Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

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Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

Post by lcass123 » 10 Jun 2016, 18:40

Your Byond ID:Lcass123

Character Name: Godfrey Darlington

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 23:14 10/06/2016 (british format)

Admin who banned you (if known):feweh

Total Ban Duration:permanent jobban

Remaining Duration: Till the end of time

What other servers do you play on? TA on hippie , play on goon sometimes

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? yes

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):As XO announced this, Command Announcement: Fams like don't pedo the black dude , he just chillin. Remembers like how snakes are more scared of yous than yous of its yer? Well this batty man ting prolly the same seeing all fleshy n shit things come up tryna get it on. This aint like luton fam , ya cant pull a prize like that without proper looks. I is basics sayin dont be touchin the majestic fam he just chillin.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I get that "pedo" was probably a bit far and that's the bit I would be ok getting warned about but the report in general doesn't break any roleplay guidelines nor any of the server rules and it's roleplay ,albeit pretty awful. Why was I doing this? I was trying to have fun , in-fact I was having fun because it was harmless and didn't remove any-one/thing from the round.

I would understand a warning for it being pretty shit RP as an XO however a permanent jobban is pretty rash for something this minor when just a "hey speak like a normal person in the future" would have been much better , I mean even an IC lynching would have been perfectly suitable in this situation and I would have been fine if this had happened. The admin handling this did give out a command report that told the MP's to demote me and I can understand why and think that would be suitable enough punishment. I would simply like this lowered from a permanent jobban to a note and I won't speak IC like this again.

After rejoining the round as a normal marine a player even said he enjoyed the antics.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

Post by apophis775 » 10 Jun 2016, 18:41

Your ban reason, makes my brain hurt.

I'm going to deny this for now. Re-appeal when you are going to type in proper english so it's readable.

Strike that, I thought that was you explaining poorly, not a shitty announcement. This will goto investigation, but I don't see it being lifted right away.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

Post by Feweh » 10 Jun 2016, 19:04

There's not much to investigate, you we're banned for this;

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - As XO announced this, Command Announcement: Fams like don't pedo the black dude , he just chillin. Remembers like how snakes are more scared of yous than yous of its yer? Well this batty man ting prolly the same seeing all fleshy n shit things come up tryna get it on. This aint like luton fam , ya cant pull a prize like that without proper looks. I is basics sayin dont be touchin the majestic fam he just chillin. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, June 10th of 2016 Remove

You announced that as the XO on a Medium RP server.
You've also previously been job-banned from Command roles for similar bullshit reasons.

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Sulaco Chief Medical Officer, Corporate Liason, Requisitions Officer - Was stunned by an MP,returned stuns,later returned lethals,when stunned by others later returned with lethals from the M14A,to everyone.....banned from Command Roles,Multiple killed,also due to past notes by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, August 7th of 2015

You also have a slurry of notes to go along with this.
To be honest, you aren't a good player. What really bothers me is APOP went through great lengths to get you unbanned prior to all this, yet you really aren't adding anything to the server.

For obvious reasons you need to chill out and I'd say to appeal in a month or so. I'll send this off to APOP so he can quickly decided.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

Post by apophis775 » 10 Jun 2016, 19:05

I agree with Feweh. You shouldn't be broadcasting something so silly as the XO. The ban stands.

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Re: Lcass123 jobban appeal , feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 10 Jun 2016, 19:13

This Is resolved and will be moved in 24 hours
