2nd battalion of the 4th brigade, the Falling Falcons

Basic Information
- Name
Heinz Meuller - Nickname:
Wulfe - Nationality:
GermanBavarian according to Wanda. - Age:
30 years old / 100 years of cryo timeNot sure if this is accurate but I am suppose to be 200 years old. - Date of Birth:
August 8th, 2056 - Place of Birth:
Sol, Earth, Germany, New Berlin - Gender
Male - Blood Type
AB- - Language('s)
English, German - Family
-Mother, Eva Meuller - Deceased
--Father, Hans Meuller - Alive
- Corporate Relation: Hates Weyland-Yutani
- Hobbies and Likes
Whiskey, Burritos, Old Era Germany, Mateba, Undocumented Genocide, Executions, Aryan White Women, Chicken, Grape and Cherry Souto, Jones, The Holy Bible. - Dislikes
General Incompetence, Disregard for human life, Any diet souto flavor, Medics with Barrel Chargers, Being Bald or acting Bald, Semites and Sodomites.
Cowardice. - Catchphrase & Battlecry
ACHTUNG! Attention
Gott mitt uns, God with us. - Theme Song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPzTGx96P6U - The Wulfe Speech at the end of the Operation
Physical details
- Height:
6'6100% Bavarian Phenotype - Weight:
200 lbs (91kg) - Eye Colour:
An eyepatch covers an eye and the other is just a dark blue. - Hair:
Nice high and tight blond hair with no facial hair (CIA, Shaved) - Disabilities:
He is missing his right eye completely, and has a robotic right arm. - Tattoos:
A full chest tatoo with the Prussian Eagle.► Show Spoiler
Had to get the German Cross laser removed because it was "Offensive". Its not like I had a god damn swastika on me, right?
Operational Preferences
- Potential Marine Positions:
Most often the Commander but here is the other jobs you'll potentially see me in.
Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Squad Leader, Specialist, Smartgunner
Squad Leader - Squad:
Delta Squad - Weapon of choice:
M56D Smartgun System, M41A with Red Dot, Extended Barrel, Masterkey, The Sacred Mateba - Preferred Deployment Locations:
Anywhere but the Russian Front. - FOB Song:
Enlistmentment and Training
First Mission
Relations Anyone who has interacted with Heinz during his career.
The Best - Friendly - Neutral - Disliked - Hated
Chen 'Discoking' Westinton - In my many encounters with this odd man I have come to learn one thing, Anything that is edible is probably spiked with some sort of drugs. Spent quite a bit of time in the suck with this man and have grown a deep admiration and respect for him.
Joshua Kincaid - Kincaid is often the marine I enjoy being around the most, Humor and Skilled, We have survived many operations together and I hope we keep surviving.
Noah 'Biceps' Cruz - Mein Blood Brother Biceps. 5'6 and a Brick Shithouse describes this meathead perfectly. Vulgar, Crude and just straight Chad to the bone. Despite the look this marine is extremely intelligent, Extremely humorous and often one of the few recipients who consistently earn their commendations. Also the Sol Intergalactic Wrestling Champ. Guaranteed to suplex you back into puberty. THE 3 BUNGATEERS
Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Before my promotion to Kommandant, This man was my Kommandant. I have spent alot of time under his leadership and learned quite a few tips and tricks. I have also spent many a time fighting with him and have earned to respect him. He is George S Patton and I am Erwin Rommel.
Solomon 'Romeo' Griggs - Mein blood brother is the single reason why we have an Article 10 infractions. The a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus himself, often leading small fireteams into our deaths but god damn do we look good whilst doing it. Never ever has wore a helmet in his life and I think every female marine on the Almayer as of this current year has atleast one or more article 10 infractions on him. Truly one of the greatest friends to have on the front.
Rain Winterson - Rain is a soft woman who is quite sweet but can at times be jokester albiet I think its unintentional but who knows. When she is on supply duty, expect christmas presents for crates. She is also very conversational and one of my favorite female marines.
Julien 'Jules' Petrov - Alright how do we describe Jules? He's not like Biceps or Romeo but still mein blood brother, he is more like the Anders of the Alpha squad. He is the most effecient user of the M56D Smartgun system in the entire god damn Korps. He also has pulled my ass out of fire more than once. THE 3 BUNGATEERS
Bill Carson - Oh boy...where do I even start? I was Carsons Leutenant when he was a Kommandant on the Almayer, I was also present when he was promoted to Oberkommandant. He was one of the 2 Admirals to personally put in an oberkommand recommendation for my promotion to Kommandant. This man himself is also renown in the entire Corps as a walking legend, Once watched him kill an entire nest of bugs on some jungle world years ago. He is also the man that taught me how to wield a Mateba, and on an odd note I don't think he is capable of dying and appears to be ethereal and immortal.
