Ban for breaching the Sulaco

Harakoni warhawk
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Byond: Harakoni Warhawk

Ban for breaching the Sulaco

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 02 Nov 2016, 20:42

Your Byond ID:Harakoni Warhawk

Character Name:Sean Digson

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Timed ban

Admin who banned you (if known):Biolock

Total Ban Duration:24 hours

Remaining Duration:21

What other servers do you play on?Paradise Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Breached the Sulaco

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):There was a notice that the aliens could crawl through vents so i volunteered to weld the vents shut, after the Commander gets me to unlock the maintenance Hatches, i went and checked the hallways for vents and my welder runs out of fuel.
I see a fuel tank and when i go to refuel it i get the message that i was welding the fuel tank, it explodes and breaches the hull.
As i didn't have a pressure suit on i tried to repair the breach but it failed and i suffocated.
Fast forward 5-10 minutes, a Marine decides to go through the hatch and the pressure drops and the emergency shutters slam closed. I left soon after that happened.
I wan't to stress that it wasn't deliberate, i was a BO who had to start welding vents because Engineering wouldn't do it.
I know it says not to appeal 24 hour bans but this is my first one and i don't wan't people to think i would do such a thing and possibly get job banned because of it.
The only reason that room did't seal off was because of the hatch override which the CO authorised.

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Byond: Biolock

Re: Ban for breaching the Sulaco

Post by Biolock » 03 Nov 2016, 00:55

I wasn't sure what the story behind the breach was, all I saw was your body lying by the hull breach, and you having disconnected. In the future, should you make a breach by accident, please contact us as soon as possible so we can prevent the atmospheric damage from spreading throughout the station; it'll also prevent you from getting in trouble when it was an honest mistake. I've lifted your ban.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....
