Your Byond ID: Tristan63
Character Name: Benjamin Werry
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Perma-jobban from MP, also banned me from fucking ERT for some reason.
Admin who banned you (if known): Its been a day and I've already forgot.
Total Ban Duration: ∞
Remaining Duration: ∞
What other servers do you play on? Absolution, Apollo
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Twice from absolution (consult sam on that)
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Walked around with a pistol and knife as a MP
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Look there was greifers that round and I already got shot down ONCE by a greifer, and the admin didn't revive me. So I carried a pistol and knife around for defense because if the admins can't revive me, the marines are most likely too stupid to revive me, then I will at least have a chance at killing my assailant should it be a greifer. I also don't know why this bans me from ERT, I want to split vodka bottles over xenos heads.
Tristan63s jobban appeal
- Tristan63
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Tristan63s jobban appeal
Don't turn around
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- Xurphorus
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal
I remember this round, CM was getting greytide raided, We had a rogue MP, like three rogue marines, and I think one of the BOs. Shit got too real that round. I was the Commander I think. I was complaining why the tasers werent working.
- Feweh
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal
Tasers are the most OP marine weapon, far more effective than any knife or pistol.
Tasers are the most OP marine weapon, far more effective than any knife or pistol.
- MilesWolfe
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal
I was there during that round, The admin helps were getting spammed like crazy and i had to get help to deal with it. i think ordukai was on as well. Alot of marines were getting killed on the sulaco from griefers.

Formerly bigbossbase
Bill Carson asks, "Do you guys think I am a retard?"
Malika 'The Bitch' Stone exclaims, "YES OH ****** GOD YES!"
- freemysoul
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal
Ah, this ban I was actually waiting to see this pop up. I'm pretty sure I placed the Jobban, Let me dig up the round logs.
And for reference on the ban: Banned from Military Police - Breach of the Lethal Weapons rules as an MP. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, July 6th of 2016 Remove
Edit: [15:08:07]ADMIN: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) perma-banned Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry) from Military Police, I forgot to add the JB note stating I placed it.
Anyway these are the logs during that round between me and you, you and Jerkface.
Firstly I would like to apologise for the MP Perma jobban, And I'm not sure why you're banned from ERT, Probably something that overlaps with it. However, you were warned NO less then 10 minutes before this about Lethal weapons (In which you had a Marine Combat Knife). I am willing to pass this appeal and get you unbanned, But you MUST promise to follow ALL the MPs rules.
And for reference on the ban: Banned from Military Police - Breach of the Lethal Weapons rules as an MP. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, July 6th of 2016 Remove
Edit: [15:08:07]ADMIN: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) perma-banned Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry) from Military Police, I forgot to add the JB note stating I placed it.
Anyway these are the logs during that round between me and you, you and Jerkface.
Code: Select all
[14:46:34]ADMIN: PM: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): Hello, could you tell me what happened between you and the CL in his quarters?
[14:47:41]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): I went in there sounding odd, and I was trying to "spread' my infection due to its level of evolvement-or stages. I said assimilate and I punched him, to which he took his gun and shot me. I took my gun out and shot at the wall purposefully not aiming at him because I was an infected blubberthing, and he still shot at me. I did however shoot him once with a bullet.
[14:48:16]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): all the while he tried to escape untill he shot at me, which was a period of 30 seconds between me punching him and he finally resorting to shoot
[14:48:19]ADMIN: MOD: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund) : any idea about the infection thing the MP is talking about?
[14:48:58]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : Nothing
[14:49:23]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : You can't get viruses in CM, their physical disabled.
[14:49:52]ADMIN: PM: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): Viruses are physically disabled on CM... what exactly did you think you had?
[14:50:33]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): Apop was talking about a zombie virus on the developer section of the fourms, I thought apop went invisimin and gave it to me. I had a grey hue to my skin and it wouldn't go away.
[14:50:50]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): Otherwize I have no clue
[14:51:13]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : Firstly the grey hue was from Fullbody paint
[14:52:35]ADMIN: PM: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): Sounds like fully body pain to me... Also why did you have a gun at all as an MP? Pretty sure I told you not 10 minutes ago you weren't allowed to have any lethal weapons of any kind as an MP before xenos attempted boarding?
