Winry Rygart

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Winry Rygart

Post by HoboJenkins » 16 Feb 2017, 13:12

Name: Winry Rygart

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Position: Squad Engineer, Squad Medic, Squad Standard.

Defining features (Appearance): Winry is 5'7, with an athletic build that is common among the USCM, though she is small when compared to most male marines. She has long, slightly curly blonde hair and deep set, dark brown eyes. She could be considered above average on the attractive scale if it wasn't for a nasty burn that covers most of the left side of her neck and stops around her jawline. She tries to keep it hidden under her uniform with limited success, and can often be seen pulling her collar up.

Personality: Winry is a chipper, friendly and sometimes annoyingly optimistic person (at first). USCM operations can be stressful, and tries to keep her team's heads held high during missions. She values her teammates greatly and will do most anything they request of her in an effort to win their approval and respect. She's a very neat individual and likes to keep her uniform and gear taken care of. Despite all of this, she has a crippling fear of death that goes back to her childhood. This may lead to 'moments of truth' where she struggles with preserving herself or continuing to help her team. These fears only manifest in the most dire of circumstance though.

Likes: Compliments, coffee, sarcastic banter, helping teammates, SMGs and Shotguns, adventure.

Dislikes: Armor piercing rounds, being on point, insults or feeling inept, bald people, large fires, incompetent leaders.

Strengths: Is loyal to the Command structure and usually won't question orders. If she feels she will be covered by other marines she is one of the first to try and rescue a downed comrade. She'll try to mediate squad drama and will also look out for the newer members of the squad. She's skilled in performing maintenance on the UA 571-C Sentry Gun and in handling explosives, such as c4, grenades or claymores. She is a well organized person and rarely forgets things, and will try to make sure her team doesn't forget anything either. When she is in a chaotic situation where unit organization has broken down she may flee or attempt something very brave+stupid[*]. Though, if a rookie or a trusted friend are in serious danger she will find it very hard not to rush to their aid, and will rarely do anything else even if it exposes herself.

Weaknesses: Winry isn't the best shot and she knows it, she's more than willing to be at the back of the firing line and let her squad mates kill for her until she has to fight. Winry has a natural distrust of large, bald people because of her childhood. Winry has a lower than average pain tolerance and may make her wounds sound worse than they are... It's not her fault, she's just encouraging the medics to work faster! She isn't comfortable with being alone, and will seek out other squad members if she feels herself or her position isn't properly protected. When she is in a chaotic situation where command has broken down she may flee or attempt something very brave+stupid[*].

History: Winry grew up on Earth in the underbelly of the big city, where gangs and criminals controlled most of the neighborhoods, and the police only being able to spare the manpower for very serious crimes or riots. She was born into a poor family, to a sickly, single mother and an older brother with no real way of escaping her environment. Their mother passed away peacefully after her brother became seventeen, leaving the children to fend for themselves. As a little sister, she grew up idealizing her brother who stayed on the straight and narrow(for the most part) in his childhood and teenage years. He was somebody she could look up to and trust. He was a safety net in a world where most other influences were corrupting. Though she was only two years younger than him, he was the family protector and worked a number of odd jobs when not doing schoolwork. Winry claims that his drive for success is the only reason she was able to make something of herself. In fact, she gained a number of traits from her brother such as her cleanliness and amiable personality.

One day, her brother got into trouble with a local gangster after borrowing money to pay for rent and not exactly having any to give him back. Winry was with her brother when the large, bald, imposing man came to their door. His face was almost blank as he had almost no defining features at all. It was as if the man was a template for evil. Her brother cautiously opened the door and the intruder made his intention clear when he drew his pocket knife and stuck her brother in the throat with it. Winry was horrified and in disbelief as her brother slumped to the ground, dead. She didn't understand how her lifelong friend could be gone in an instant, and that terrified her. The loan shark pulled out a Molotov cocktail, and lit it. He looked at Winry and said it was only business, and an example had to be made. Winry suddenly lunged at the man and attempted to snatch the Molotov from his grasp. The man, who by all means should've won the struggle was simply so surprised by her ferocity he lost the Molotov to her. She then fell backwards and threw the Molotov in the direction of the doorway, hitting the loan shark and setting him alight. Winry rushed to her brother's side and tried to wake him, but he wasn't sleeping. As the loan shark flailed about the rug and other parts of the entrance soon also caught on fire, and the fire began to spread.

Winry said her last goodbye to her brother and barely escaped the burning house out of a window, earning a burn wound on her neck. She left the town by herself, and began to think of how to get away from Earth, and have a fresh new start. After days of drifting she noticed something, a poster on the side of a wall, it was a USCM recruitment poster.

She hurried to a recruiter and with a smile signed her life away. During her training her instructors found that she was quite talented in construction and administering basic first aid to marines. On the other hand she was somewhat lacking in the actual shooting part of being a marine, so she was stuck with being an engineer or secondary corpsman in her training squads. After finishing her training she was assigned to the Sulaco, and her adventure began.

Marine Relations:
(To come)

Note: In some rounds Winry may be a pilot officer, a bridge officer, or even a scummy CL. Her backstory is subject to small changes depending on what role she is playing. Her personality will mostly be the same though. Bio is a WIP and is subject to change.

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