Character Name: Fernando Clayton
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Time Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): slc97
Total Ban Duration: 180 min
Remaining Duration: <180 min
What other servers do you play on? Colonial marines?
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? not before
Reason for ban : EORG (don't know what that means)
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
It falls into RP. I started off simply cooking up some chemicals, then get approached by the Weyland officer (Urist 'Armok' DeGaulle) to make sedatives. I oblige, making some bad medicine to make the heart stop, couldn't think of anything good.
He later returns asking for my ID, saying he'll only have it for 3 seconds or something, I refuse, he leaves then returns with a balaclava and a gun, trying to kill me. I knock him down, steal his gun, shoot him several times, then its a whole mess of BS.
Later a second researcher joins, I am cooking chemicals, and found a recipe that wasn't on the wiki, PROPER sedatives. Skip alittle ahead, i accidentally make a sedative bomb, and knock myself out in the corner, while my researcher buddy gets experimented on or something. In the mean time, i hear my friend screaming that not to trust someone, and that he was injected with a implant, so i think it's the weyland guy.
Later i finally come through, at this point I know the weyland guy is bad, mostly for what he did to me, and my friend, i make a sedative cocktail, see him make off with a corpse, i follow, then i use it, knocking his bodyguard unconscious, but he is still up and at it (I had the intent to kill him). I chase him, we get locked in the maintenance behind, and he knocks me with a stunbaton unconscious, then he runs off.
I break into his office, find my Researcher friend dead there, and think that this is all his doing. I steal the corpse back, try to clone, didnt work. Later i made more sedative, then i see his bodyguard, and at this moment I knew he was going to try to kill me, he got his gun out same time i used my sedative, then he chases me into my lab, trying to kill me. I knock him down, steal his gun, kill him, then explode his body.
I am on a vendetta now, i want Weyland dead, his bodyguard, my researcher friend, and after trying to kill me, im going to end him. I steal the bodyguard's armor and gun, and hunt down the bastard. I run into a MP, tell him the story, show him my friend, and the bodyguard (and he didnt arrest me, plus i had a chance to kill him, but i didnt). Once again, he visits my lab, i shoot him, he runs away.
[END GAME POINT] (at this point all the aliens are dead and it did that sound track). I am in front of the lab, MP is trying to pick a end game fight, and then the Weyland prick steps in, we all take a scuffle, weyland runs off. I look for him, notice "ALL HAIL WEYLAND-YUTANI AND THE CORPORATE LIAISON NAMED : URIST DEGAULLE !" then i know where he is, i try to break in, Weyland boy steps outside, and then i almost kill his ass into critical. I run out of bullets, then i punched him, but i wanted to choke him out.
It was all mostly about him trying to kill me, sending his bodyguard to kill me, and me surprisingly killing them both. This is the first time I've done something so well, such a fantastic revenge, i regret nothing, but I do understand, without that complex context, it just seems like i'm a RDM prick.
I've done a bit of mod stuff before, I know how to play by the rules.

TL;DR Weyland tried to kill me, I hit back. Weyland bodyguard tried to kill me, I killed him, with his own shotgun. The price, a fellow lab partner. May his soul rest peacefully