I have seen an increasing amount of Herp A Derp firefights going on, Mostly over minor and petty things. HOWEVER without any form of attacklogs of the guy firing on you, it makes this ALOT harder to track and deal with.
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Banned by mileswolfe | Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: improper escalation of lethal force, killed a marine that stole from him by MilesWolfe (Moderator) on Tue, July 5th of 2016
Let's have a lookski at your chat between you and Miles.
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[19:14:14]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): so you called a marine a faggot, a cuckhold, and killed them, becuase they picked up a gun you were dragging around?
[19:14:30]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): i tried holding him hostage and it kept shooting him i guess cause he kept running
[19:15:01]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): then i conciously placed him on the rasp so he can get home safe
[19:15:11]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): even tried saving his life and was about 2 seconds late bandaging him
[19:15:26]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): well maybe you shouldnt have pointed the gun at him in the first place
[19:15:32]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): maybe he shouldnt have stolen
[19:15:39]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): and gone on a goose chase for 3 minutes streight
[19:16:10]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): and thats reason reason enough to threaten to shoot them?
[19:16:18]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): i was justified in holding him up so i can get my shit back, it wouldve been much smoother if he could stop moving around
[19:16:33]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): its a shame he had to die, but y'know
[19:16:56]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): what im i going to do, let him waltz off with my shit? i was about to put down my m4a1 and put what i was dragging on my armour
[19:17:13]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): im sorry, but when you steal from the RO and they hold you up this is the same principle
[19:22:25]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): yeah well your getting banned, regarless of wheither or not you wanted to just hold him up, you chose a course of actions that resulted in you killing him
[19:22:46]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): so, if a marine starts VIOLENTLY attacking an MP and returns fire, killing him, is that not ok?
[19:23:04]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): he kind of asked for it, squirming around whilst having a gun pointed at him.
[19:23:07]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): he didnt violently attack you, he took a gun that you were dragging
[19:23:25]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): he STOLE from me, refused to give it back when i had a very persuasive tool in my hand pointed at him.
[19:23:40]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): and then ended up trying to BOOK it, wondering why he cought bullets
[19:24:01]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): "i played with matches and got burnt ooh.."
[19:24:17]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): if someone steals from you, you report it to an mp you dont shoot them to death
[19:24:23]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): MP's on the planet eh
[19:24:42]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): and i DIDNT really kill him, if he had the WILL and SMARTS to live, he'd know giving it back to me is the right course of action
[19:24:50]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): mps on the planet is a thing, they can come down to arrest a marine
[19:24:56]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): And i hope you know his death is NOT my intention at all
[19:25:07]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): i hope you can tell that by how hard i tried to save him after he fell
[19:27:32]ADMIN: PM: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe)->Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni): ill take that into account, you still killed him
[19:28:26]ADMIN: PM: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)->MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe): holding him up was the only option to get it quickly back in my hands safe and sound, i can't control the actions of others like him moving
[19:33:10]ADMIN: MOD: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe) : lets get this out there, toni calls a marine a faggot, a cuckhold and kills him, over a gun that he was dragging around and they took. He says, he was trying to hold them up, when they moved and the gun auto fired. I tell him it doesnt matter becuase he still killed, and should have been aiming at them in the first place. what do you think? just ban him and be done with it?
[19:33:58]ADMIN: MOD: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund) : certainly sounds like an improper escalation to me.
[19:34:36]ADMIN: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe) delayed the round end.
[19:35:24]ADMIN: mileswolfe has banned oprayx73 | Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: improper escalation of lethal force, killed a marine that stole from him
[19:35:24]ADMIN: MilesWolfe/(Miles 'Boss' Wolfe) has edited oprayx73's notes: Banned by mileswolfe | Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: improper escalation of lethal force, killed a marine that stole from him
[19:35:24]ACCESS: Logout: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni)
Well that was certainly an interesting converse between you and Miles. Also while mentors don't have any physical power over bans, their input can be somewhat helpful.
Let's Nitpick
so, if a marine starts VIOLENTLY attacking an MP and returns fire, killing him, is that not ok? No, it
ISN'T ok for an MP to return
LETHAL force, It quite clearly
STATES that in the rules.
I'm sorry, but when you steal from the RO and they hold you up this is the same principle. Them DOING that is a RULE break, they are NOT the MPs they should be doing their OWN job not the MPs.
Excellent Suggestion from Miles here: if someone steals from you, you report it to an MP you don't shoot them to death.
so you called a marine a faggot, a cuckhold, and killed them, because they picked up a gun you were dragging around? If this is true then I myself would have already warned you JUST for that, Even though it's IC behaviour, this sort of behaviour is EXTREMELY shitty and frowned upon.
Logs time
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[19:05:29]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : CICKS
[19:05:36]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : YOU CUCKOLDDDD
[19:06:22]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : Fagot
[19:06:33]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : I need that shit back
[19:06:39]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : Cuck ran off
[19:06:57]ATTACK: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni) disarmed Llewellyn McIver ()
[19:07:04]ATTACK: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni) disarmed Llewellyn McIver ()
[19:07:24]ATTACK: Oprayx73/(Tony Rigatoni) disarmed Llewellyn McIver ()
Presuming they started aiming at them at around 19:07:40
[19:07:50]ATTACK: Tony Rigatoni (oprayx73) shot Llewellyn McIver () with a the rifle bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=176;Y=125;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x30000f4]'>PM</a>)
[19:07:56]ATTACK: Tony Rigatoni (oprayx73) shot Llewellyn McIver ) with a the rifle bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=178;Y=123;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x30000f4]'>PM</a>)
[19:08:00]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : Say sotp
[19:08:05]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : YOU CUCKOLD/
[19:08:07]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : YOU STOP
[19:08:11]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : GIVE IT NOW
[19:08:19]ATTACK: Tony Rigatoni (oprayx73) was hit by a the PPSh-17b Submachinegun, thrown by Llewellyn McIver (dunty) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=192;Y=118;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[19:08:20]ATTACK: Tony Rigatoni (oprayx73) shot Llewellyn McIver () with a the rifle bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=192;Y=118;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x30000f4]'>PM</a>)
[19:09:59]ATTACK: Tony Rigatoni (oprayx73) injected Llewellyn McIver () with Tricordrazine Auto-Injector. Reagents: Tricordrazine (INTENT: GRAB) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=190;Y=63;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[19:10:20]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : Someone defib this cuck
[19:10:21]SAY: Tony Rigatoni/Oprayx73 : Goddamn why
Nowhere during the ENTIRE time of you "chasing" or "aiming" at them do I see attacklogs of you BEING fired upon, Nor do I see attacklogs of the Person disarming you.
Final Thoughts: Even though you DID attempt to save their life after them, Your course of actions and Rather brash responses to Miles, make it VERY unlikely your getting unbanned. As a sidenote I also believe that the amount of time your banned for was somewhat over the top. However these are my own opinions it is time to a Headstaff of Investigator to officially decide your punishment.
Additional Note: I myself haven't had real major issues with Oprayx73.