Luke Compton - This man is of the same renown as Bill Carson himself. I was an Leutnant for him when he was a Kommandant on the Almayer, and was present for his promotion to Oberkommandant. He too along with Oberkommandant Carson put in oberkommand recommendation for my promotion to Kommandant. He is also a master of the Mateba and I use him as inspirations for my use with it. He instills fear in me with his wrath if I fuck up.
Calie Stahl - A fine german lass. Aryan and beautiful in every sense. She takes care of me no matter where we are. One of my favorite people to speak too. I'd most certainly make her a nice dinner. By the way I still have never had the chance to make her dinner.
Laura Fox - This sweet bubblegum haired girl is often in my company every operation to date. She shows this constant warmth and friendship to me, she is also one of the most deadly snipers we got in the Korps
Tal "Goy Eviscerator" Ravis - My Dynamic Jewish Sidekick. The Nazi Officer with a Jewish second in command? Its a paradox that not even god himself can explain. Is one of the best XO's I've ever had.
Reginald Dempsey - This man is like the distant cousin of Luke Compton. A fellow Kommandant in the Korps with me, I often enjoy good conversation with him. He also shows me new ways to use the Mateba.
Daniel "Jack" Kingfisher - Let me tell you, whatever the Corporate Liason or ARES will tell you, I did NOT have sexual relations with this man.
Alan Jones - This man is one of the most loyal lieutenants that I've ever had the privilege of leading. Fearless and vigilant in his cause. He has a place at my table.
Verena "Whimpsy" Knox - Ah mein fellow countrywomen. I don't think she got rid of the accent when she joined the Korps but that doesn't matter for she is dependable, cute, and funny.
Mortimer - Now Synthetics are not given enough love. Mortimer the butler has proven himself many times be only an asset and NEVER a liability. But we shouldn't talk to him as if hes some sort of object to be thrown around. Hes much more than that. The most polite synthetic this rough Battalion has ever seen.
Chloe - Now its a constant battle between her and Mortimer for my favor. Its quite hard because I can't really pick between the two. Shes quite humorous for a synthetic and shows me respect. Thats not much more a man could ask for from a synthetic.
Edward - Now Edward and I have a wonderful relationship. Robust, Kind, and thoughtful Synthetic. I wish I could take Edward everywhere we go.
Bob Shoe - Heres a marine that your mother doesn't want you hanging out with but god damn is he the finest soldier and brother to have on the battlefield. We once wen't through an entire planet, piss, shit and blood to save Bob out of some bug nest.
Adan 'Digger' Howard - Hes the dad of 2 promising marines, loves coffee and his signature catchphrase. "Hoo Hah".
Vanchenka "Sleepy" Penkina - This marine has shown me something that the Yanks call "Dip". Quite disgusting at first sight but once you've had a taste you can't stop packing hogs. Ye Ye!
Broden Ackers - IT IS I BWODEN WHACKERS. The Whack Attack. The Booty Thwacker. The most dunga marine you'll ever meet. He holds secret cult meetings in maint with cardboard box helmets with Dee. Worshiping action figures they deem to be shrines to "Unga Prime".
Lochlann 'Saint' Healy - An Absolute Unit, Once saw him outsmoke the entire battalion by himself. Literal Lung Cancer, Gott Bless Mein Kameraden. HOO HAH
Sam 'Green' Greene - A Bunga Marine who knows how it is, and how it be like sometimes. A Chad Marine and a respectable one at the very least. Has a large acquisition of the Almayer "Thots".
Jackson 'Shamrock' Dee - The Prophet of Unga. The Slayer of Thots and Juden. The Destroyer of Baldies. Yes you've heard atleast one of these titles before. The man I am describing to you looks exactly like Joseph Murta but hes much different. The Smartgun Extraordinare, Capable of firing 3 bursts with a BC on in -.25 Seconds. Let T1's fear this man for the rest of time.
Callisto 'Tease' Fiore - Its kind of a strange relationship. I trust this marine with everything else, but never trust their gender.
Alice 'Icey' Hekmartyr - Best Medical Professional in the entire Battalion. Could fix a broken leg in under 15 seconds while blindfolded.
John Weasulburg - According to others he is a fine marine. Sadly not enough contact to make a good opinion on him.
Asmodious 'Thor' Smith - The legit realest man there ever was. The most robust man there ever. The most dangerous man there ever was. Local Medic and Specialist.
Audrey Aulin - A very nice redhead who takes very good care of me, I owe her a steak dinner.
Mark Wilson - Good Marine all across the board, I have served with him for a while and can trust him if we get ourselves into the suck. Also a Kommandant so obviously hes quite competent.
Jayne 'Ambulance' Staynemates - We need more medics. Because gott damn shes good.
Verimonia Reyada - Nice Girl, Nice Medic. Not alot of Interactions sadly.
