United States Colonial Marine Corps
Dossier File - 2nd Btn., 4th Bde., MSF Herculis
”Heroism is a label most people get for doing shit they'd never do if they were really thinking about it.”
— Abaddon's Gate ”I'm calling in a fire mission, at Papa Quebec 0-5-9 0-9-8, 0-3-8 degrees. Two hundred meters.”
— Generation Kill

Photo: SGT Graham,
transferring to USS Almayer
Official Record for Transfer
USS Almayer, 2nd Btn., 4th Bde.
► Full Name: Johnathan Christopher Graham
► DOB: 8th November, 2160
► Age: 25
► Gender: Male
► Height: 5'8"
► Weight: 185 lbs.
► Birthplace: New Albion, Tau Eridani
► Ethnicity: Caucasian, English ancestry
► Service Number: CM-2250410
► Rank: Sergeant
► Assignment: USS Almayer, 2nd Btn., 4th Bde., "Falling Falcons"
► Current Billing: SADAR Specialist, Delta Squad, USS Almayer
► Military History:
🢒 9th November, 2181 - Enlisted to the Colonial Marine Corps.
🢒 21st November, 2181 - Posted to CMC Training Facility, Tau Eridani.
🢒 16th January, 2182 - Promoted to Private First Class, transferred to USCMC School of Infantry, Georgia 525.
🢒 18th March, 2182 - Assigned Rifleman MOS and posted to 1/5 Bde., aboard the USS Magellan.
🢒 2nd February, 2183 - Promoted to Lance Corporal, transferred to USCMC Advanced Training Center, Georgia 525.
🢒 8th April, 2183 - Awarded competency in Combat Lifesaving and Fire Team Leadership, returned to post aboard the USS Magellan.
🢒 22nd December, 2183 - Wounded in action during CLF attack on outer colony of Freedom Ridge, awarded Purple Heart.
🢒 9th March, 2184 - Returned to service, transferred to 2/4 Bde., aboard USS Almayer.
🢒 11th February, 2185 - Promoted to Corporal, re-assigned as Fire Team Leader for Delta Squad.
🢒 29th December, 2185 - Transferred to USCMC Advanced Training Center, Herculis, for weapons specialist training.
🢒 3rd April, 2186 - Awarded competency in SADAR usage and joint fires support, returned to post aboard USS Almayer.
🢒 19th August, 2186 - Promoted to Sergeant following severe Delta casualties, assigned as SADAR Specialist for Delta Squad.
► Decorations:
🢒 Purple Heart - For injury received as a result of enemy action on 22nd Aug., 2183 while serving aboard the USS Magellan.
► Biographical Addendum:
Johnathan C. Graham was born to a poor rural family in the colony of New Albion, located in the distant outer rim system of Tau Eridani within the Anglo-Japanese arm. He worked for years as a farmhand alongside his brothers, who frequently badmouthed the weak USCM garrison on the planet. Graham agreed that the Marines there were weak, but, as the younger brother, he despised his siblings just a little more - and ratted them out to the Marine garrison as they planned a raid on their supply depot. He didn't find the grand reward he was looking for from the USCM, but now ostracized from his family on a dead-end world, he decided his only choice was to keep the relationship going.Mere days after he turned 18, he was shipped off to a local Colonial bootcamp, and then placed on a shuttle to SOI at Georgia 525. Throughout his first two years in the Corps he was noted to be a bit of a hothead, wanting to see action wherever it took him. He ate up USCM propaganda with a voracious appetite, finally feeling as though he was a part of something more. As long as he didn't get much coffee, his squadmates tended to enjoy the company, as his boisterous talk filled up the dropship as they simulated a CLF raid or a colony check-in.
His first combat drop came just before 2183, a minor affair on the Sigma Epsilon 5 mining colony. Four crewmen took up arms and holed themselves up in the command center, and in response, MSF Herculis deployed the 1/5 Marines aboard the USS Magellan, and more specifically, Graham's 2nd Platoon. A faulty grenade launch led to six casualties, four of whom died before they could reach triage. In typical fashion, Graham took this lesson as he transferred to Advanced Training, where he picked up certifications in both combat lifesaving and leadership.
The second drop would change his course, however. 22nd December, 2183 - another insurrection, this one much larger, on an agricultural colony far from Georgia 525. It took the Magellan nearly a month of travel to reach the colony, by which point the insurrection had erected a garrison and fortifications, and declared it a world of the Liberation Front. All of the 1/5 Marines were deployed to re-take the colony, and it was here that Graham would see the action he so desperately craved. The dropship carrying him and his squadmates was shot down by jury-rigged anti-aircraft batteries, leaving Graham with several broken bones amongst most of his dead squaddies. Those few he could rally together and escape the craft with managed to make it to friendly forces a few hours later, and he was sent to medical treatment and rehabilitation away from the front.
Three months later, he returned with a transfer, to the 2/4 Marines aboard the USS Almayer. Here he participated in several simulated drops, eventually being promoted to Corporal and taking charge of a fire team within Delta Squad. The rest of 2185 would see Graham visiting various outer colonies with the 2/4 Marines, investigating local disturbances and undergoing brief skirmishes with CLF insurrectionists, and other freelance groups. Just before the end of 2185, Graham applied to the Advanced Training Center once again, this time seeking to become a weapons specialist. He had found that itch for action again, that desire to do something new - and after undergoing several trials at the ATC, he was given training and ceritifcation with the M83A2 SADAR, as well as extensive training in joint fires support and observation. By April, he was back aboard the USS Almayer, and now eagerly awaits his first possible combat drop in three years - a colony gone dark and sending a distress signal, known only as LV-426.
► Personal Addendum:
🢒 Likes - Anti-armor rounds, jalapeno cheese, calling in danger close fire missions, and magnetic harnesses
🢒 Dislikes - MRE crackers, disposable AT, people inside his backblast area