NAME: Pike, Patricia
GENDER: female
AGE: 28
- height: 181cm
- weight: 62kg
- dark hair, cut short
- slouched posture
- cybernetic arms
- minor hardening of arteries
- admitted with wounds sustained by friendly fire three five times
- admitted with wounds sustained by friendly AP fire two four times
- admitted with wounds sustained by friendly buckshot fire three times
- admitted with wounds sustained by friendly SADAR fire three times
- admitted with wounds sustained by enemy fire on three occassions
PERSONAL HISTORY: Born on Luna into the family of Palmer Pike (father), Zina Pike (mother) and Tina Pike (sister). Dropped out of Quarles' medical school twice, history of minor deliquencies during her adolescence. Spent two years working as a security guard at the First Landing Monument site. Spent three years apprenticing in Tainalov Mechatronics, owned by Felix and Diane Tainalov, small-time entrepreneurs. Signed up for service shortly following her being fired from said enterprise at the age of 24.
Succesfully qualified for a field medic at age of 26.
Failed exams for combat engineer twice since.
PERSONA: Patricia is of skeptical, introverted nature, and has very little appreciation for loud, jovial people who, in her opinion, are "of slow brains, in some queer metaphysical proportion to how fast they are with a trigger", and vice versa. While difficult to impress in the conventional sense, she does feel respect and compassion towards those who make the best of their abilities and circumstance for their fellow men, and tries earnestly to make her support known. To put it another way, she does respond to rational authority, but for the same reasons that make the matter of irrational authority absolutely beyond her comprehension.
Oftentimes, Pat falls into a state of shock in the face of violence. She has strong inclinations towards pacifism, albeit she had never stopped to think for long enough to realize this about herself.
On the other hand, she goes out of her way to help her wounded comrades, and disregards all else when somebody's life is on the line; even if they happen to be an extremely annoying cretin.