Character Name: The character in question was Cole Lloyd.
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed ban of 180 minutes.
Admin who banned you (if known): snypehunter007
Total Ban Duration: 180 minutes
Remaining Duration: Somewhere around 175, likely.
What other servers do you play on? None.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): You have been banned by snypehunter007.
Reason: EORG.
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 180 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Connection died.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None.
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): To be blunt, this ban was to be directed at the individual behind "Clinton Robinson", who was in the Commander position. I had been his Executive Officer, with the name of Cole Lloyd. During this match, there had been a spat with Military Police, where they were drunk and insubordinate, leading to a brief, deadly exchange between Myself, Robinson, and the Military Police. For a time the Commander was relieved of his duty, and I had taken on the yoke.
Much, MUCH later, I had been shot in the chest with friendly fire, and was unconscious. As I waited, I had been disconnected from the server due to my inactivity. A short time later, I had rejoined, been cloned, and was about to carry on when I had spoken to Robinson. Robinson had asked if I still supported him. I had said yes, but was unsure of what he meant. Before I could ask, I was whisked away by a doctor. And the marines won.
I GREATLY apologize to send the WALL of text, here.. But I wanted to show you that this was, indeed, NOT a fabricated report.
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "Lloyd"
Dr. Anakei 'Brain' Newton says, "Alaina ill be with you"
Bernhard Blazkowicz repairs some burn damage on Bernhard Blazkowicz's left hand with the cable coil.
LCDR Cole Lloyd asks, "Sir?"
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Engi (CE)] says, "I need to repalce the cells for that though"
Bernhard Blazkowicz repairs some burn damage on Bernhard Blazkowicz's left leg with the cable coil.
CDR Clinton Robinson asks, "You still with me?"
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Sulaco (CE)] asks, "REALYL!?"
Bernhard Blazkowicz repairs some burn damage on Bernhard Blazkowicz's left foot with the cable coil.
Bernhard Blazkowicz repairs some burn damage on Bernhard Blazkowicz's right foot with the cable coil.
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Sadar"
PFC Harry Cowper [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "YEAH"
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "RUN AWAY WORM"
CPL Lorenzo Boreale [Engi (Eng)] says, "Its a weak wall"
Bernhard Blazkowicz repairs some burn damage on Bernhard Blazkowicz's right leg with the cable coil.
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Sulaco (CE)] asks, "Where?"
SGT Nick 'FNG' Weller calls for a medic!
PFC Harry Cowper [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "I AIN'T SHITTIN YOU"
Bernhard Blazkowicz has been disciplined in the groin with cable coil by Bernhard Blazkowicz!
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "UPPER DECK"
PFC Dylan Harrison yells, "Doc!!"
CPL Lorenzo Boreale [Engi (Eng)] says, "Just use a welder on it once"
LCDR Cole Lloyd says, "I've been imperfectly cloned.. Heart-rate's a little off.. But.. I'm here.."
Anakei 'Brain' Newton attempts to force Bernhard Blazkowicz to swallow Anti-toxins pill (25u).
Bernhard Blazkowicz examines himself.
You put Health Analyzer into the USCM infantry satchel.
CPL Lorenzo Boreale [Engi (Eng)] says, "I could make it a secret wall if you like"
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "WHEN I TRIED GETTING A FUCKING GAS MASK"
You put the M44 combat revolver into the M276 pattern m44 holster rig.
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Sadar"
SGT Nick 'FNG' Weller stammers, "Y-Yeah?"
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "Alright"
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Sulaco (CE)] says, "Copy that.."
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "Keith"
SGT Nick 'FNG' Weller stammers, "I-I need s-surgery"
CPL Lorenzo Boreale [Engi (Eng)] says, "Up to you"
Anakei 'Brain' Newton has analyzed Cole Lloyd's vitals.
PFC Dylan Harrison gasps!
PFC Dylan Harrison says, "Doctor"
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "We're going to toss a grenade into the bridge, then book it."
