Brett Auman's USCM Dossier

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Brett Auman's USCM Dossier

Post by Superguy113 » 11 Dec 2016, 01:06

Name: Brett Luca "Snake" Auman

Age: 35

Race: White. Really. Really. White.

Job: SGT of alpha, often found with his SADAR, or a smartgun. Depends on his mood.

Previous jobs: Maintanence tech, along with Cheif engineer of multiple USCM ships. Also worked as a BO for a little while until he figured out that it was really boring.

Info: Served as a Merc for several years in a squad known as The Echo Squad. Being a soldier of fortune, he was hired by many people, and multiple large scale companies and governments, including the federation. For a while, he was a loose cannon, and led the squad. In his travels, he met a USCM Marine by the name of Xur Dergens. Xur told him that he was better of in the USCM, and He decided that maybe it was worth a shot. Having always been good with machines, he applied as a field engineer. After being accepted, he rose through the ranks, eventually reaching chief engineer of his ship. He then requested to be transferred, and was put to work on the Sulaco. He only later realized that Xur was on that ship as well, with his old time friend Jim sanders and Richard Priston. He recently got promoted to the seargent of alpha squad.

Likes: working machines, experienced marines, competent engineers and command, pretty much every experienced marines.

Dislikes: Shitty MPs, boot marines, friendly fire, medical staff that don't know how to work their equipment, overall incompetence.

Personality: a soldier. Follows orders. Rough around the edges, but loyal to those he knows. Loves cigars and bourbon.

He has a wife named Kelly. He really wants to see her and has a picture of her in his locker. He also loves his beret. If you take it, he will stab you.

Appearance: 5.9' short dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. Wears a beret and sunglasses, and usually has a cigar in his mouth. Average build, but his time as a soldier has toughened him up. Has a tattoo of a knife of his leg, which he got while he was drunk.

Equipment: His trusty M41A, which has in fact seen better days. For a while he preferred his MAR 40 which he had painted grey, but it was confiscated. His double barrel shotgun which he calls Rosie, his beret and sunglasses, and the picture of his wife.

(Subject to change)
what? you want me to do that gimmick where you put something under your posts? that sounds really stupid.

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