Outboarduniform - CL Jobban Appeal

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Outboarduniform - CL Jobban Appeal

Post by Outboarduniform » 19 Sep 2016, 20:03

Your Byond ID: Outboarduniform

Character Name: Juan 'Rook' Siganto

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-Ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh , i believe

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: Forever

What other servers do you play on? Aurora Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Banned once or twice last year for ~week/day each i believe.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): An escape pod clusterfuck that ended horribly

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Now, this happened a while back so i don't have THAT much memory of it, and might mix some shit in from another round, so some of this might be incorrect. Now, if i remember, i was just a normal corporate liaison,not doing anything wrong, sitting in my office and occassionally doing the bureaucracy that is entitled to the Corporate Liaison. Now, i think about an hour or so into the round, is when the problems start happening. A Military Police Officer kept harrassing me, and threatened me multiple times (which i'm sure i reported to the higher-ups in the bridge). eventually, the MP and a CT started coming in and fucking up my office. Everything was turned, etc., getting threats and almost being stunbattoned by said MP. now, the XO takes action and basically warns them to fuck off. I told them that next time they come into my office and start fucking things up, i was going to shoot them. So, later on, Cargo Technician mcchucklefuck comes in, without an ID,in full combat gear, and with a rifle on his armor, next to a graffitied ATM machine. I had warned him multiple times before not to enter my office and fuck with my things, so i pulled out my VP70 and shoot him. He screams that i was 'murdering him' over comms, and staggers off to medbay, as i close down my office for a while. They learned their lesson and left me alone for a while, and another MP was assigned to make sure it never happened again. The other crazy MP either committed suicide or went SSD. If i am right, there was no Commander for the timebeing, I believe that was the case. Now, after a while , i notice that that MP channel is silent and nothing is happening. I see that the one MP assigned to 'protect' me had blown their head off and when asked by a ghost in ooc, they said that the suicide was justified. I enter and look at the end, and its a fucking suicide note that says that i threatened them with dishonorable discharge and they decided to blow their head off. fucking justified suicide my ass. so , commander blows a gasket and rants off on me about 'threatening his crew' and such and such, and i had to just nod at what he said and stalked off to my office. Not only this,but basically every other marine seems to want to fuck up my shit. So i stay in my office, until a distress signal is eventually sent out. PMCs arrive, and the pods are getting fueled. we go to one of the pods to evacuate, and the chucklefuck CT, in his B18 armor , tries getting onto our pod. i order that they should not be allowed on the pod, because of what they did to me earlier in the round. they were stunbatoned and dragged out multiple times, as i thought that they would learn to just go to either of the other two pods. after about 4 times of dragging him out and him coming back, i give the kill order on him, which was, yes, a fucking stupid idea. It was a heat of the moment thing,i guess you could say...Anyways, thats my view on the situation, and i hope to be able to play Corporate Liaison soon enough.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Outboarduniform - CL Jobban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 21:38