Mikey 'Snatch' Anders - Fucking Commies, But hes alright.
Darius Ico - A Good Squad Leader and a good marine, Excellent Kommandant.
Jackson 'Stiggs' Hopper - Rustic, Rough, and No Nonsense type of man. Trusted to handle even the most rowdy of marines. An Exemplary Commander that this man will make.
Lydia 'Synth' Tournier - Ah Madam Tournier. A fine appreciation of the more finer things in life, like wine. I believe she is engaged in a relationship with a very dashing individual.
Victor Rennem - Frenchman, Disgusting yet so funny at the same time, Oui.
Dolthgar 'Fire' Folk - The Chick Magnet of the Battalion. I think Griggs has him beat in that department however.
Mark 'Echo' Kesserline - Now heres a man who knows what hes worth. He gives orders and takes orders extremely well with no fuss. Not a yes man, he most certainly has morals and a conscience so hes not a god damn synthetic. Also known to be a tactical genius and a strategist. Pretty robust when in the field as well.
Percy "Ocelot" Hunter - Good lad I'd say, Stays true to his word and his duty.
Monday "Scatter" Williams - This is a dependable marine, a good logistics officer and an excellent shipside companion. If something breaks on the ship, you can count on him.
Manley Dawkins - Now heres a true man. Hairy chest and all. Seen him down a keg of beer like a god damn champion, still not sure why he calls me a Nazi.
Rob Kirk - A coniving Corporate Liason but he is very well mannered and extremely polite. Something that isn't prevalant in many Corporate Liasons.
Balto 'Dreg' Crunk - One of the most unothodox Kommandants I've ever worked under...I think hes a pirate? Aside from his odd accent hes quite an intelligent man and has done his duty. Enough to earn my admiration and respect. "ACHTUNG TIS BE YER KOMMANDANT SPEAKIN".
Park So-hee - A korean woman, I can't remember if she said north or south but I don't think that even matters in this year. Shes oddly fit, more muscular than the average male in the Korps. Short hair and this weird beauty to it. She is also one of the few people I'll take an order from without question.
John 'Spartan' Murry - I often wake up from Cryosleep, eat breakfast, get armed and get to the req line. To see John in his underwear screaming for webbing and a machete. I don't even think he knows what a helmet is or what its purpose for. Pretty much Space John Rambo.
Christine 'Rabies' Kennel - This woman is odd but oddly charming in the sense. I can never tell if shes serious or joking. Quality MP from my knowledge, if I were to compare her to something shes like my.....retarded sister?
Tanya "Aegis" Hernandez - This woman is often seen in the red uniform screaming and hugging. I believe her to be mentally unstable but I think she means well.
Olaf 'Viking' Karllson - A loyal and good man, He brings odins fury with him wherever we go and he knows what needs to be done before anyone even asks.
Adan 'Digger' Howard - An interesting man, Has the oddest obsession of Coffee. Also seems to be a big beaurocrat but it doesn't bother me too much. Don't drink anything he hands you however.
Ritona 'Misfit' Sterling - This young women has crimson red hair, is often mute. Very profecient in cargo. Shes also a tactical genius and a good strategist. Known to be a good supporting marine.
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher - The weirdest person I've ever met in my entire career in the Korps.
Taegan 'Mouth' MacCarthy - This man has always been at the forefront of squad leading and has proven to be quite the humourous character indeed.
Tripp Fuzzball - I often wonder if this marine had to sign a waiver to get into the Korps. Hes completely and surely mentally unstable.
Uriel "Whitey" Turner - Truly one of the most robust Squad Leaders we got in the Korps. I hope this man keeps leading marines and he is an honorary staff sergeant whose orders I'd listen to without a second thought.
Nyxia "Bladedancer" Cals - This young girl is just a walking workplace hazard. I don't know how many bladed objects are on her at all times or where she keeps them but it feels like she just....materializes them?
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar - I often wonder how this guy ever got his medical license. I'm pretty sure he has more malpractices on record that Romeo has sexual harassment complains filed on him.
Valentina Garilovich - One of the weirdest female marines I have ever had the pleasure of fighting with. I often find her in the company of Delaney. Perhaps theres more than meets the eye eh?
William 'Jester' Crimson - Straight Edge and puts Duty above all. He is a force to be reckoned with.
Madison 'Spicey' Delaney - A fiesty woman, often seen on the front lines in the most obscure spots. I like her quite a bit.
Kate "Ambush" Wooly - Often seen her carrying around her sacred Janicart. I don't know what she keeps in there, potenationally the codes for the nukes onboard the ship.
Cliff "Chubs" Campbell - He is our resident fat Kommandant, and I will make sure to get him extra kepler crisps.
