Unjobban meh

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Unjobban meh

Post by Neray » 08 Aug 2016, 21:23

Your Byond ID: Neray

Character Name: Lillian White

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Warnipple

Reason for ban:
You have been jobbanned by warnipple from: Commander, Executive Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer.
The reason is: As BO, made an all access ID during the first 10 minutes of the round while a commander and XO was not present.
Jobban can be lifted only upon request.

You have been jobbanned by warnipple from: Bridge Officer.
The reason is: As BO, made an all access ID during the first 10 minutes of the round while a commander and XO was not present.
Jobban can be lifted only upon request.
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Started a lowpop round (the one after server crash, with only 27 online players at the start) as the only Bridge Officer. Since there were no other bridge and cargo staff waking up for 10 minutes and marines were asking me to give them attachments, I increased my access the way it won't fuck up with anything - promoted myself to XO, then changed a name to BO. After giving attachments to few marines, CT woke up and I got back to bridge. Later on both XO and CO woke up in quick succession, but we soon realised that CO might be an autistic baldie. He gave out arrest orders on specs and engineers, was talking about baldies and their rights. We almost came to a point of bridge mutiny, but XO suggested to wait a bit if he'll fuck anything up. My fellow BO Hunt was a newfag with barely sufficient english skills, as well as zero understanding of how overwatch console works. Considering all this info, I thought that lifting my access back might be not the wisest idea, so I kept it. 2 hours later, when I asked commander if I should open an armory for marines, he screamed at me that I don't have access to it and turns out CO was Warnipple all along (I seriously don't understand why people with staff work are taking CO role if they're busy with issues, CO was "afk" almost every damn time we needed something from him).

Now, let's get rules Warnipple was linking me to:
ID Rules: - Because of how IDs work, you are permitted ONLY to demote someone and remove their access. Changing IDs any other way (increasing access, changing job titles, making all-access) may result in a JOB BAN. IDs work very specifically with our assignment system, and changing them around screws with it. DO NOT MESS WITH AN ID UNLESS YOU ARE REMOVING ACCESS. No job changes, no title changes. Squad reassignment is ok for STANDARDS ONLY. You may not reassign anyone that is not a standard.
Do NOT give out all-access ID cards. (you will receive full job-bans AND a 3 day ban if you do this)
1) "Changing them around screws with it" - nothing was screwed, XO and every other marine woke up as usual.
2) There were no reassignment as well as direct access changes. I just promoted myself to XO and changed a name to bridge officer, this way it can't screw with anything. Yes, I know how ID system works.
3) I had to get in cargo in order to prevent marines from blowing a door with c-4, cause yeah, engineers woke up later.
4) The only other way I used my additional access was to meet with RO and give her spare OBs from, another way I used it, bravo lead prep room, because baldie forgot to take anything from his vendor.
5) I didn't lift it back to default level, because XO gave me some info about CO being a possible "baldie" spy, so I thought that keeping an ace up my sleeve would be a good idea. CO was THAT bad.

Next point I have here is my full job-ban for other roles. This is something I don't undertand a tiny bit. Alright, yes, I gave myself additional access cause we had a lowpop round at the start and it wasn't going to change for next 10 minutes. How's that spreading up to RO, CMO, CE, MP and CL roles?

I do want to point out, that this rule is a bit dumb, considering the fact, that it can't screw up with anything. Even if you'll move bravo engineer to delta, delta engineer will wake up as usual and another bravo engineer won't wake up. Same for every single other role on board. Yet, I'm not here to judge rules, I'm here to get this job-ban lifted, at least partly, as if 5 rounds as good BO in a row aren't enough to earn some respect for round-saving actions (read - blown up cargo vendor). I tried to follow rules as close as possible, without direct changes in ID card, and yet, I got a full never-ending job-ban for all ship head roles, after 2 hours of hard bridge work, half of which CO Warnipple spent being afk, and his word that I shouldn't try appealing it for next 3 months.

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Re: Unjobban meh

Post by Warnipple » 08 Aug 2016, 21:29

I'd say wait a week and then un-job ban. I removed everything except CO, XO and BO. So you can play Liason, CMO, CE, RO but you shouldn't use the ID access machine if you do.
Accurate representation of my character as Corporate Liason: http://i.imgur.com/Ynnvuxx.png

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Unjobban meh

Post by Feweh » 08 Aug 2016, 21:30

Denied, blatant rule break.
Appeal later on.
