USCM Dossier: - Felix 'Saviour' Vernaut

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Byond: xomega000x

USCM Dossier: - Felix 'Saviour' Vernaut

Post by xomega000x » 13 Jan 2017, 06:02

Image Felix Vernaut

Gender: Male
Nickname(s): 'Saviour' - 'Praetorian'
Known aliases: None
Nationality: American
Status: Alive and Healthy


Physical Appearance

Age: 29
Weight: 202 lbs or 92 KG.
Height: 6'2 or 1.88 m.
Body build: Muscular.
Eye color: Dark Blue.
Skin tone: White.

Distinguishing marks: Felix has a scorpion tattoo on his neck. His hair is somewhat long, and the chinstrap he has seems to be a bit thin. A healed scar which can be seen crossing his forehead and another one one on his chin, going across his neck as well. The rest of his body seems to have smaller, but healed cuts, as his hands feel quite rough, almost like leather due to the constant burns. His back portrays a skeleton in Praetorian armor.

Predominant features: Jackson's predominant feature would defiantly be his 'long' and slightly messy hair which stands out among the other marines, though somehow it always manages to look well maintained. His tattoos are also easily noticed.

Hair color: Dark Brown
Type of hair: Slightly Messy and Somewhat Long
Voice: Somewhat Rough and Stern

Off-Duty Outfit: Felix usually just wears a black tank-top and some casual pants or shorts, as well as a pair of sport shoes.

Equipment: He owns the standard marine equipment, the helmet having a skull with a bullet piercing it's forehead, the size of the skull being large enough to cover the front of the helmet, as the back of the helmet has a large text displayed on it "AETERNUM PRAETORIAN". The back of his vest has a pair of wings and a blood-drop in between the wings, below them the german iron-cross, all of these painted. The chest piece is littered with Roman "I"s, signifying how many kills he has. His right shoulderpad has a roman praetorian helmet painted on it. His whole armor seems scarred and worn. His M41A also has a few scrathes, and seems to be "field tested".


Positive personality traits: Adaptable, Charismatic, Clever, Persuasive, Leaderly, Pitiful, Brave.

Negative personality traits: Narcissistic, Sly, Very Impolite, Somewhat Lazy, Mean, Immature (At times).

Mood character is most often in: Relaxed.
Sense of humor: Erotic or Dark Humor

Personality: Felix has a somewhat obnoxious and impolite nature due to his rebel-like personality, and of course his occupation. However there are some instances where Felix may take off his mask and show his 'kinder' side, though this happens only to his most known acquaintances. His personality tends to change depending in what type of situation he is, though when 'shit hits the fan', he is the first on the front lines, and will not hesitate to walk through fire to save his best friends or comrades.

Advantages & Disadvantages


> Proficient with pistols/revolvers: "I don't think I've seen any weapon better than this bull I've got here... One shot, and your entire head's gone! I enjoy using revolvers more than pistols due to their larger caliber and well, look, though pistols can prove more reliable when engaging multiple targets."

> Proficient with melee weapons: "Through all this fuckin' career of mine, if you can call it that, I've learned that eighty-percent of time you end up in kissing-range of the fucking enemy, especially with 'bugs'."

> Proficient with grenades: "Pull the pin, arch your body backwards a lil' bit, aim with your hand and throw. Simple as that, though don't hold It too long, alright? You're not gonna turn out very pretty If you do..."

> Mobile: "You either get behind cover in time, or you don't."

> Hard hitter: "I remember my first fight, ah yes... The second punch I threw, and the guy's nose turned into a bloody mess, good times..."

> Ex- Combat Medic: "First few times I deployed back when I was a boot, I was a medic. God, all the fuckin' torn off legs or shrapnel I had to witness up close, not a pretty sight. A shame they don't let us, SL's go out as medics as well anymore..."


> Ineffective with heavy weapons: "I don't really like using 'large guns', mostly because I don't have to 'compensate', heh."

> Ineffective with bolt/sniper rifles: "Slow to reload, and too much fucking work. However, when you hit the damn thing, it tends to make a big hole."

> Ineffective in Advanced Engineering: "I'm not the best 'hacker' or 'architect', a'ight?"

Past & Present


Hometown: New York City
Type of childhood: Average
Occupation: Personal Trainer
Finances: Below Average

Backstory: [wip]


Current location: U.S.S Sulaco
Currently living with: The rest of these fucking grunts.
Occupation: Staff Sergeant Shrap Head, OORAH!
Finances: Above Average.


Factions Liked

United States Colonial Marine Corps: "I get to kill shit, and I get a lot of money for it. Why the fuck wouldn't I like this job? Not to mention all of the 'exotic' places I get too see!"

Factions Neutral

'High Command': "Most of them are assholes and pencil pushers, though some tend to be nice guys, even badasses, I'm not too sure what to think of them..."

Factions Hostile/Disliked

Anything that fucking shoots at me, or me.

Factions Feared

Weyland Yutani: "Look man, don't tell anyone I told you this but, I've heard these guys aren't the 'good scientists' they like to show off as of, I can't really say for sure yet, but they're known for some shady shit."

Friends & Affiliations



Color: Crimson Red.
Least favorite color: Blue.
Music: Rock, Rap, etc.
Food: Pork Meat. (Bacon)
Literature: Serge Brussolo, Krucifix


Hobbies: Working out and reading.

Spending habits: Personal care and personal equipment.

Smokes: Cigars only.
Alcohol: Whiskey and bourbon.
Other drugs: N/A

Usual body posture: Tense.


Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil.
Logical or emotional?: Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Bit of both.
Prefers working or relaxing?: Prefers relaxing.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident.

Relationships with others

Person character hates the most: "I do not hate anyone at the moment. If I did, that person would be six feet under already."
Best friend(s): "Nobody as of yet."
Love interest(s): "Heh.. even if I had one, you wouldn't know."
Person(s) character feels responsible for or takes care of: His squadmates.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: N/A
Person character openly admires: N/A
Person character secretly admires: N/A
99% of Marines at breaching training...


Ghetto surgery Is best surgery!

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