Job-Ban Appeal for Military Police - Yacobpo157/Paladin117

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Job-Ban Appeal for Military Police - Yacobpo157/Paladin117

Post by Yacobpo157 » 15 Jun 2016, 01:05

Your Byond ID: Yacobpo157

Character Name: Jacob 'Paladin' Stover

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban for the Military Police

Admin who banned you (if known): (Great/Master) Feweh

Total Ban Duration: Didn't show, so probably permanent.

Remaining Duration: Eternity?

What other servers do you play on? Hippie Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Not that I can remember, I've only played it about three times or so. An that was about a month or two ago.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Suicided as an MP on the Sulaco, reason was not valid.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Well, this is my third ban appeal, so you'd think I'd heave learned to take pictures of major events or record things, but no. Anyway, I acted as a "pilot" for the Rasputin and would "fly" it when needed. When Feweh wasn't on and it was only Jaskserious(Mentor), I saw a marine that I had befriended get eaten alive by an Elite T2(?). Along with the fact that someone that I IC hated was made the CO as the original command staff were gone and the CE and RO didn't want to be in command. I personally thought it was a valid reason, however I was unaware that it was not. Had I known, I never would have done done this. I know understand what I did was wrong, and I'm honestly staying away from suicide in IC for the foreseeable future so I can avoid something like this occurring ever again. Not only do I promise this will NEVER occur again, but I would like to apologize to Feweh for being a nuisance to him and causing him trouble, as two of my three bans have been carried out by him and I like to think he doesn't find this fun. I'd like to stop wasting everyone's time with my constant screw-up's, actions that I will not repeat. Third time's the charm, and I hope the same can be said in this case. Again, I will not be doing this again and I apologize for (potentially) harming the round. At the time, there were two other MP's and a low number of staff so I thought they could handle it. I apologize for my black marks and my putrid history on this server, something I'm hoping to correct. Thank you for reading this ban appeal, and please comment below on your opinions of it, whether or not I should expect to utilize my riot armor again, and how you think I could improve this appeal or in general. Thank you for your time...
It's not dying after you shot it a couple of times? I think the real question is, why didn't you keep shooting?

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job-Ban Appeal for Military Police - Yacobpo157/Paladin117

Post by Feweh » 15 Jun 2016, 01:39

I removed the job-ban after you left because I honestly felt bad at how many job-bans you have.
Stop being shit and doing shitty things.

Consider it a warning.