Apple 'Watts' Briggs - This man is literally with me everywhere we land and hes actually a career marine. Important to the operation I believe, and a general good person. I can't say there has ever been an issue with him ever.
Johann 'Krampus' Klaus - An old war dog who was also in Tienstin, He knows how it is. Hes to the book and I think hes a cousin of my good friend Cassius
Cassius 'Santa' Klaus - When I spent quite a bit of time as Staff Sergeant, this man was often with me. Profecient in leadership and A man steeped in duty and honor. A good friend as well.
Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy - Goliath reminds me of my father, a hard and proud man. He will show you love but with a firm hand.
Simon "ATOM" Sanford - I don't have many interactions with this marine but I have taken a liking him each time we have spoke.
Sally Shears - When I first got transferred over to the Almayer this woman showed me the ropes on some Jungle Planet. Turns out she happens to be a bare knuckle brawler. I don't know what it is about her but she has this odd beauty to her that only a warrior could love.
Charlotte “Fortune” View - A really good medic, takes very good care of me everytime I get wounded in battle.
Duke 'Oddshot' Stroh - One of the more odd marines, I do enjoy his presence as it is refreshing.
Sif Magnus - A good man, knows what hes worth and doesn't ever endanger the operation like some pilots.
Grace Honour - I like Gracie alot. Shes this regular Canadian woman who knows how to keep her figure. Not sure shes a big fan of the constant flirting, shes never had a drink either. Perhaps I should buy her a round sometime.
Sarah Cowart - Shes quite a brute but shes a good friend to have at your side no matter where you are.
Lisa 'Hotshot' Taylor - I am pretty sure her hair is a violation of the USCM Marine law but no MP has the time to cut her absurd amount of hair, the best part is she does it all with a scoped rifle. How does she shoot a 12x scoped anti tank rifle with all that hair?
Sarah Powers - I often have found this woman in the company of Sally Shears. I have also deduced that they might be in a relationship. Either way she is a very nice person who is very polite.
Evelyn 'Hatter' Harlay - She fits the stereotype of a Cowgirl. I often find her presence to be refreshing, I always wondered what Cowgirls in space would be like. Well now I know. Also a blast to have when shes working in the CiC.
Koth Barsik - He is often wroking as my Chief Military Police. I don't know why but he triggers my allergies. I think he is constantly covered in cat hair. Loyal man however and he gets the job done no matter what I throw on his plate.
Aestel 'Rose' Wellick - I've once seen this woman kill 3 alien hunters with just an Orbital beacon on some jungle world. Lets just say she earned my respect and a medal. Also one of the most robust Squad leaders this Korps has to offer.
Jacqeline Finlay - As an MP she once protected me from UPP Kommandos, All with a taser in hand. If that doesn't earn her some respect, I dont know what will.
Masamune 'Nippon' Sanada - I don't know much about this young samurai. But what I do know is he wields his twin machetes with frightening skill. Often uses a flamer and never leaves home without his trusty rising sun headband. I must also respect him for staying true to his warrior code and bushido. But I also despise the japanese for losing the pacific theatre in the second great war. So who knows?
Wolfgang Schnieder - A good german man who appreciates culture and a good beer. Suprisingly one of the few Corporate Liasons I like.
Bex Jackson - Green Hair and doesn't know what the word fear even means. Now this is a marine you want by your side when you hear the order to affix bayonets.
Natalia Quiroga - I have this sudden taste of salsa in my mouth, Shes a bit fiery like my taco sauce.
Rico Bannon - Quite an underrated medic, I just wish he spoke a bit more.
Raz McSky - What do we even say about a man like him, he reminds me of Boomhauer from some TV show these Americans watched centuries ago.
Mudder Plantagranet - Good marine, Good lad.
Hans Meier - A proud German. Doing his part just like the rest of us, quite humorous as well.
Tabatha Ahuva Cody -Despite being a big nosed, I find this jewish marine to be an okay person to speak to. I wouldn't share a souto with him or trust him with my ATM pin.
Jack Knight - Literal the physical manifestation of the word "Shitcurity". Or atleast thats how you feel when he suplexes you into a brig cell, When this man is running the Military Police. It almost feels like hes running the gestapo which as a german I can appreciate but deeply fear at the same time.
Kane Laborde - I don't think I hate this person, I just hate how to the book they are. Sometimes its a nuisance, sometimes its great but most of the time its a nuisance.
Reno 'Weenie' Story - I think hes bald, thats pretty much all there is to him.
Yisrael Uberlange - The big nosed bastard always sticking his nose in my buisness. And I am sick of these documents he keeps asking me to sign.
ARES - My sworn fucking NEMISIS. Consistently undermining me in everything I do. I sometimes wonder if Weyland-Yutani has installed a special shitposting algorithim for it to use against us during operations. God damn Silicon ain't even on the Chain of Command.