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Yeah"
ENS Subdon Edwards [Req (RO)] says, "Evac RO"
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Why"
Bernhard Blazkowicz smears some bioglue over fresh skin on Bernhard Blazkowicz's head.
ENS Subdon Edwards [Req (RO)] says, "Probable SM fuckery"
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "CE is in there"
Bernhard Blazkowicz covers wounds on Bernhard Blazkowicz's head with regenerative membrane.
Dylan Harrison examines himself.
Marine Major Victory
The marines managed to wipe out the aliens and stop the infestation!
Xenomorphs remaining: 0. Humans remaining: 51.
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Hmm"
You feel a tiny prick!
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Got it"
CDR Clinton Robinson says, "Along with the other collaborators"
Something inside your head hurts a lot.
The xenomorph Queen(s) were:
Pingpong playa was Elite Queen (DIED)
CPL Lorenzo Boreale says, "Woooo"
Restarting in 60 seconds
The OOC channel has been globally enabled due to round end!
CDR Xander 'Xanex' Keith says, "Lets do it"
OOC: Snypehunter007: Thank christ
SGT Nick 'FNG' Weller stammers, "Y-Yeaaah."
CPL Lorenzo Boreale says, "Nice work"
OOC: Nallein: Finally
OOC: ZDashe: finally...
OOC: JeffryXD: GG
OOC: Morthel: how did he know?!
PFC Harry Cowper [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "ALICE"
Dylan Harrison flails around wildly.
PFC Harry Cowper [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "WHERE"
Dylan Harrison flails around wildly.
PFC Harry Cowper [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "WHERE WAS IT"
CPL Bernhard Blazkowicz says, "OORAH"
SGT Alice Myrtie [Sulaco (CT)] says, "WHAT"
Dylan Harrison fires the M39 submachinegun!
OOC: Glueable: Nice everybody!
OOC: Loliquent: red alert 3 omg
OOC: Drjoykill: fun round
OOC: NoahKirchner: That was the most intense CE round I've ever played
OOC: Crono23: That was a god-tier MP round
OOC: Hammyman245: Oh I thought marines were boned when I showed up and everything was a mess
OOC: InterroLouis: Question
OOC: Toletum37: that ghosting the larva was awesome
OOC: InterroLouis: DID
OOC: NoahKirchner: and that was so much fuckking fun
OOC: Shimekaze: Right click everything Lol
Lance Joghs has been hit in the chest with M44 combat revolver by Cole Lloyd!
OOC: Deanthelis: if the ayys had listened to the empress and gotten on the pod it would've not been another hour and fifteen minutes of delaying
OOC: NoahKirchner: That was great
You fire the M44 combat revolver!
Lance Joghs is hit by the revolver bullet in the groin!
LT Irene Rockfelt [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Good work Marines.... Aside from the mutiny."
OOC: Liltiptop: Ancient ayy tequique: Stalling
Clinton Robinson is hit by the rifle bullet in the right hand!
The rifle bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
CDR Clinton Robinson screams!
OOC: InterroLouis: WHO opened that SM box
The rifle bullet misses Clinton Robinson!
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "NOW LET ME OUT!"
Clinton Robinson has thrown the M40 HIDP incendiary grenade.
OOC: JeffryXD: Out of like 50 marines only 3 could be cloned damn
OOC: AflameablePigeon: aliens are fucking trash and only win because the odds are in their favor
OOC: Rev_benji: ur sprite was visible too
SGT Alice 'La Fayette' Sanders [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "LET ME OUT!"
SGT Nick 'FNG' Weller [Sulaco (Spc)] stutters, "Can I-I g-get surgery n-now?"
You fire the M44 combat revolver!
OOC: Stingray540: Holy shit the Charlie squad vs the hive
OOC: Stingray540: That was so good
OOC: InterroLouis: No really WHO OPENED IT
OOC: Deanthelis: the ayys delayed by ignoring the queen's orders to get on the pod
OOC: Pingpong playa: the good thing is its over
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Sulaco (CE)] says, "RADS"
OOC: Deanthelis: ban he
OOC: Klive45: JeffryXD.. GO BACK TO NNG
LCDR Noah Kirchner [Sulaco (CE)] says, "DEAR GOD RADS"
OOC: Deanthelis: honk
You are unable to equip that.
