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by lucashunter608 » 26 Jun 2016, 04:55
Your Byond ID:Lucashunte
Character Name:Lucas Oliveira
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):timed ban
Admin who banned you (if known):Mizari
Total Ban Duration:24 hours
Remaining Duration:24 hours
What other servers do you play on?none
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?hippie, banned for a long time
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned)
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

first off, he didn't even tried to talk with me, i could't even explain why i was in the caves and why i was after the crazy marine, the reasons i don't find this ramboing are, i had another marine with me and we didn't killed any aliens (except for the larvas i found in the caves while i was going back), and second, i just tried to go after the guy to ask to come back, i wasn't going to fucking rush in the hive for no reason, and there wasn't even a hive in that part of the map, just a bunch of SSD larvas, i went to the caves because the CO said so 
this was a realy stupid ban, you could have questioned what was i doing in the caves and why, but nah, you just said "HURR DURR YOU'RE FAILING RPEING", how is that fail RP? i was going after my friend to "rescue" him from the caves, but i didn't even done that, i was going the crashed ship for the rescue of the survivors but you just banned me, i also know its greytide season and you guys don't care about minor bans but c'mon, that was just straight assholelish (EDITED) if anyone wonders if i said i did go rambo is
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- Byond: freemysoul
by freemysoul » 26 Jun 2016, 05:59
Please read Rule 3. Bans take at minimum, 24 hours to be investigated and processed. Avoid appealing for a 24 hour or less ban. Thank you.
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by lucashunter608 » 26 Jun 2016, 06:02
freemysoul wrote:Please read Rule 3. Bans take at minimum, 24 hours to be investigated and processed. Avoid appealing for a 24 hour or less ban. Thank you.
i apology for my error, can i still keep my unban appeal up? it taked some time to get everything in order
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- Byond: freemysoul
by freemysoul » 26 Jun 2016, 06:05
lucashunter608 wrote:
i apology for my error, can i still keep my unban appeal up? it taked some time to get everything in order
Like I said, it's take a min of 24 hours to process, You can keep it but it'll most likely pass before then. If you have an issue with HOW specific the ban or if you believe the Moderator in question needs a talk or further training, please take it to the Staff Complaints area with Evidence, Have a good day.
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by lucashunter608 » 26 Jun 2016, 06:08
freemysoul wrote:
Like I said, it's take a min of 24 hours to process, You can keep it but it'll most likely pass before then. If you have an issue with HOW specific the ban or if you believe the Moderator in question needs a talk or further training, please take it to the Staff Complaints area with Evidence, Have a good day.
okay then, i'll close the app
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- Byond: freemysoul
by freemysoul » 27 Jun 2016, 05:04
Timed ban has passed, Requesting Lock and Archiving.