USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

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USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 02 May 2017, 21:48

"When all seems bleak and when it looks like it there's no other way, you fight. When it looks like the end of the road or when it seems your time is about to expire, you fight. No one said it was gonna be easy but you'll be damned if you don't fight for what you got. Don't ever put that .45 in your mouth and don't ever give in when shit's tough, we fight for every fucking inch and we die like heroes, it's what you sign up for when you sign up to be a Marine." Full Name Sasha Crassman Medical Records A+ Blood Type. 21 Years of age. Caucasian. Female. Misc Medical info Suffers from claustrophobia. Suffers from Paranoia, likely caused by severe mental trauma. Physical General Description 5'7. Above average fitness standards. Black hair that usually sits over her shoulder or behind her in a pony tail. Looks relatively young and sporty. She also tries to maintain her good looks even when knee deep in mud. History Before and After Enlisting As a child at the age of 10 in a war torn country where her parents and house were destroyed with bombardments and bombings, she had managed to dig around in ruins and crawl through hostile environments to get food and stay on the move until another Marine found her starved and weak and being in an extremely hostile and dangerous city, looked after her and eventually Sasha grew a bond with the Marine and after the war was over and since she had no other family, was adopted by the very same Marine. She then spent her years as a teenager with a Father who was sometimes there and sometimes gone for months at a time. She grew accustomed to living on her own but occasionally spent time with her Father when he was on leave. She went through school and managed to get by just fine with her taking exceptional interests in practical subjects like sports and work classes (Woodworking, Metal working and Mechanics) and had a reputation for getting into a few fights and swapping out her boyfriend almost every week. At the age of eighteen, Sasha competed and won many awards in several athletic sports such as, Boxing, Tennis and Swimming. Even going on to win a gold medal and two silver medals in the 2183 Terran Olympics. After a night of drinking with her Father that just recently came back from leave, celebrating on her success in the olympics, Sasha decided she wanted to follow in her Father's image and join the corps to which her Father reluctantly agreed seeing as how it would be a fitting career choice and a proud path to walk.

At the age of 18 she landed a graduate in Engineering and shortly after signed up and was shipped off to boot camp where she managed by with the training and trained as a Field Engineer. Both her and her Father agreed from that point that should one of them fail to come home from service then the other would leave given first chance to start up a fresh line for the dying family. Her Father had also managed to buy out a house in the Tau Ceti system for the two to return to after their time in the corps. Both Sasha and her Father were placed in different companies (For obvious reasons) and while she was stationed on the USS Almayer, her Father was stationed aboard the USS Sulaco and so the two never met outside of award ceremonies and when they were both on leave.
Traits and Personality Tries to act bravely, pushing enemy lines with little regard for the enemy's bullets flying inches from her head. Takes her cardio seriously and maintains a steady fitness regimen, often taking pride in her fitness and looks. Comes off as an un-friendly person to talk to unless she knows you in which she'll happily talk to you. Being a stranger to her usually has her react negatively towards that stranger until they do something for her or otherwise make themselves known as someone she can respect. She'll follow orders to an SL she's never heard of before but won't enjoy doing it, being under the command of someone she knows and respects will make her go the extra mile to do whatever she has been told to do. So far, she can count the number of people she respects with merely three fingers. Feats and other Notable Accomplishments On her first tour to a planet in which there was a night cycle that lasted almost two days from Earth's day and night cycle, she had to contend with finding and extracting a well known politician who had been kidnapped and held ransom by a freelance Mercenary group. The USCM was called in to deal with the problem on behalf of Weyland Yutani who had personal interests in securing the politician and along side another Merc group named "Dutch's Dozen" they fought tooth and nail through thick hostile and unhospitable jungle environments to which the freelancer mercenaries were all too adapted to and constantly ran guerilla hit and run skirmishes which hassled patrols and supply lines. The planet (Which name is redacted) had very hostile wildlife in the form of very large predatory lion like animals that had the genetic ability to completely hide any and all trace of their whereabouts as they could turn invisible and had special genetic chips that were implanted in them by the freelancer mercs that also allowed the cats to completely hide their heat signatures which meant even more hassle for the USCM and Dutch's Dozen. There were also large bird like creatures that came out only at night, these creatures would span over the length of about eight meters along and around 12 feet tall. Although extremely sensitive to light and technically blind, these birds would pose a great threat to the Marines and completely shut down night ops which left many forward bases to sit idle while waiting for daylight which would take around 40 hours from dusk to dawn. The mercenaries would run quick sabotage operations on the bases power systems and lights which the bases ran off of generators and such to power lights that would cover the base entirely to prevent wildlife attacks. Marines going MIA all because they stepped out of the floodlights for just a moment happened all too frequently and many would go missing and never be found. On one occasion in which the power failed on one of the FoB's generators that powered the light network, Sasha and a handful of other marines were packed into an APC and and sent out to fix the problem but on their route to get there were ambushed by mercenaries that used charged explosives to wipe out the APC, it drove right over an anti armour mine and several pounds of C4 which flipped the APC and set it on it's side and in a ditch. The APC was overwhelmed and after cracking open the transport compartments door, all but the driver and Sasha were gunned down as they were unconscious but before anything could be looted the engine flared up and ignited and as it was expected to explode, the ambushers retreated back into the jungle but luckily for Sasha and the driver the engine just simply burned out and after several hours Sasha awoke to find herself buried under several of her dead squadmates in an overturned APC in the middle of the night. After discovering the driver was lightly wounded but more or less alive, they both hid in the back of the APC until dawn. Being trapped in the vehicle with all of those she once called friends took it's toll on Sasha and being confined to a tiny room filled with dead folks you once knew seeded itself as one of Sasha's darker moments in the USCM and from this experience she adopted a disliking to small spaces with other people, like inside of escape pods, drop ships and relatively small rooms with little room to move. Maintenance tunnels are to be feared... Likes
  • Being in a combat situation and facing down odds that spell certain death and then having her squad know when to fall back, even further is when her squad does what she would do. Has an acquired taste for the stale protein bars found in the Almayer's canteen vendors. Dislikes
    • Suicide, contemplating suicide or even assisted suicide. Also seriously dislikes FF victims still having the strength to stand up, seriously, just stay down. people screaming for aid when clearly busy dealing with someone in a more threatened condition. Small spaces or tight confines, regardless of company.
Last edited by Dirty Old Harry on 13 Dec 2017, 09:19, edited 4 times in total.

