer who just wanted to ruin others fun would I even bother appealing on here?
Based off what you posted in the last log, I think it is showing that I randomly attacked someone without reason? But that just isn't true like, I'm going to be real with you. I don't really understand how this game works, I never have learned how it works because for the years I've played it, I was never able to like actually learn how to do anything because everything resulted in death.
So playing CM, is well different. In that I'm not gonna get killed by some random Antag every round who I didn't see coming. That being said I'm an attention seeker, I like to cause problems from freaking people out or causing spontaneous things. It's hard, it's really hard, I used to just off myself in front of people, and having the delimb system back on a server which was my favorite thing ever it's hard not to wanna delimb myself every round since it was removed for some reason a long time ago.
But back to what I was saying, I have zero idea how to play this game, or how it works, the most I can figure out is every round you stay with a bunch of people and wait for fights to break out because if you go off alone you die? (IDK) So with that in mind I just started finding ways to never leave the station and cause problems on it subtly for my self.
I really don't know what your post about me attacking someone else randomly is about, I can't really think I would do that UNLESS it was a firefight or something and I friendly fired them, I am not great with guns and if im shooting a threat like an alien who invades and shoot someone who walks in front of me well....I can't help that. But as far as shooting other's randomly to just kill and greif them no I don't. I used to just break into the one office near the shuttle and drink that guy's food and put on a fireman outfit and eat his dongpockets. Then he would call mps, and I USED to shoot at them not to kill but then admins told me that was a no, so I would just shoot at the walls to make them thing I was armed and lethal so they would kill me. Or if they didn't kill me Id threaten to kill them all so they would execute me.
I think one of the most fun times I've had was when I did that and they put me in solitary but the mp came in and was like.
"I'm gonna give you a way out." And he dropped a revolver in front of me with one bullet before closing the door. I of course took it as a means to put one through my brain and his reaction when he came back in was priceless, I died laughing. Experiences like that are what make the game fun for me. Or being a medic who turns on the IV on drain and then passes out for people to find dead, or putting it on inject and putting in the wrong blood type to start spasming and shaking and dying slowly. That shit is what I live for.
Or just not eating and starving from lack of food, and having random people go holy shit you need to eat something man.
All, I'm saying is I really do have a code and if I broke it like you said in your log posts I'm sure there is some context that was lost. I really do follow those codes strictly.
But I know that I don't shoot at people to blatantly hurt them. I mean seriously, if I was a greifer who just wanted to ruin others fun would I even bother appealing on here?
Based off what you posted in the last log, I think it is showing that I randomly attacked someone without reason? But that just isn't true like, I'm going to be real with you. I don't really understand how this game works, I never have learned how it works because for the years I've played it, I was never able to like actually learn how to do anything because everything resulted in death.
So playing CM, is well different. In that I'm not gonna get killed by some random Antag every round who I didn't see coming. That being said I'm an attention seeker, I like to cause problems from freaking people out or causing spontaneous things. It's hard, it's really hard, I used to just off myself in front of people, and having the delimb system back on a server which was my favorite thing ever it's hard not to wanna delimb myself every round since it was removed for some reason a long time ago.
But back to what I was saying, I have zero idea how to play this game, or how it works, the most I can figure out is every round you stay with a bunch of people and wait for fights to break out because if you go off alone you die? (IDK) So with that in mind I just started finding ways to never leave the station and cause problems on it subtly for my self.
I really don't know what your post about me attacking someone else randomly is about, I can't really think I would do that UNLESS it was a firefight or something and I friendly fired them, I am not great with guns and if im shooting a threat like an alien who invades and shoot someone who walks in front of me well....I can't help that. But as far as shooting other's randomly to just kill and greif them no I don't. I used to just break into the one office near the shuttle and drink that guy's food and put on a fireman outfit and eat his dongpockets. Then he would call mps, and I USED to shoot at them not to kill but then admins told me that was a no, so I would just shoot at the walls to make them thing I was armed and lethal so they would kill me. Or if they didn't kill me Id threaten to kill them all so they would execute me.
I think one of the most fun times I've had was when I did that and they put me in solitary but the mp came in and was like.
"I'm gonna give you a way out." And he dropped a revolver in front of me with one bullet before closing the door. I of course took it as a means to put one through my brain and his reaction when he came back in was priceless, I died laughing. Experiences like that are what make the game fun for me. Or being a medic who turns on the IV on drain and then passes out for people to find dead, or putting it on inject and putting in the wrong blood type to start spasming and shaking and dying slowly. That shit is what I live for.
