Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

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Sars Clayton
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Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Sars Clayton » 07 Oct 2016, 23:13

Your Byond ID:Tidal7

Character Name:Sars 'Kitty' Clayton

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Timed

Admin who banned you (if known):Feweh

Total Ban Duration:3 day

Remaining Duration:2 days

What other servers do you play on?None.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?No

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I work all week, get full round after work if I'm lucky with timing. I don't have a lot of time on my weekends with all I've got going on already but I enjoy spending the remaining of it on the server.

Normally I wouldn't appeal, but I'd really like to get some rounds by the weekends finish and work starts.

I have read rules again, even though I know them all already.

My excuse for what I did was my squad was on planet and needed help but command wouldn't send it, so i took it into my own hands.

I believe it would have all been fine if the other marine didn't jump on from his own free will and I threw the BO out as planned (MP's stopped that from happening), I don't belive the marines deaths was my responsibility as he jumped on at last minutes since he was in my squad as well and wanted to help.

If it is felt by staff that I shouldn't get a lift, then maybe a alternate punishment can be dished out.
Last edited by Sars Clayton on 07 Oct 2016, 23:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Feweh » 07 Oct 2016, 23:38

Denied and I'm tempted to seriously turn this into a perma-ban.

Honestly, you messaged me last night and I pretty much told you I was cutting you some slack.

Jesus christ man.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Sars Clayton » 07 Oct 2016, 23:48

Then thank you for the slack and the other admins that didn't turn this into a perma ban..

I was really hoping to be a regular on the server but if you want to perma me theres really nothing I can do to stop it.

I feel like I'm not consistently breaking the same rules, there seems to be a different problem each time.

I don't feel like a perma is deserved since I'm trying to fit in here and improve on behaviour.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Sars Clayton » 08 Oct 2016, 00:06

Whats that have to do with the relevant topic?

This is a appeal for what happened on 7/10/2016 not a general discussion.

So you believe I should be perma banned for two similar incidents, if I recall you have multiple incidents in MP and command area so maybe you should be perbaned from Sec and Command.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 00:32

Sars Clayton wrote: I feel like I'm not consistently breaking the same rules, there seems to be a different problem each time.

I don't feel like a perma is deserved since I'm trying to fit in here and improve on behaviour.
Joined with the name "Tars-" I warned him about the naming rule. by ) on Wed, May 11th of 2016 Remove

Joined with name Tars - by (Host) on Tue, August 23rd of 2016 Remove

Banned by warnipple | Duration: 180 minutes | Reason: You've been told twice to change your name. by (Moderator) on Wed, August 24th of 2016 Remove

Fourth time warning on their name (Tars). Told they must change it, as this shit is getting old. by on Thu, August 25th of 2016 Remove

Banned by westhybrid|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG. by ) on Sat, August 27th of 2016 Remove

Called the queen a cunt. Warned. by on Sat, September 3rd of 2016 Remove

As an engineer, hacked a spec vendor and stole b18. Warned. by on Tue, September 6th of 2016 Remove

Following a rather complex but seemingly proper escalation towards a wounding fight, suddenly pulled a pistol and shot, leading to a full gunfight with AP rounds leading to at least one death and a prolonged gunfight to arrest the captive. Has been warned to not use lethal weaponry again unless LOOC consent of the other party has been secured or he has been shot first by ) on Fri, September 9th of 2016 Remove

Rushed the sandstone temple alone, before the one hour mark by on Sun, September 18th of 2016 Remove

Stole an MPs ID, metagamed about an object they shouldn't have known about, threatening people about the alien blade. Spoken to and warned. by on Thu, September 22nd of 2016 Remove

Warned for IC in OOC. Was talking to a marine in LOOC about the lack of larva left. Also may have been constantly suicide running at marines by joining as larva, suspected to have been RPing a friendly xeno. by on Sat, September 24th of 2016 Remove

Banned by slc97|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Griefing/Improper Escalation. A marine pushed him out of line and took an attachment that was supposedly Tidal's. Tidal started disarming the guy, punching him, and the stabbing him. The other guy disarmed Tidal a total of 6 times. Tidal then insisted that stabbing someone who has disarmed you is appropriate. Issued a 3 hour ban to go and read the rules. Was very rude in PMs. Watch for disrespect in the future. by on Sat, September 24th of 2016 Remove