That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me. I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by McRipfist » 06 May 2017, 07:49

This is pretty good. I'll keep an eye out for your new character.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by David Attenbruv » 06 May 2017, 11:49

Hey... That's pretty gewd!...

I liked the read. +1
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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by completelynewguy » 06 May 2017, 12:02

Came across you one round. Pretty cool character.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Crab_Spider » 06 May 2017, 12:31

When you went CL one round, you were rather... you were trying very hard to be a scumbag, but you came off as rather idiotic and conspicuous. That roun, I had to deal without so many idiotic MPs, I was left wondering why Apophis didn't just aheal me so i can beat their asses.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 06 May 2017, 16:41

Crab_Spider wrote:When you went CL one round, you were rather... you were trying very hard to be a scumbag, but you came off as rather idiotic and conspicuous. That roun, I had to deal without so many idiotic MPs, I was left wondering why Apophis didn't just aheal me so i can beat their asses.
That one round that kicked off recently? Yeah, i was intentionally being a thorn in Command's side. I was riding the RP wagon but trying to get a reaction from a few folks.

That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me. I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Tysonix » 10 May 2017, 18:27

Very decent story, 10/10 we never get to play that game of blackjack/poker.
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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 11 May 2017, 13:41

Tysonix wrote:Very decent story, 10/10 we never get to play that game of blackjack/poker.
It is written in the stars that a child from the Crassmans and a child from the Prescotts shall meet together uner the aligned stars and play forth a hand of blackjack.

It will happen, mark my words.

That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me. I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Sleepy Retard » 16 May 2017, 09:33

-1 not an angry old man

More seriously, I like the effort put in to the dossier, even if I'll never actually see you in game due to our role differences
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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Kavlo » 16 May 2017, 10:43

Cool Dood
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!


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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by WD-Andrew » 08 Oct 2017, 20:34

I prefer her in her badass tough doc version. But I guess this is good too.
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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 23 Apr 2018, 07:55

So, did you fuckers think i was dead?


That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me. I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Tysonix » 23 Apr 2018, 08:02

=\ I thought I was until about 5 minutes ago
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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Sleepy Retard » 23 Apr 2018, 08:13

Dirty Old Harry wrote:
23 Apr 2018, 07:55
So, did you fuckers think i was dead?

Way to ruin everyone's day dude
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 23 Apr 2018, 08:15

Suh dude

But yes, I plan on ruining everyone's day by being a competent combat medic.

That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me. I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Re: USCM Dossier - Sasha Crassman

Post by Sambalu » 23 Apr 2018, 10:58

I seem to recall you being a decent doctor, and this is a nice dossier. +1

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