Or just not eating and starving from lack of food, and having random people go holy shit you need to eat something man.
All, I'm saying is I really do have a code and if I broke it like you said in your log posts I'm sure there is some context that was lost. I really do follow those codes strictly.
- Varnock
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the first instance, that round definitely had a blown up SM, and definitely had some hallucinations. Whether or not that was relevant to you shooting the medic is where things get foggy.
As for the second one, I checked the logs as thoroughly as I could, and like I said, there was no sign of anything you'd have been shooting at. If it was a single shot I'd have called it a misfire, but four without retaliation is pretty bad looking...
I'll be honest, your play style doesn't sound terribly productive for our server either. Why should we unban you, anyways? Convince me and I'll move to neutral with a +1 for probation.
As for the second one, I checked the logs as thoroughly as I could, and like I said, there was no sign of anything you'd have been shooting at. If it was a single shot I'd have called it a misfire, but four without retaliation is pretty bad looking...
I'll be honest, your play style doesn't sound terribly productive for our server either. Why should we unban you, anyways? Convince me and I'll move to neutral with a +1 for probation.
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
I don't know I mean, I actually like the game is the best thing I can come up with. I wish I actually knew how to play it the right way so I could do that sometimes but it's all so damn confusing tbh. And it reminds me of someone telling me a long time ago you couldn't play the original ss13 if you used the wrong keybinding and mouse set up.
But assuming it's not like on some hyper competitive level like that I really just don't know. I do like to troll alot but not at the expense of others. I guess the best thing I could say is I keep things fresh from time to time?
But assuming it's not like on some hyper competitive level like that I really just don't know. I do like to troll alot but not at the expense of others. I guess the best thing I could say is I keep things fresh from time to time?
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Going with denied.
Youre perma banned and its been a month.
This isnt the server to "troll" or do chaos like things because you feel like it. You want attention and to cause issues as youve clearly stated. Youre clearly not a good RPer and youve added nothing but problems to the server.
This isnt the server for you and im not going to risk unbanning you so soon at least.
Youre perma banned and its been a month.
This isnt the server to "troll" or do chaos like things because you feel like it. You want attention and to cause issues as youve clearly stated. Youre clearly not a good RPer and youve added nothing but problems to the server.
This isnt the server for you and im not going to risk unbanning you so soon at least.
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Well, at least I tried the legitimate way. Thanks for looking at this.
- Derpislav
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
That's a very risky thing to say considering how seriously we take ban evaders.FeedSour wrote:Well, at least I tried the legitimate way. Thanks for looking at this.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
FeedSour wrote:Well, at least I tried the legitimate way. Thanks for looking at this.
Will now expand our ban on you to cover any possible ban evasion and youll never be un-banned.
Way to go and proving why you were perma banned.
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Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Will now expand our ban on you to cover any possible ban evasion and youll never be un-banned.
Way to go and proving why you were perma banned.
Ok, that's kinda frustrating considering I've been totally open about this. Where in the world did I said I'm gonna ban evade or whatever? If I was why would I even bother posting here or asking to be unbanned?!
"At least I tried the Legitimate way. Thanks for looking at this."
That means,
(Whelp, at least I tried to go about this the right way. That's a pat on the back for me considering what some people do and talk about on ban evading from what I have read. Thanks for looking at this guys I apreciate you taking the time out to consider my post.
Thank you for jumping the gun on my post taking it out of context and immediately getting on the offensive vs me. It's really nice to know how on edge you guys are despite my blatant honesty this whole way through.
Way to go and proving why you were perma banned.
Ok, that's kinda frustrating considering I've been totally open about this. Where in the world did I said I'm gonna ban evade or whatever? If I was why would I even bother posting here or asking to be unbanned?!
"At least I tried the Legitimate way. Thanks for looking at this."
That means,
(Whelp, at least I tried to go about this the right way. That's a pat on the back for me considering what some people do and talk about on ban evading from what I have read. Thanks for looking at this guys I apreciate you taking the time out to consider my post.
Thank you for jumping the gun on my post taking it out of context and immediately getting on the offensive vs me. It's really nice to know how on edge you guys are despite my blatant honesty this whole way through.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Permaban Appeal for FeedL0rd
Feel free to appeal in a few months.