[USCM Dossier] Alan Wulfenblitz

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Byond: Sirhelgate

[USCM Dossier] Alan Wulfenblitz

Post by sirhelgate » 27 Jan 2018, 14:27

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/ Opening file CMZ110234b

Name: Wulfenblitz Wulfe Pendragon Alan

Birth Data: November 17th,

Enlistment Date: March 14th,

Education level: Associates in General Studies

Stationed : USS Almayer, In transit
Psyche Profile:
Alan displays a small level of Altruism, but it is overshadowed by his massive overwhelming ambition. Anything that leads him to self preservation he tends to take that route. Training exercises show that he scores decently high in leadership qualities. Despite his skill in herding marines, he tends to take a more direct approach when it comes to dealing with issues. Has a tendancy to leave behind marines that are disobeying orders. As well as ordering specific marines he doesn't like into breaching into rooms.
+++General history+++
He seems to have enlisted into the marine corp as a means to pay off his college debt, and continue paying for college. He grew up in a small urban home on Earth. Strangely enough he has nothing to note through his childhood. It's almost too blank of a history. He grew up in a small city, had a pet cat, had decent grades through school. Minor record in highschool for fights. The more interesting notes of his history comes later during Basic training.
He got into the occasional fist fight with other recruits. Nothing could directly link him back to the start of the fight, though it seems he's always had some small hand in antagonizing them. During combat drills he got a fractured jaw from a riffle butt. And a cut across his face from A bayonet. This seems to be about the time he started his contempt for other grunts.
He took up interest afterwords in engineering, becoming more skilled than most in engineering. His skill in this field marked him for allocation into a combat engineer.

[Combat record]
During a boarding action to investigate a station that went dark, he distinguished himself in the line of duty. The threat to the station turned out to be a group of Pirates that had boarded the station, prepping the colony for 'liberation' by the UPP, In direct combat with the Pirates he managed to injure two of them, before a grenade went off in the section of the station his squad was in. The explosion breached the stations windows. Despite most of his squad being spaced he managed to trigger the fire alarm and seal the bulkhead. Saving the remainder of his squad. He was injure in the fighting and was forced to remain in the busy medbay, the engagement with the pirates coming to an end not long after.

/// Closing Personel Files ...
/ Access error Files Missing -
/ Closing file CMZ110234b

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