[14:53:26]ADMIN: PM: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): paint*
[14:53:53]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): I took it up after that. And there is fullbody paint?
[14:55:31]ADMIN: PM: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): there is. It paints your upper body head and hands in a greyish hue that makes you actually difficult(ish) to see. I understand that you took up the pistol after I told you you weren't supposed to have it. My question is why did you have it after you were told you weren't supposed to have it...?
[14:56:12]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund): Xur raised the alert level and warned me of more renegades, and frankly I don't think you could ressurect me if I did get greifkilled so I would rather deffend myself.
I take over for Jerkface, As I has just finished dealing with another player
[14:58:32]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): Hello good sir, As Jerkface has quite rightly informed you, you are NOT allowed lethals.
[14:58:50]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): Yep, I deeploy apolgize.
[15:00:19]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): This is not looking good for you, as it quite clearly states: You may NOT have ANY lethal weapons, unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Having lethal weapons as an MP is a BANNABLE offense (no, not even if your going to the planet or chasing someone who shoots at you with lethals. Lethal weapons = BAN).
[15:01:06]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): I know, but you are unable to ressurect me if I get greifshot like previously happened. And that can be considered boarders if there are multiple renegade marines on the sulaco, which there have been
[15:01:54]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): No less I was carrying the weakest weapon in the game, the M4A3
[15:02:02]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): Actually, Moderator CAN revive you IF you don't use lethal force, Anyway. This is quite clear breach of the rules, As jerkface DID inform not to carry LETHAL weaponry
[15:02:49]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): This is equalised to a Permanant Jobban as Military Police for carrying Lethal weaponry
[15:03:37]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): I didn't even kill anyone with the pistol
[15:04:21]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): You may appeal this ban on the Ban Appeals sector of the forums, if you behave this ban is incorrect this take it to the staff complaint sector.
[15:05:06]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): I don't have any complaints on you, I just have a complaint on why you would make it a perma-jobban when all I did wasn't even worthy of a ban in the first place. Literally shot the gun a few times and hit someone once, which didnt stick
[15:05:22]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : what did he do?
[15:05:34]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): It quite CLEARLY states Lethal Weapons = Ban
[15:05:50]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): Yes, but ban is a broad term.
[15:06:00]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): You are very lucky I chose Permanant jobban over Serverban.
[15:06:07]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : soul, don't let PMs drag on, just drop the hammer and say it's over until you appeal.
[15:06:22]ADMIN: PM: Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry)->Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart): Sigh
[15:06:33]ADMIN: MOD: Jerkface00/(Xiphos Volund) : the MP? Had lethal weapons before aliens boarded. Was told to get rid of the weapons, 10 minutes later he had lethal weapons again and ended up in a conflict where he shot someone
[15:06:39]ADMIN: PM: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart)->Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry): As I said, if you have an issue with the ban take it to the forum, Do not argue during greytide season
[15:07:12]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : Like I said LUCKY I chose Permanant jobban over Serverban
[15:07:31]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : Meh, a warnning is useally fine unless they have a history, but since soul already started job ban don't change it, it will make us look bad
[15:07:46]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : Issueing a MP job ban for 3 days. 2100 hours Central on the third day. He failed to follow all protocals as a MP by TR-Blackdragon (TrialAdmin) on Tue, January 19th of 2016
[15:07:56]ADMIN: MOD: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) : Warned for Improper escalation by TR-Blackdragon (GameAdmin) on Fri, April 22nd of 2016
[15:08:04]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : that would do it!
[15:08:07]ADMIN: Freemysoul/(Sarah 'PDW' Cowart) perma-banned Tristan63/(Benjamin 'Commissar' Werry) from Military Police
[15:08:07]ADMIN: *null* has edited tristan63's notes: Banned from Military Police - Breach of the Lethal Weapons rules as an MP.
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal
jobban on sec and or command positions instantly bans you from ERT too in baycode. security one does that 100%, not sure about command ones.
- Feweh
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Re: Tristan63s jobban appeal