Casany Jobban from command

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Casany Jobban from command

Post by Casany » 11 Jul 2016, 22:35

Your Byond ID: casany

Character Name:August W. Walker

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh, and a handful of mods helped

Total Ban Duration: perma

Remaining Duration: perma

What other servers do you play on? None

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I was, from three. That was 2 years ago, and I got unbanned

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Failure of RP escalation, Destabilized the round almost single handedly, apparently caused meta rushing of aliens

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): the day I got it i wanted to know what I did, wasn't even a real appeal really

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): so, first off, the main reason I'm getting in banned is not to play command, I really don't want to, it's just to be unbanned. I did fail to escalate RP with some MPs who tried to arrest me for shooting CL with a taser, I wasn't watching logs so I thought it was a mutiny or something, it got violent and ya. Now, I think because I was the CO people instantly blamed me for the meta rushing. What really happened was I said during briefing "scout the colony and caves" now, I know this was a bad thing to happen but I wasn't thinking of meta rushing aliens, I just wanted to give the briefing and get the marines on the ground. It was 3:24 for me, and I know I shouldn't have been CO that late. As far as I know I have no other notes for command, and this one stupid thing I did as a CO banned me from EVERY role that commands; CL,CE,CMO,BO,XO,and CO. Anyway, I won't play command again after this but I just want to appeal so people know I'm not a "bad egg". Anyway, that's my appeal
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Casany Jobban from command

Post by Feweh » 12 Jul 2016, 00:36


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Re: Casany Jobban from command

Post by Casany » 12 Jul 2016, 00:38

thank you
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP
