Veh Deh Veh's Appeal (Not Really)

Veh Deh Veh
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Byond: Veh Deh Veh

Veh Deh Veh's Appeal (Not Really)

Post by Veh Deh Veh » 30 Aug 2016, 15:09

Now this is not really an appeal, since I can sit out that day, I just want to get some shit cleared up, okay?

So, last round I was a commander, I tried my best to lead my guys to victory. Kept giving them supplies, interrogiated a survivor for useful information, gave them an ID to do research (which she and some other people did really well) as well as once I pistol-whipped a runner for eating my CT alive.

So there was a period of time where I withdrew all men from the planet due to them being too wounded and thin on supplies. We did that, they started resting up, and then the alien invasion suddenly started. There was an ENTIRE hive going at it, I called a distress signal and got some good PMC's to help me out with the invasion.

After it was done, my only RP conclusion for this type of attack is simple: They must have come for the larvae that research held for interrogiation. At this time, many men were healing up, the MP too even. I went to research and told them my reasoning behind this, that it must be the larvae that brought this on us, and that I am valuing the life of my men and ship more than a couple space snakes.

I tried to execute them, but one researcher kept stopping me from doing that. I kept telling him to stand back, but in the end he kept punching at us (sometimes at the corpse queen and sometimes at my men) and generally was a fucking nuisance. I warned him three times that if he will not go away, we will shoot him, also due to the fact police was still healing up. And it happened, I have shred him with a Smartgun and then promptly killed all the larvae.

Now, I have no idea if larvae count in as aliens or not, but I think I had a really fucking good idea to do that. And in the end, Freemysoul HAD to ban me for failed escalation, he did not take any events or circumstances into the matter, he just decided to ban me for killing a researcher who was interrogiating the larvae. I have allowed him to do it before all the god damn time, but this kind of jerking off had to stop sooner or later, and this time I had a good (in my opinon) reason to do that.

So, what the fuck? Tell me, was I really in the wrong? Are you guys going to nitpick at me for removing an annoying researcher who was sympathising with the space snakes? Just curious, this is not more of an appeal than just a way to clarify things, perhaps other staff supports what Freemysoul did or thinks that it should just happen.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Veh Deh Veh's Appeal (Not Really)

Post by Feweh » 30 Aug 2016, 15:38

Well until you make a Appeal/Staff Complaint I'm not going to look into this.
Fill out the proper appeals/reports and will let you know what happened.

Not going to open this up to a discussion.
Locked and make a new thread if needed.
