Pierre Beaumont - Le patriote

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Byond: MercurioD

Pierre Beaumont - Le patriote

Post by MercurioD » 18 Feb 2017, 00:36

Full Name:
Pierre Beaumont

MercurioD, Napoléon Bonaparte


Birth Date:
Oct 5


France, Toulouse

Squad Marine, Squad Firefighter, Military Police and Bridge Officer

Pierre is a very cool and fun guy, he loves to tell jokes but sometimes he does not know when to stop for example WHEN HE IS IN A WAR AGAINST ALIENS HUNGRY BY BLOOD AND ORGANS

Coffe, war, bow tie and missiles

Pierre Beaumont was born in Toulouse in France, his parents were poor so they could not afford a good education but he managed to pass the studies, he graduated in medicine but that was not what he wanted for his life, he wanted to serve his glorious country , France, and then he managed to turn military police for a while, in a shootout between the police and a terrorist gang he EXPLODED after being shot from a plasma cannon he was shattered, his parts were joined and his parents paid A fortune to clone him, after that he left the military police station and went to try to enlist in the army, after entering the army he participated in several wars between countries, such as the 27th world war that was the bloodiest war of all Times, and other wars such as L'annihilation de guerre which means The Annihilator's War which was in a civil war when groups of scientists came together and created the Le Annihilator which was a war robot with the power of a god that almost Devastated all of France but Pierre was able to plant a bomb with a 100x explosion stronger than a nuclear explosion inside the monster thus saving France and a few years later he was selected to USCM to battle alongside the marines against larger enemies, aliens .


(I used google translator XD)

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