PMed on forum regarding his above ban. Insulted me in PM. Toxic player. by on Sat, September 24th of 2016 Remove

Warned for not using English in Dsay. DEAD: Elite Hunter (1) says, "Tvá matka voní jako zemrelí kráva". Told me adding a note was bullshit. Nice guy. by on Sun, September 25th of 2016 Remove

Involved in an EXTREMELY long winded and lethal escalation of force involving Sars, A Doctor, the CO, a Dead marine and 6 marines. As Sars went to Medical to get their "IC" friend to be cloned, Threatened the doctor with a knife, who then called the CO. the CO attempted to arrest Sars, who then "resisted" by Flashing/Cuffing the CO and then dragging them into Maintanance. At the time Tidal ahelped about how they could defuse the issue, knowing their in the wrong. However 6 marines broke in and gunned them down. When Investigated I found that Sars performed a Invalid mutiny and was warned that ANY further issue like this WILL result in a ban. I also explained that with their recent list of notes that they are VERY close to getting a Permanant ban. by on Wed, September 28th of 2016 Remove

Was very toxic in LOOC saying things as LOOC: Young Hunter (405)/(Tidal7): git gud fggt scrub,and LOOC: Young Hunter (405)/(Tidal7): he meant your disapointed parents loser by on Wed, September 28th of 2016 Remove

Banned by warnipple|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Griefer. Made a player report, I responded and fixed the situation, he comes back and grudge kills the person he reported. by on Thu, September 29th of 2016 Remove

Banned by feweh|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Flashes and cuffed a BO, forced the drop-pod down right after with the ID and got himself, the BO and another marine killed instantly. Multiple rule break, open a perma request next offense. by feweh (HeadModerator) on Thu, October 6th of 2016 Remove


17 Notes in the span of 2 months, that's ridiculous.
Explain why you shouldn't be removed from our server permanently?

Further-more, you also broke additional rules by then PMing me about your ban on the forums and I kindly told you it was 3 days or a perma-ban at this point
You then made a ban appeal DESPITE being told this?

Honestly, I have no idea what you're thinking.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Sars Clayton » 08 Oct 2016, 00:35

Was very toxic in LOOC saying things as LOOC: Young Hunter (405)/(Tidal7): git gud fggt scrub, Not sarcasm at all.

Thats a colourful history feweh, but why was it needed if the appeal was already resolved :/

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 00:37

Sars Clayton wrote:Was very toxic in LOOC saying things as LOOC: Young Hunter (405)/(Tidal7): git gud fggt scrub, Not sarcasm at all.

Thats a colourful history feweh, but why was it needed if the appeal was already resolved :/

I asked you a question, why should you remain on our server?
At this point, you're now facing a perma-ban due to your continuous shitty attitude and behavior.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Sars Clayton » 08 Oct 2016, 00:39

How do you jump from a three day ban to a perma with barely any explanation. Did you not read I'm making a effort towards better behaviour.

This is the only server I play on, I don't even play other games how is this even close to fair.

I work my god dam ass off 5 days a week doing 12-14 hours days and then I go out with friends friends or play on the server, thats it. I fucking enjoy playing on this server and I'm trying to get better, perma does absolutely nothing for teaching a lesson.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 00:55

Sars Clayton wrote:How do you jump from a three day ban to a perma with barely any explanation. Did you not read I'm making a effort towards better behaviour.

This is the only server I play on, I don't even play other games how is this even close to fair.

I work my god dam ass off 5 days a week doing 12-14 hours days and then I go out with friends friends or play on the server, thats it. I fucking enjoy playing on this server and I'm trying to get better, perma does absolutely nothing for teaching a lesson.

I don't care about your life schedule, your hardships or how you're "working" on things. Nor are we in the business to teach life lessons to people on a free game.
I'm asking you how and why you should remain on our server despite basically EVERY OTHER DAY one of my staff members have to speak to you about our rules.

Don't tell me you're "working on" improving or give me another speech about your busy life.
Think hard for your next response, it better be a really good reason and to why you should remain.

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Re: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton *Three day ban*

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 01:52

This is resolved and you're under a final warning.