You put the M44 combat revolver into the M276 pattern m44 holster rig.
OOC: AflameablePigeon: please ban delaying aliens
OOC: Franklint: where was the last alien?
You put the spaceacillin bottle into the USCM infantry satchel.
OOC: Jerkface00: >lead a mutiny, still won the round
OOC: Deanthelis: also that hivelord was bad and should feel bad
OOC: Mymomsaysimcool420: ban all cowards
OOC: Louisloftcraft: wiskey round?
OOC: Jerkface00: this is why you make your mutines bloodless
OOC: EenKogNeeto: ... f140be.png important image from that round
You fill the syringe with 5 units of the solution.
If the title screen is black, resources are still downloading. Please be patient until the title screen appears.
Welcome to Colonial Marines!
Colonial Marines is a medium roleplay server. It's inspired by the Aliens film and heavily modified using Baystation 12. If you're not sure how to roleplay, check out the Crash Course in Roleplaying.
Read the rules! Ignorance is NOT an excuse!
We're recruiting Moderators! Inquire within.
Quick-start guide:
* Stop! Read our rules before going any further. We are a specific, niche server and some of our rules are unconventional.
* Marines: You start off knowing nothing about Aliens. You must witness things before you understand infection, vent crawling, facehuggers, weeds, etc.
* Aliens: Talk in Hivemind using :a (e.g. Say ":aMy life for the queen!)
* To play as a Xeno after the round has started, use the lobby window's Join the Hive! button, or if you're observing, Ghost tab at the top -> Join as Xeno.
Processing Geometry...
Geometry initialized in 2.3 seconds.
Total Simulated Turfs: 23801
Total Zones: 387
Total Edges: 128
Total Active Edges: 20
Total Unsimulated Turfs: 301324
Initializing objects
Initializing pipe networks
Initializing atmos machinery.
Resource map generation complete.
Initializations complete.
Welcome to the pre-game lobby of Colonial Marines!
Please, setup your character and select ready. Game will start in 180 seconds
OOC: JeffryXD: Hmmmm
OOC: Deanthelis: time to hivememe
OOC: JeffryXD: What to be now.....
OOC: SavageWarFnatic: to the end co
OOC: Shimekaze: Survivor?
OOC: SilencedMP5A5: tim for dank maymeys
OOC: CoreyTori: how do you take a picture in game
OOC: JeffryXD: I ain't about that survivor live
OOC: Glueable: anyone want to support addition of pretzels? viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9617
OOC: Drjoykill: gyazo
OOC: JeffryXD: life
OOC: Shyguychizzy: It be screenshot program
OOC: Dirty Old Harry: whoever gibbed that bursted marine at the end
OOC: Robotic Potato: RIP CO just ran into the Bridge, and tried to EORG me with a smartgun, and a grenade.
OOC: Dirty Old Harry: i just want you to know that you're an asshole
OOC: SavageWarFnatic: that was a long match co
OOC: NoahKirchner: Well that was my round today!
OOC: NoahKirchner: That was really fun, super fun CE round yo

OOC: Jerkface00: Bloodless mutiny - no casualties, all hands were able to repel the xeno boarders instead of all being bloodied and broken-boned
OOC: Klive45: CMO was fun too xD
OOC: NoahKirchner: Jerkface I <3 u
OOC: NoahKirchner: honk
OOC: NoahKirchner: Also, there was a TON of blood, just before you came up
OOC: Klive45: JeffryXD go back to NNG
You have been banned by snypehunter007.
Reason: EORG.
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 180 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Connection died.
At around the time I had been firing the .44 revolver, I admit, I was just being a fool and shooting a chest-bursted corpse, and then stray-fire hit a window.
But I would like to reiterate that I am NOT the proper recipient for this ban. I apologize for the inconvenience that this post has made, if any, for ANY staff members, but I am innocent of the claim.
I am unsure who Robinson was played by.
I thank you for your time, and consideration